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Felix Sladal Aug 2019
The few and far of our not so
        Halcyon days have been lost
                Scattered to the winds
            Swallowed by the earth
Become statues of the streets
             Yet here she stands
                 Strong and tall
  In the meadows of things to come
    She’s climbed mountains upon  
mountains of treacherous learning              
     Swam unblinkingly the never
                Ending rivers of time
           Floated on countless
       clouds of impossibility

    She’s got the moon in her eyes
      A glow that wax’s and wanes
        But can not be snuffed out
           Built to withstand time
             She is the tree that
           refuses to be cut down
        Commanding every space
                      she enters
     Tornado trapped in human flesh
      Voice an avalanche of dreams
                  Broken yet alive
     She’s a weaver making baskets
               from past struggles
      To hold the fruits of the future
                    She’s making it
                 She’s making it
               She’s made it
                                    On the way

                  Through the battle
                       Victorious on the
                                  other side
The forward path holds so much
Aug 2018 · 290
Nights grip
Felix Sladal Aug 2018
Car exhaust clings to the black asphalt in the rain dead of night
Street lamps and red light
Soft glow and crisp air
Building up to be left behind
Curling on it's self
Hauntingly wrapping around my ankles with no grip.
Felix Sladal Aug 2018
The streets are paved with ***** sticky sweet on bare feet
I made Lemy laugh over a light, under the over cast sky
Broken bones stab through coble stone scales towers old as time
Where's the crime?
Ha, cops don't have guns if you can out run them your in the clear

I’ll drag those cases, it pays yah.
Felix Sladal Sep 2017
I see your ghost everywhere
The ghost of who you once were
Before all the **** went down in your brain
The beauty that flowed from you till you woke up from the dream that was your life
That dream shattered right out
Right out from under you
Made you want to forget
Forget who you were
All brought for nought
Fragments still rattle
Behind your eyes

Those candy rock promises someone whispered in the night
Lost that luster, didn't they?
Couldn't find the silver lining?
What was once radiant phosphorescence
Became gangrenous and insipid
Leaving a malodorous taste
Stagnant in your mouth
The feast turned to crumbs left for the rats under your skin
You become to stately for our  unostentatious life
Now you've painted the Petunia's colors of your choice
Rearranged your furniture
To play at being all grown-up

Bit of turpentine blotted on the canvas might smear the lines
But that won't erase your past
Your fingerprints are etched into
Every discarded can of spray paint
Lips carved into the pores of to much skin
You'll slice them off to get rid of the feelling
Keep up your newly minted fascade
That caused you such strife
To grow in the petri dish
Under your mothers sink
While you tryed to burn your
Bridges to ashes
Ashes embedded forevermore under your fingernails

Now you linger in ghosts
Haunting cities you've never been to
Places you're naught to see
In them breathes a
Chilly air wishing to keep you alive
Felix Sladal Aug 2017
Sew your ideals behind your ear and stitch your wishes above your heart
Beware you'll never get what you want
The flames will blow out before the candles even lit
Hold on my friend your speeding towards a deadend
Light always casts shadows but shadows never see the light
Choking on pride because it's to hard to swallow gets you nowhere fast
Open your lungs
Cool your flustered cheeks
If you rant till your lips are numb the things worth hearing flutter out mute
Swallow your swollen pride
For it has not a use but to bruise the inflated ego

Walking handstands on raw palms while longing for a spotlight that has been burned out for years
Apr 2017 · 395
Bus life blues
Felix Sladal Apr 2017
Dusk glow illuminates the skeletons in the belly of this hydraulic whale of a robot.
There has been a rhythmic squeak
drilling into my brain non stop these past five hours. Oh mercy me I would **** for some oil.
April 2016
Felix Sladal Apr 2017
Yawning mouth of the city beckons
Glittering jagged teeth tearing into
Passing souls
Walking on slick black tounges
Sand beaten breath fogs windowed eyes
The beast we come to love
Even as we live incased in it's cavities
The plaque in the grime of eroding gums

When did you last brush your teeth
Your buildings, starting to turn gray
Your tongue a tad flavorless
Do you grow old, fat, and tired?
Or is that just us?

