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Samantha Steele
The Dirty South    Im Samantha, and I slay demons with my words.
Broken words of rememberance that a poem leaves behind Untimely rhythms growing more useless as days pass by
Nikita Marley
Brooklyn, NYC    Life needs more. More than you, more than me. To show what it wants us to see.
Zoe Lynne
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    A poetpourri history of a journey from naissance to humility, in between the white (s)pacing of poems decorating a life...
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
"I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it." J.D. Salinger
jude rigor
26/F/north carolina    [ prev. pen name: ophelia letourneau ] • queer poet
Atalanta Undigested
There's no two days alike. Pen Name: @CaroPolhamus
Nicole Rountree
Nicole Rountree goes by the Pen of Author Ni'Kay. She attended Norfolk State University and Old Dominion University and got her Doctorate Degree from Nova …
Olga Valerevna
Vladivostok    These words, I need to write them down.
Sean C Johnson
AK    "In the cold dark night of the soul, it's always Three o'clock in the morning." -F Scott Fitzgerald
"I want to write a poem about being swept away in the ocean except everyone else is being moved and I am the tidal wave …
I rap, I write, I rhyme, I do 'em at the same time...
Anne M
"We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken."--John Green
Timothy Brown
27/M/America    Have the courage to speak. I will have the patience to listen.
Lael Kafsky
I write gentle poetry.

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