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Why did you leave me here all alone
Under the bridge that we called home
I'm tired and hungry, covered with dirt
Every bone in my body hurts
We ran away together
Forever was our plan
I know things were tough
Is that why you ran?
You left me here during the night
I don't understand, I'm so full of fright
I stumble toward the street on a mission for food
That's when I saw the silhouette of you
Your body lay lifeless, you were facing down
A puddle of blood covered the ground
Who do I call
I don't have a phone
I collapse to the ground, one never-ending groan
How I wish I could go back in time
Where you and I still did shine
Now what do I do
Without you
I lay on the ground and cry
For all the lost days and days gone by
Tommorow was the day
Yes I'd be married
My love, my life.
My dear wonderful wife.
Jessica, I have prepared my vows.
"Have you?" She asked with wide glistening eyes.
I thought I felt paradise.
She handed me her vows
And kissed me and I read
"Dear Jaden,
Remember how you tripped the moment you saw me?
I swear I never felt happy anymore in my life.
Remember the chocolates and your bunking classes?
Remember how you broke my window glasses?
Remember the sunset?
Remember us wild?
Remember how we kissed?
Remember how we cried
Oh my selfish selfish self!
I left my family
My room
My mothers touch
And now you are talking about they fit right?
I promise to love you as much as I do today night.
Relieve your pain, fix your tuxedo young man  because, I"ll be the one in white.
 Dec 2014 Diary of the Damned
all of me aches
and I cannot tell
if it is aching for you
or because you are gone.

my eyes sting, my throat burns,
my hands stretch out for a body that is longer there.

I crave you even more now
for I know I cannot have you.
I briefly wonder if you were ever mine,
but the memory of your tears and shuddering breath tell me otherwise.

you wanted this no more than I did
and I do not blame you
nor do I blame myself.

I wish there was a way to feel the warmth of your palms on my cheeks again
and I wish that those who wronged you had never done so
and I wish to hold you in my arms and remember that you are real and that you weren't just a dream.

every inch of me is aching and raw
but the only salves are you
and time.
for the same person, written about 48 hours ago.
So all is none
And none is all
What does that mean for me?
Nothing at all.
Thereby you create meaning
Out of the shrill emptiness of bliss
And through this something
All that is amiss
Nothing could be better
And one day you will see
That nothing is the answer
And that’s alright with me.
I love my life.
All of it.
Every time the sun warms or
Burns; the rain soothes, or
Stings with angry ice; barrel-hot
Buckshot, I
Thank. Thank for the
I love my life.
All of it.

It's an art.
All of it.
Every time the axe rests above
Your neck mid-air,
Wink at the masked one
Holding the handle.
Thank. Thank for the
Swift awakening
Add years to your dreaming.

It's an art.
All of it.

I love you, poet.
All that is you.
You hold an opposing answer
In each hand, commanding
The chooser to hold
Your gaze and keep
The best readings rest between
Every line drawn.

I love you, poet.
It's an art. All that
Is you. **** well
All of it.

Sleep safe.
Add years to your
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