Changes float on the breeze so subtle
You'd never see them unless you left
People slowly turning to dust
Blowing away
But everything still stands
As if nothing ever happened
We live our lives in nooks and crannies
Ghosts pressed between the glass
Tiptoeing enamel streets

Plush gold chairs and minty fresh
Oh peppermint fresh
Rain trickled saliva slips over your
swinging silk face
Breath, taunting tints of lavender
Your back is straight
Stressed crowsfeet pupils shine
Wake up tomorrow to find today
Your eyes are brown but green
Your mouth is wide but tight
Your grin not as cheap as the others

Everyone starts to bleed together
All traits the same
So very different
You weren't drinking mint
Nor lavender
Freeze frame in memory
Pick and choose what we see today
Who to be yesterday
Next week pickle plum I'll jump through a fire just to feel me, feel you

We're running from something
Day to day
Feels like time, might be ourselves
Your shoulders are curved, the slightest of slouches
Your eyes are oh so green and teeth so straight
Thin lips and a long face
Once opon a time I almost knew you
But not today not ever
Self chained straining towards freedom
But happiness wrinkles you cheeks
Self imprisonment won't bruise the will
Don't listen to me, your far more free than I'll ever be
Whistle to the stars
Shrug your shoulder at life's questions
Look it in the eyes with your peridot irises, tell it you've got this
I wish I know what you were drinking
Rainwater and honey

Your eyes are weary brown
Rosy cheeks blush on bronze
Hair shifts to straw spun gold
You haven't aged but I feel so old
Going places while I stand still
Doesn't feel the reverse though that's the truth, if only in theory
You paint life, I paint paper
I maybe younger but I'm wilting faster.
Is it wrong that I wanted to kiss you
For a millisecond and no more
Atune to a time warp lost in free space

Green eyes Brown
Rigged lines graceful limbs
I'm a overcooked noodle
With a halfcooked plot
And everyone seem so put together
I'll poor the pesto on myself and call
me done.
Eugene OR some time near me birthday 2016
Felix Sladal Apr 2017
As you give me the push I find the fall not that tragic
For death does not come from a rubber noose two feet longer then the gallows

We built our homes on stilts to the clouds but found ourselves chipping away at the foundation of our dreams.
Till the flooding river of anxiety at our feet swept us far from ourselves
Breathing in the water of hostile thoughts and scared insufficiently. 
Rectify ourselves still living upon the tower of silence just for the exhibitionist thrill.

The black knight and the hangsman
Dancing the century old waltz
Is the noose tied around your neck or mine?
8 2015
Felix Sladal Apr 2017
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Wollowing in my self depravity while stumbling through my preconceived notions of adulthood.

Although an astronaut eating bagels somewhere near Jupiter sounds pretty wicked.

P.S They'd be New York bagels the only real bagels. Or the jalapeno cheese ones from "insert chain store here" because the west coast rots your taste buds clean off.

P.P.S It's in the water or so I'm told, NYC bagels that is.

Post Post Post Script this is why I get nowhere in life.
South Dakota 2016
Mar 2017 · 580
Loath For The Soul Sucking.
Felix Sladal Mar 2017
Hardwood floor pushes pressure points into the meat hanging off the bones of ribs and hips
Lifelessly staring over head, the false elagant propeller twirls
Attempting to make this over priced shoebox seem exqusite
Tassles on a silicone breast, spinning as the cockroaches crawl up my back
Gag on this sick joke, you gladly will
Is this the pipe dream, perfumed reality masking societies sweat
All that the populous aims for?
A self depreciating laugh


Raw eardrums are about to burst
Tearing into nothing, twisted words set off burning fireworks
Death rage fights, moronic blame, victims in our own heads only we're right
Neither could we ever be wrong, just wronged we make ourselves the prey
Fire in the vains over wet brained illusions, stories made up on the spot
Enshrining the chip on that shoulder

I Hate

City teeth a chalk smile, missing a canine seems all more harmlessly passive, the defanged vampire
The beast lays in wait licking it's chops thirsty for all it can take
Bare your thoat be the willing meal
Let it **** you dry, why not?

