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With the frailty of a butterfly

Books for warmth, fading out like old photographs

Antique white skin

Brassy bloodied cheeks

A swarm of dragonflies laces  my face

Ancestry nightfall, ghosts of the drowned

Faded gnarled patchwork, eating away my  mind

Limbs of the tree growing out of me

Divided from everyone else

Inside the pinwheel blindfolded
Wading through hours and days

A slave to this disease

It's the only one that I breathe
He told me I,  begged for a black eye

I had it coming

It was my Fault

Black eye, broken cheek bone

I'm trash

I volunteer at a shelter home for battered women

It's so ******* clear

Swallow me,  push me down  

I don't care if you can't breathe

You fell  slipped on the cats *****

Lost a tooth

"How dumb can you be not to catch yourself when I push you from behind?"

I want to say I don't have eyes in the back of my head

If I did I would know you where a worthless *******
His Sweet love notes how I love thee. Sweetest guy I have ever been with.
A piece of land.
A dot on paper.
A place on a map.
To do with a finger.

An idea; good or bad.
The tip of a needle.
Boiling or freezing.
A number in a game.

A heading on a compass.
Some never return from there.
A man out front.
Changes happen there.
12 of 29 or more.
Addicted to the memory of you
Telling secrets, hiding them in my lungs
Breathing tides of our love
As my teeth drink the moon
My emotional journey makes me a dreamer
A gypsy soul rations my will
Drinking the universe,  one with nature
Bare feet taken in the earths soil
A desire for freedom
I wish I could just stop breathing
I'm a special girl
You promised not to hurt
As the carpet becomes a wave
My stuffed animals kept me afloat
As I force my eyes shut
Pretending to be anywhere else but here
Counting the thrusts so I know how much longer
Hiding in a box under the blanket of shame  
Questing if the lord will still receive me
A eidolic intuition rummaged through my mind
As they placed the coffin in the living room
The limestone awaited to be inscribed
Let the North wind carry me away
As you visit me in a darkened room
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