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David Mar 2014
Tripping on small stones,
The path of least resistance,
The path of tangled demise,
They said I was made of monsters,
Because I hid my face from the sun
David Mar 2014
Piano keys clang like breaking swords in dissonance,
Their vibrations transcends my sleep,
I lie awake parading the past in the moonlight,
My shining armor crumbled to rust like dying kingdoms,
All the dragons chased me away,
Because my youth was spent,
I warn you,
There is no hope for a recluse
David Mar 2014
I am lost in these present landscapes,
Born from hands,
Opened above oceans,
Paint on me all these leagues,
My definitions fade among lights and machines,
The Modern Strain,
I close my eyes against it
David Feb 2014
My eyes say to you,
A man crawling with fear,
Who smolders with anger in his bed,
And clenches his regret with fists below the smog,

I know these forms of men,

Drown me with flowers though,
I wish not to see these shades,
Let the waters take me to my island,
Alone in my room,
Hiding like the rest of them
David Feb 2014
Just a bunch of ghosts and scabs,
Walking around,
Taped to one another
David Feb 2014
I was naked,
So I fled,
A curtain of daggers for me,
I decorated my shame,
So that your face would not see me,
Forgive me for the days,
And show me the sun,
I know the Spring will be held held between our hands,
It is freedom,
To share this thing,
You knit together my spirit again
David Feb 2014
Silence has opened it's mouth,
I unfold before it,
Strands come undone,
The story of a man gets swallowed,
The strength of my youth falls with the wind,
A veil takes the stars from me
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