I Hate This

Fret and flutter running loose on a lost dime
Calm, cool, collected, yeah right
Lies, storming rage under too thin skin till it bursts at the seams
Lava pouring till everything's gone
"Life's what you make it"
Spoon fed hogwash to make us feel it's our fault where we end up
Dreams held in front of our faces
Treats on a stick, can't reach it but it keeps you going
Till legs break, lungs cave, and your will is snuffed gone to the gutter.

I hate this ****

I think bugs are creeping around in my pores, in the stitching of my clothing, each individual focal of hair, running rampage in the creases of my frontal lobe.

**** I Hate This ****
Bronx, NY
Feb 2017 · 613
Kneeling Nun.
Felix Sladal Feb 2017
You're beautiful

Her heart leaked though sweat soaked pores hardening into
black fragmented biotite to hold her in the prison of her own piousness

Feldspar crystal kneecaps vine intertwining into the lost rock city
Rita was your lascivious sin worth stitching your soul with
Zizyphus Spina Christi to the barren waste lands of your repentance

He kissed you while standing in death's door with sickened veins
You grasped hold and pulled him back from the shadows of the valley
He loved you by the alter of your Father as you bled your tongue in silence

You vowed to lay with no other man than Him almighty
But your vow broke like straw in the sweet summer heat
Now your head remains bowed waiting for your soft breeze of forgiveness

As the ground shifts, as the wind blows
Your body shudders, slipping fragments of your nose, ears, arms, feet, *******, eyes, and fingers slide from you
As your lips crumble to rest upon your thigh
You cry out, vibrations leading to your demise.

Screaming for the ones who have forsaken, weeping for Him who has smited you by turning your soul to stone.

Though it all with in your eternal poignancy, and never ending rage

You're still magnificent.
I don't believe that shall come to pass.
Perpetually unfinished, 2014
Feb 2017 · 383
Was it a left or a right?
Felix Sladal Feb 2017
Floating face down in my vocal ***** of regurgitated euphemisms
Trying to shoot the minds eye just to get away from myself
Running fast and far past cobwebs of unused thought
Only to come face to face with every shadow I've ever been
I've only a pair of fists and the little bit of light left in my eyes
They have bats made of all the secrets I've hidden from myself.
Saying I should become them all over again
To loose the ground on which I stand
July 2014

Likely unfinished.
Jul 2016 · 471
Legacies of old
Felix Sladal Jul 2016
Chickens with our heads cut off we are our parents children.
Lost boys and girls don't understand murmurs from those before them
Nonexistent words of warning

Always falling into the potholes their predecessors heels dug out.
Stumbling over obstacles haphazardly left behind.
There's a light, but how can we see it if we were born blind

Painted pictures line the walls of our minds, corroded and mildewing on the edges
Obsolete to the circumstance in which we stand.
All arrows pointed down a dead end street.

Caught in a time loop till we peel back our eyes
Leaning how to see something other then what we choose
California, June
Most likely unfinished.
Felix Sladal Jul 2016
Swimming clouds in a velvet mind
Float hazy on the world your not what
Meets the eye
**** I'm high on cotton webs wraped around my toes
Spiders digging their tiny feet into my scalp
Anvels sink anchor from the paddle boats of my eyelashes
My brain I can't fish for the answers anymore
Jaded echoes hum on my skin
Playing crazy eights with my soul
Can you read my lips?
Choking on my tongue with words
I won't say
Who is the boatman
I want to sit in the snow
Get lost
I'm already lost in myself
I miss you
Don't know if I know you anymore

