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As flowers grow embracing spring
And wild birds gather to happily sing
Amongst the new branch upon the tree
How wonderful

If we have the eyes to see

As the sun begins to shine once more
As its done so many times before
And daffodils carpet natures floor
So beautiful

If we have the eyes to see

New life inspiring hope instilled
Into the hearts of the unfulfilled
Blue sky's whispering
Look at me

If only we have the eyes to see
If you were a book
I would stay up all night
Feverishly flipping pages
Soaking up every single syllable
To know your ending

If you were a tropical island
I would explore your lush, secret interior
Spending long, lazy afternoons naked
Sun drunk on your shores

If you were a ***** joke
I would throw my cackles to the ceiling
Careful to not burst windows
Making sure to retell you often
Your punch line only gets better

If you were a roller coaster
I would wait in line for half the day
Just to be caressed by your safety harness soaked in other's sweat
Not to mention your talent with G-spots, I mean forces

If you were early morning
I would brew you strong and extra hot
Sipping cautiously at your porcelain edges
Watching blue smoke lazily curl
Then taking deep gulps as you cool
Buzzed on you til the afternoon

If you were mine
I would fill up your long dried and crusted ink wells
Encourage your laughter to come out to play
But above all
I would love you. Madly.
The bite of love may be painful* however, the kiss is so incredibly sweet. In the end, shouldn't that be what we focus on?
So much depends upon
The strength of that boy
That gangling brown haired boy
Who may be skin and bone
But somehow manages
To carry around the weight of loving me
Every day
And to have my burdens and baggage
On his back
But I'm scared that someday
His strength will fail him
And he'll be crushed
And I'll have been the undoing
Of the one person
I never wanted to see hurt

So much depends upon
The patience of that boy
That boy who is usually go go go
But for some reason slows down
And waits for me to catch up
And can always tell when something's wrong
And always cares
And listens to me complain
But I'm scared that someday
His patience will have run dry
And he'll take off running on his own
Because I held him back

So much depends upon
The blindness of that boy
Who is the smartest person I know
But was stupid enough
To fall in love with me
And I know it's selfish of me
But I wouldn't mind
If his love was unending
But I'm scared that someday
His blindness will dissolve
And he'll realize he deserves better
And the only person holding me together
Will hate me
As much as I hate myself
I was reading The Fault In Our Stars and the poem the red wheelbarrow is in it and it inspired me.
You answered just a little too fast.
It surprised me.
I haven't seen you in about a year,
And I am realizing I've missed you.
It surprised me.
The last time I saw you,
And the time before that,
You were intoxicated.
It surprised me.
I haven't seen you in about a year,
And I am realizing what you are to me.
It surprised me.
You are a dress without hems or seams.
I hardly know you but you are beautiful.
You are the bullet in the rotating cylinder of the gun to my head.
You dig through my skull and explode my amygdala.
And force me to love you.
You are the jam in the barrel as I pull the trigger.
I fell to the ground in realization:
You both killed me and saved me.
It surprised me.
Follow me on Twitter: @laniate

I think you're beautiful
Your curvy body
The body I want to touch so gently
You hate your curves
The curves I love so much

I love your face
Even with all the blemishes
Your face is so beautiful
But you hate your face because of the blemishes

I love your **** and hips
Because they're a part of you
You hate them, but I don't know why
Sometimes I wish I could hug and kiss you so much that you wouldn't hate yourself anymore

Where you hate yourself I love
Where you love yourself I love even more

I see your beauty
Why can't you?

I guess I am the beholder of your beauty

You are the beauty in my eye of the beholder
This is about a girl I have a crush on. Her name is Mackenzie. Haven't seen her in about two months. Whenever I think of her I think about how beautiful she is and how she doesn't believe it. She hates her body, but I love her body. Sometimes I feel like holding her till she does believe it when I think of her. I want to be her friend if I can't be more than that with her. She doesn't know how beautiful she is.
God she's so beautiful it almost hurts to think about her sometimes.
When they're at their peek of brightness

She ties ribbons around the stars

She's been told by some, they like this

Highlighting who it is they are

Outside she spends her evenings

At the edge of her front yard

Reaching into the constellations

Tying ribbons around the stars
We are the stars*
       stolen from the sky.
We owe to hide
       but we choose
       to *shine
People are razor sharp.
They ask and beg
and want and plead
until you are nothing but
shavings of a soul you once had.
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