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  Sep 2020 Gabriel burnS
Pale-faced beneath twilight’s awning, shadowed time skips
A beat measured in dust motes and attic silence;

Frameless ether holds its breath and portrait likenesses
Swivel eyes right, suspended between the minute and the hour;

In sequence, Whittington’s chiming sepia tones wring out
A tulip of port and one last cigar from drapery long hung;

As floral meanders unwind from a walnut casing
Inlayed with the gamine whimsies of our cherried youth.

‘At the beginning of time the clock struck one
Then dropped the dew and the clock struck two
From the dew grew a tree and the clock struck three
The tree made a door and the clock struck four
Man came alive and the clock struck five
Count not, waste not the years on the clock
Behold I stand at the door and knock.‘
- Eric Lomax
Gabriel burnS Jun 2020
I fell in Fall
And I was lifted, airborne
In winter
To find the warmth of home 
Within my chest,
Lit by her touch of gold
And once you fall for Fall
It feels like flying
In her embrace of amber


Паднах в есента
и бях издигнат, полетял
във зимата
за да намеря топлина на дом
във моите гърди,
запалена от нейното докосване от злато.
А щом по есента си паднеш
чувстваш че летиш
в прегръдката на кехлибара ѝ.


Fall на английски е падане… но също е и синоним за есента…
А есента е влюбване защото да се влюбиш е falling in love - буквално падане и есенуване във любовта…
The note explains the meanings of the word Fall due to the difficulties in translation.
Gabriel burnS May 2020
Autumn leaves
But not her leaves
Where she lies

Beneath the ribs
She roots her trees
Deeper than the skies
And deeper yet
And deeper still
Than the living chains
Of freedom

Perched upon the windowsill
Her eyes tow wings
Whose whispers sing
The name of her reverie
Тръгва есента
Но не и нейните листа
Където е останала

Изпод ребра
Вкоренила дърветата
По-дълбоко от небето
И все повече
И още по-...
От живите вериги
На свободата

Накацали перваза
Очите ѝ теглят крила
Чийто шепот напява
Името на нейния блян
  May 2020 Gabriel burnS
it's a deep blade
buried like a treasure
wade your way through to the heart but
mountains stop you every measure
every way
every chance you get
you take but i can't heal myself today
and i'm sorry
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