A slice of your soul lives in my spine
But I can't remember the shape of your hands
Unfinished, California, December, 15.
Felix Sladal Jul 2016
Her sigh rang out
While the sky turned grey
One by one the clouds dropped
Oversized cottenballs
Kissing her face
She stood there as it washed over her
So what if the sky is falling
When she has nowhere
Left to go
Held her hand in the moonlight
In the morning she was gone
Stand still, tomorrow will be gone
Her along with it
Goodbye woman of the clouds
I hope you find someplace to hide
The ground shall never be as forgiving
As the sky
Oregon, February.
Felix Sladal Jul 2016
Not all destruction happens with quickness, explosions, proverbial volcanos, and the such
Sometimes the sky falling to rest at your feet never thinks to make a sound.
Threads slowly being strained at the seams till they burst.
Stone cathedrals eroding as waves  lick  time into the sea.
Rain drips crashing through a spiders web silent as a whisper.
South Dakota. May.
Felix Sladal Jul 2016
There is a beauty to be found even under the most dismal of rocks

He stands right as rain on the towers of the chapel of decadence
Light wit and snarky tooth

Bright eyes yet to be bleached by life
His father did not rip out his soul
Its seen in the up curl of his lip

By his age his sire had already drown
Spitting up saltwater on the daily
His insides rotting with regrowth
That was destined to wither and die

But the sons foliage a tree well watered sense sowed
Raident blossoms and deep roots
Stands tall strong against the wind
December california
Felix Sladal Jul 2016
We are but a grain of sand passing through the hour glass of infinity.
A blip on the radar, the floaters on the eyes of earth.
If someone happens to be extremely lucky, maybe the missing puzzlepiece to a bigger picture.
But being a legend doesn't mean you
still live.
The incects on the windshield, hold no more importance then those caught by a hand.

We hold ourselves so high though in the long run we all fade.
Some shooting stars, others a ink smudge on a letter to a loved one,
And a few the coffee stain on the kitchen counter that never goes away.
Idaho, April.
Jul 2016 · 482
Let the dagger fall
Felix Sladal Jul 2016
He stood there in the rain far away from himself
Cold dead hands gripped the railing
Blood raw knuckles
For fear of letting go
Would open chances of falling
Tumbling down the corridor of himself
Repeating the loop once again

So he ran swallowed in puddles
Of past sin
He ran from himself
Everyone he's ever been
Or ever will be

If you forget who you are
You cease to exist
Were you ever there before
Or just figment of our imaginations

Blood raw knuckled
Hollow cheeks
And muddy souls
Wake up tomorrow
As someone new

Lose the need to run from yourself
Yesterday's always on your heels
Till tomorrow will not come
Jul 2016 · 426
Schrodinger misstep
Felix Sladal Jul 2016
That earth shattering moment when you anticipate one more step ascending a staircase.
A moment we've all encountered, everything stills but for the rapid beating of your heart.
Overwelmed with blank fear of vertigo, and for a second of eternity space and time go black.
The world caving into the point of a needle sewing your mouth shut.
Pure uninhibited panic.

Then just as suddenly your catapulted rapid fire to the half dazed dream that is reality.
With the hyperaware realization that the smallest sliver of your soul has been shaved away.
To rest in the cracks of your recklessness a reminder of the folly in miscalculation.

