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 Aug 2015 gallivants
LJ Chaplin
They want to see you burn,
They want to trample on
The ashes that fell from
Your skin like it was dirt,
They want to **** the switch,
To blow the fuse in the lights
That shined from your eyes
And pierced all those who
Loved you.

They want to abandon you,
They want to push you out to sea,
With only a single row boat
And a flare that had already been
Used from the one before you,
To cast you out and let the waves
Douse the flames that raged from
Your voice as you cry for help.

They want to see you suffer
So that you realise that you are Stronger than you think,
They want to torture you
To teach you that the raw and
Emotional pain you feel
In your chest is an indication
That you are still alive.

— The End —