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I want to go back to Cancun
with my feet gliding
across the cool white sand
and the salty ocean water
cleaning my wounds and shoving itself
down my throat

When it was pouring at 4 am
and we stood in the hut
watching the turtles lay their eggs
as the gods cried in pain

I want to be that young and carefree
when I wouldn't notice my weight
the number of friends I had
and my whole life wouldn't rest on one letter
Nowadays, I'm a numb kind of happy
is that really so hard?
all i asked for
was a fake grin
and to feel like a queen for the day.

my mouth is sore
from whispering
the words i wanted to hear from you

The nights i prayed
for the letter today
because the few people I wanted to be happy for me
are the only people who

I guess good things can't go on forever
Today was supposed to be my day.
The sublime times
We would climb
Just to sled down
On trashcan lids.

We were kids
And we were poor,
But we never wanted anything
Just more time to continue the fun.

I seep those memories in my sleep.
I miss when dreams
Were within arms reach.
All we yearned for was the presence of each other.
I was your friend.
You were my brother.
I've got a broken heart
that will never be the same I promise you.
Every night I see you in my dreams.
A piece of me is gone
it fell down to oblivion.
I don'tΒ know if I'll make itΒ alone,


A piece of a song I did for Karla Brada, a childhood friend who was murdered in 2011.

(Listen to this song here)

on the count of three
we close our eyes
we hold out breath
we link our arms
and JUMP
into the sunshine
and the cold clear water
From the rays that shine
upon my back
and the babbling brooks
and twittering blue jays

The Morning Glories rustle pleasantly
at the touch of affection
and their lips part slowly
to the taste of hope

How the light breeze
flows through every strand of her fire hair
and electricity pulses beneath our feet

Memories of the springtime
waft around
in a smoky haze
as I exhale back to reality
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