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Sea pearls in my frail hands
Strawberry gold in my glass coffin
Champagne with still sparkle
A sweet love will exist
Obscure graffiti will continue to paint firefly nights
My stained glass eyes would soon be forgotten
Neon ghosts would speak out loud
Wild flowers and moon shadows
Frosty nights, sugar wildflower carnivals with still have rides
Magnolias will shimmer with pride
Some may bleed and go slowly
Watercolors of purple ice will waltz with the honey flies
The winds will bellow with urgency
Draw the curtains of the dark hued winds  
A dusk house of earths yarn
Hanging on by fingertips does not slow the *****
The fog straggles will push and pull
Our stories will remain on the walls
Its not the years its what is left behind
Where all so much more than we know
When that strength begins to fog  
Crackling flowers will adequately grow
Earth will yawn with a calling to come home
So many secrets we are frankly to tired to spill
At times the sweetness and zest is excused
Forest rose shells await
A true beauty of life is found
Death does not strip away your spirit
Honey dew smells invade your nose
Star filled nights may feel like stones in your throat
I see slices of you in the pane of my own essence
I will shield you as you retreat  into the dimness
Sadness has never been so beautiful
Yet so dangerous
I have danced with strangers
To keep warm
Sand and lighthouses  decalcified  me
Frozen from the sea
Repels  me
Winter defrauds me
As wool blankets irate my skin
******* full of milk
Stains of madness making me alive
Snow forms flatly on the surface of the sea
Salt floats burning my skin
Realizing I love some one I never even knew
#Winter Boredom
The devil strikes with animals in his teeth
Stick children fighting and burning
Whiskers like needles
Baby blue robin egg bruises
Twisted and impacted into you
A shaft of sunlight is woven into your hair
Faint whiskey drops stir into the sheets
Bites of needles push and shove me down
You're  a pain that won't go away
Selling blood to ease our pain
Rest now love, I will hold you
I'll clean up the blood
I'm so envious of your veins
I wrap the belt so tight
Winter is a fraud to me
I had no right to love her
Yet when we come together she incites me
As a child she kissed my frost nipped cheeks
Made igloo tears and iced up fuzzes

Then I caught sight of her with make up on her cheeks
She warmed me through and was awe-inspiring
Unbreakable and reassuring like an old friend
We said our farewell for this day  

It seemed as though time scampered away
She distressed me we had a quick chatter then we where on our way

Chilled to my marrow she stayed in the air
Becoming senseless at great lengths  
Beginning to distort my state of mind
I'm brain sick
The sun never seems to shine
Any suggestions it seems undone to me.
*******, I love you
*******,  I don't have the nerve to call
*******, I have nobody to hold me
No **** me
Don't worry about me
I have just enough oxygen left
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