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  Mar 2019 Genevieve
You’ve taken forever,
A piece of me ,
in your heart’s sleeve;
May it guide you back home,
Pray your just on time,
For what you left me in return,
Colorless leaves my springs.
Thank you.
  Mar 2019 Genevieve
Kobayashi Issa
Don't worry, spiders,
I keep house
  Mar 2019 Genevieve
lena k
you stole my light
when i told you to stop
and you ignored my red light
and kept going
like my body was undiscovered land
and you were a colonizer.
perhaps my asking you to stop
turned you on
made you hungry.
you looked at me with your hungry eyes
like i was fresh meat
for you to take and have for yourself
ignoring my stop signs
because i am nothing more
than an object to you
made for your manipulation and pleasures.
consent is key
Genevieve Mar 2019
dark grey tiles
expanding out forever
and ever into the woods.

dusk shadows fall
onto the trees
which encompass all
traces of night breeze.

from where i sit,
on my blanket,
on the roof,
the skyline- dark and blue-
a wave flooding over my moon.

dark grey tiles
gritty with soot
scratch at my skin
as they pass underfoot.
Genevieve Mar 2019
start at the sun and
wade on down.
when will you run from
the weight of the crown?

start at the moon and
crawl in between
the cracks that were formed
by the gnashing of teeth.

start at your tongue and
pull it on out, it
drops to the floor but
can't make a sound.

keep yourself golden plated,
don't let the love run deep.
if i wake alone tomorrow,
i'll know you never sleep.
  Mar 2019 Genevieve
chad waldrop
So a seed planted
in winter
shall bear no fruit
Neither shall a bear
hibernate in spring.

There must be preparations
along with fruition or
Season's predestination.

After flower has blossomed
it's beauty finally discovered,
plucked from its roots
so snug, so secure.

Seasons change once,
and twice over.
Years to follow

Now stands a new
sprout, rearing it's neck.
Hopeful for tomorrow,
its future bright.

The new sprout turns
into a tree,
teaming with fruit.
All of these new beginnings
plenty of possibilities.

Brought along,
when one fruit
torn from it's branch
was planted in fertile
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