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 May 2014 harvey
Ian Cairns
 May 2014 harvey
Ian Cairns
The rhythm wakes up
Underneath the microscope
It regains all hope

The molecules dance
Never stopping the spirit
Provided by us

The dance floor is open
Looking for atoms split in half
Couples jive the runway

In a tiny world
The truth connects through tiptoes
Make every step count
 May 2014 harvey
It feels like having a nightmare
It must be the sweetest daydream
But then, it turns to be a failure,
in the top of the balance beam.

Staying up all night with not so easy stuff
Being with that electric numeric thing without sleeping
Being crazy analyzing
There are loads of question marks everyday in my head.

This is maybe not for me
HE cut me down so I can see
It's not facing an avenue of broken dreams
There is just a time not to hold.

I'm falling but it doesn't mean I will stop trying.
This is one of the special poem I made for myself and for whoever read this. I have this special power called FAITH to continue with my dreams. As the Bible said: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3) Dream big. Let Go[D]
 May 2014 harvey
Elijah Almond
as I hide who I really am
the dance continues


you're on the eyes of everyone around you
 Mar 2014 harvey
Sydney Noxon
A spider’s web,
So beautiful,
So intricate.
A work of art,
Worthy of admiration.

A spider’s web,
So evil,
So restrictive.
A prison,
Worthy of the innocent.

The spider itself,
Running on instinct,
Never realizing how much they torture their victims.
Yet, how enticing they make their webs,
Seduction, trust, desire.
Bugs don’t realize what they’re getting into
Before they get trapped.

Stuck, unable to move, forced into torture.
Abused physically, mentally, forced to love.
But we accept the love we think we deserve.

We deserve this pain, they love us.
Draining the life out of me,
They only do it because they love us.
They don’t mean it.

The bruises on my mind and on my body are love wounds.
My heart only beats for them,
I am loyal to my spider.
He abuses me because he loves me,
Because he doesn't know better.

Then the spider kills its prey,
The truest sign of love.
About abusive relationships.
 Mar 2014 harvey
Catrina Sparrow
i dreamt of bathing
in the condensation pools
left spilling onto car-door handles
by words we half-whispered so many moons ago

i imagine it felt an awful lot
like the way you felt
when you were eight years old
and your mother's minister
lowered your head into that stream

     something you'd thought you'd wanted
until the moment showed it's teeth
 Mar 2014 harvey
Natural Disaster
 Mar 2014 harvey
An earthquake for every single
Time you said "I love you,"
And it went unnoticed.

Is it chronophobia,
Or is it the fear that time will
Run out for us both?
The earthquakes will become
Forest fires and
You will forget me.

I am going crazy imagining
The shape of your lips
When you whimper for me to
Stop the pouring rain.

Shaking fists and broken glass;
I wish you'd lower your voice
And lower your walls before
The wind takes us both.

Sit up straighter, don't let them
Know he took your frame and
Smashed it against the wall.
"I'd calm the storm if I could,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Will your ghost be joining us for
Dinner, or have you finally
Collected your bones from what is
Left of the dining room closet?

Let her voice echo through the halls
Of an abandoned house just to
Remind you of the state
She left you in.
 Mar 2014 harvey
Pushing Daisies
I am by,
Myself again,
Waiting for,
The clock strike.

Talking to,
An empty thread,
A path that's made,
For frostbite.

Frozen drops,
Of morning dew,
A dark force,
That I can't fight.

If you came,
Around again,
Would ice thaw?
It just might.
But Time is a person made concept
 Mar 2014 harvey
 Mar 2014 harvey
I have gnawed your name onto the inside of my cheek
Like carving love notes on willow trees
And I have painted your portrait on the back of my eyelids
Romanticizing the outline of your jaw
Like an artist would his brush
And my skin remembers every brief moment when
Your hand and would brush against mine
Like the leaves on the willow tree
With your name
Carved into
Its bark
 Jul 2013 harvey
we could have
been told not to
mistake people for hospitals
but before we are told
we have often learned
the hard way.

you were the only
asylum i'd commit to
but i am denied
admission or prescriptions
because i'm not good
enough a mess
for you to care;

i couldn't find cures
so now i collect sicknesses;

on all fours
i am asking you
to do me the honor
of being
my flesh-eating

— The End —