One of the many moments we leave scraps of ourselves in the hinges
That make up the film reel of existence.
South Dakota, May.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Calochortus Elegans
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Are you the ***** with the golden crown?
Drinking gillyflowers through grubby buttonholes

Or a purple dusted poet riding a trail of shooting stars?
Writing of sweet Persephone’s tears filling up Zeu’s little cup

The springtime blue knight bidding his Lady not forget him?
Whilst being swept away to his bier of waterlilys

Come now Johnny jump up and trade in your pretty pansies for pennys
Idaho, March, 14
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Found a grain of salt masquerading as love cut like a diamond
Twinkling in the midnight ruff of ponderosa sawdust eyes

It danced a fox-trot to coral lips slipping shadow puppet promises
I stole it from them and stashed it in my pocket to keep it safe

When I went to give it back all I found was salt stained lint
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Dogs chained to a fence gather blood-lust to rip out your throat
Foaming at the mouth saliva dripping down the jowls of slit-wrist tension

Quaking carpal tunnel to quivering finger bones
slipknots cut off air the deeper we dig


Our overpowering righteousness sinks the shovel *down
Detroit, Michigan, aprilish mayish
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Adderall tears burn red lines down my face
Heart stampeding over my cracked ribs
The earth stutters a tipsy beat

As I shake on a train to no mans land
Orange eyes watching green lights zooming past
Living life as a watercolor stain seeping through ***** newspaper

Whoever you are I miss you
Somewhere between Chicago to Detroit,April.
Jul 2014 · 744
No refund tickets
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Hot headed demons pop out over petty problems
Screaming cry wolf blues to any closed ear
Hoping to make points of promise sing true

While the slough of insecurities doe’s handstands
On electrical-wire to prove their flip-jacked plight

Kiss the bottle to make the world spin straight
Close your eyes but it’ll all be the same

Thinly veiled faces missing disgrace wildly flail
As the spectacle of a high-top shitshow hits the stage

Crying crocodile tears as if in a macabre fanfare
Swan Lake on ice with a blade in the eye
Somewhere in Nevada
Jul 2014 · 408
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Have you noticed the sculpture cut of bricks framed in your shadows
Watching you destroy yourself watching her glass eyes

With her fingers in your heart she loves you

She’s your strangling Jenny wrapping around your throat
Your the Rose digging it’s thorns into her *******.
Idaho, January.
Jul 2014 · 394
Tell Me
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
You love looking in the mirror hating what you see
If you plug your nose before you go under the decay might stay

I promise

Do you keep your skeletons on hangers behind closed doors?
Or put them in sundresses and take them to tea?

Did you paint on your smile this morning by biting you lip?
And how many teeth did you swallow too grow back your spine?

Is the only thing keeping you from falling through your trap

A gossamer in your jaw?
Jul 2014 · 815
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Abortifacient corrupted water an insects legs making waves
Curtains of androgyny tie their bows around stifled faces

While blades of grass make fantastic *******
Up rolling hills toward a forest of ivory condescendingly proud

With taunting whispers

The bone white limbs casting divination wistful for panacea
In the chipped teeth sinking into rotting roots of futures unseen

Mistaking aphrodisiac for apotrophic In the ithyphallic decoction
Of anthropomorphic rhizomes peelling in substitute dreams
Jul 2014 · 1.6k
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Stained glass tulips sprouting from workout leather suitcases
Growing in the rich soil of stowed away hearts and saved happiness

Tucked in a corner waiting too be remembered

As stuffy record players hiss out a melancholy tune
For the waltzing skin particles of another life time
Jul 2014 · 998
For the forgotten woman.
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
She’s a tragic prodigy of her time, hammered nails and spring posies
Playing peek-a-boo to keep the cards from running out
Beautifully highstrung forming charts out of tomorrow

Ghosting sunsets waking up with clubs and spades
What is the the horizon but a roll of the dice, 1’s and 5’s

She’s cloaked with grey roses spun out of lace

Stars tell the future reflected in the dewdrops resting on her pillow
Fashionably awkward and impeccably immaculate

Swansong embodied
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
How did you ever get so awkward?

Were you born with your heart on the tip of your tongue
Or did someone force it there in some unseen undercover operation

Your eyes screamed River Styx swimming in fields of poppy petals
It smells like rainy fear and I want to hate you dear

I’ve been running in circles from you for so long
Stupidly hoping that if I pretend hard enough you’ll be around the corner

But your constructed out of tissue paper destined for the sun
I burned every bridge snipped all the ties

Time to rebuild, knot up and say goodbye
No matter what you’ll be three blocks ahead tripping over your smirk

Sailing away on a raft of pine needles and misplaced chances
I’d be lying to myself if I said I wouldn’t put out my eyes

Just too grab your hand and float away, sometimes

But I’ll stay here rooted to the spot holding forgotten dreams
Knitting an unforeseeable future out of rough starts

With a promise of a swift kick in the seat of your pants upon yesterday

      “Did you know dumpsters hold more gold than all the banks in the world, you get to sift through all the treasures people couldn't bare too remember. And **** if that isn't an amazing prize”
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Drinking hollow words from a hollow cup

You call me a cynic though I’m not arguing whether the glass is half full
Just pointing out not all the contents happen to be water

Giving the sword hilt first to my shadow only triumphs in gutting myself
Feeling a tad bit like Tantalus constantly grasping at straws
Always coming up short but never able to go under

Venture that fruit tingles the tongue bitter-sweet
Going in blind’s my stumbling block speak first think last

Clumsily running into walls because what’s two inches behind my heels
Is far more important than five feet from my face
Crafting kingdoms out of rock slides just to watch them crumble

Trying to head away with the fairies but too painfully observant
To drift away with the clouds but too easily swept afoot

Blisteringly blunt my mouth knows nothing but forward stutter
Spitting venom’s second nature but it burns just as bad when swallowed
Agonizingly apologetic knowing what I mean can’t cut the haze

The pesky smokescreen that conceals the landmines scattered
Always two steps ahead one step back
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Be careful little one

You have the frozen globe of existence at your Fingertips
Marking Tracing Melting  oh so slowly much too fast

Diligently your dead eyes glance gracefully into infinite bright spotlights
Your fragile razor-edged smile’s tearing the corners of your lips

Insecurely holding yourself excruciatingly precise

Marking repugnant lines down your too young face
Spine’s held ram-rod straight pretending to keep your world afloat on a

Butterflies listless fluttering wings

The tiniest misstep reverberating inside your hollowed breastbone

In.. InIn…. Inconspicuous

Comparable in the manner of a lamp bumping the floor two houses up
Breath hitched tattooed pulse brings life to your porcelain pores

Tip-toeing on egg-shells of yearning aspiration

Flinching at the cold intangible fear that’s grabbed your hand
Makes you come to life a stones throw too freedom
Diamonds ruthlessly rip into soles and ****** toes imprisoned in silk

Wine stained lips sneer at rows of red velvet

They grasp everything you've strove for, they are the power
Passion, adrenaline, up most urgency sweeping you away

The most elegant anguish rushes out forming awestruck wild abandon
Waiting your whole life for this moment boiling down to now

Day after day year after year

Pupils blown wide it’s do or die spread your arms and take your bow
Self-loathing narcissist

You only dance as if the the sky is falling when you feel all is beyond repair

Never have you been more *beautiful
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
I once knew a girl with hair the color of oxidized bronze
We rowed in flimsy boats made of ***** newspaper
Sticky-glued together with stories of better days
Paddling upstream against the current of denial
With oars whittled from promises of brighter tomorrows

She always smiled like sunshine cutting across a storm
Laughter doves slipping from her lips
We’d hide satin rapped secrets in the trunks of apple trees
Out of the way for the prying eyes of adults

Believed if we grinned wide enough laughed hard enough
All would be forgotten swept away with the breeze
She did everything best even when she didn't want to

Push forward wanting to pull back


In my minds eye she’s a ballet dancer
Bourréeing, pirouetteing around the demolished dreams
Fragmented mirrors her mother dumped at her feet
Imprisoned in ribbons stronger then steel


We had a refuge none knew of “off limits” “sanctuary” “ours”
Six feet by four rusty tin protruding from the cliff magic carpet
Snaking river far-flung below our feet bubbling oh so softly
We’d sit there in robed silence like queens on a throne

Getting ready to walk a gilded tightrope, grasp at a rainbow
One will ask the other baited breath “Do you want to fly today”
Small faltering whisper replies “Tomorrow sounds better”

Holding onto the edge of the world just to see whats on the other side

Maybe tomorrow we fall
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Smoke slinking passed my lips curving upwards settling flush upon cream
Small fragmented gasps slit my throat hanging in the air fresh shame
Heat curling in my ribs red hot iron ore sliding down shaky thighs
If eyes are closed time will freeze floating on a lake of never
Sweet nothings hold nothing
Breath wheezing out like ash
Lost in humble words a fog lingering over broken glass
Pretty little yellow flowers harbor deep dark secrets
Missing puzzle pieces frayed beyond repair
Lost within the calluses of my heels
Jul 2014 · 524
I'm here to help
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
I thought of a man today
That writes cardboard poems
Under half-lit street lights

Flattens Lincolns on the railroad tracks
Graced with particleboard mornings
Tosses them in copper bowls brimming brightly

Take one leave one take one leave yourself
Some day you’ll find you
He grins like a fox


Everyone thinks he might be a tip to lunacy
But it’s just a grand ragged show with no frills barred
The circus in his head badly played out with a touch of brilliance

Glint in his eyes speaks louder then the jaunty bramble his tongue leaks
Haunting cobblestone corners, seashell filled shadows
Hollow footfall scatters the pavement people blindly following busy lives  

Will never see what’s hidden under upturned chins

Meanings misplaced slipping from fingers with no idea what’s being lost
Fantastic like the soft clink of a penny hitting the sidewalk face up
Jul 2014 · 416
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Nothing tastes sweeter than freshly fallen snow
Numb fingers twisting, pulling, lacing, tugging
At your ropes tying knots in your stomach

Tangled cords pulling you toward open air

Nothing feels freer than diving face first into the sea white banks
Clammy hands grip your ankles ghosting up your thighs
Hang on hang on hang up your coat

Let the cold burn
Icicles searing into your biceps itching urging drawing you close
There is nothing like standing in a field and feeling

Snowflakes hitting your nose

Your lungs feel crisp your drowning on oxygen that’s too rich
Shaking, shuddering, freezing, shivering, quaking, trembling
With a sneeze you’ve never felt more alive
Jul 2014 · 550
Makings of a garage floor
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
Not just once have I heard that I collect grime like a magnet
Sludge under fingernails, orange tint nicotine stains lips
Inside of middle and pointer hold that same glow
Spilt milk on my pants from last week or maybe this morning

Fresh from the shower but still ash dusts my eyelashes
There’s a smudge of something still on my cheek
The water was brown as always
Tar rivets sliding from my scalp swirling with the swamp at my feet

One day coal powdering my cheekbones like a fine blush
Another it’ll be cooking grease a far too heavy foundation
Tea coated knuckles, paint specked elbows, soot circled brow
Globs of possibly unknown mysteries cling to my knees

Looking at the soles of my heels black and shining as obsidian
Flaking oil, rust, congealed  whatnot seeped into my pores
As it will always be
Jul 2014 · 367
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
I can’t tell if crickets are the bell ringers of hell
Or the harps of heaven
With disdain I feel like writing  poems
But as a little girl I made a vow
Never to do such a thing
Illinois,  summer of 13
Jul 2014 · 867
Sprinklers don't wash you
Felix Sladal Jul 2014
I wake from a false-flashed recurring dream
Flushed stuttering soaked in cold sweat
Heart beating out a old bent out of tune rhythm
Shimmers of hope dripping from my fingertips
As salt fades in time down the lines of my cheekbone
Looking at the crescents in my fluttering palms
Feeling the bleached light filter past my corneas  
Gasping out struck by the wonder
Will this ever cease to be?

— The End —