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 Jul 2019 cleann98
lol a poem about a cat
I thought I could cross
this cracked expansion
and I’m sick and tired
of hiding all of me from you~

or so that song goes
listening to AFI on a walk
I keep crawling back
to catch your shadow
gangling at the window
your black face
and nose of pink
all awkward and scrunched
yet as I approached
you rub against my leg
and stretch in ecstasy
dry wild grass or powdered snow
shadowed forever
in my memory
 Jul 2019 cleann98
 Jul 2019 cleann98
If you're gonna love me
you gotta love all of me
and if you're gonna leave me
you gotta leave all of me
right there I coulda sworn
I saw you fly out the window
over the balustrade, your feathers
left all over the couch
takes a dream to stream all the rivers
of bad luck and the grief
stretching our limbs out in the water
but i can't for the life of me
these greenstick, grief stricken lies
keep me awake for night
that you somehow had the brief
patience to handle a fraction
of me and I don't blame you at all
 Jul 2019 cleann98
txt below
they still shootin’ errybody out there
ripped and ****** gushed
black woman pregnant shot in the belly
then blame her for fightin
with the poor white defenseless neighbor
only in Alabama, yo, that racist
yellow burning state

i flick a cigarette on the floor
light the moment up
close reddit’s news tab
and walk away silently
 Jul 2019 cleann98
txt below
ye, changing sparks of color
- the sea is stained like your eyes
tears, of sunset, of desire, of gold
i'm coming to terms good things
fall apart, past days echo
 May 2019 cleann98
To call you Love
would be an understatement.

You are a brand new dictionary
brought into the world of an overly confident writer
to humble herself.
You’ve redefined all of the words
I thought I knew the meanings of.
Now— all that I’ve written and will write
cease to be enough.

You are a revolutionary interpreter,
decoding words with the slightest of your touch.
“Trust”, a foreign concept to me,
has now become tangible—
your hands are trust.
Comfort has become your arms.
Warmth, your embrace.
And beauty, supposedly subjective,
has turned apparent, obvious
in every curve and softness of your face,

To call you Love
would be an understatement.
You are more than Love—
You are as you are.
to 100 days together
 Apr 2019 cleann98
 Apr 2019 cleann98
I gave you my heart,        
right from the start.
You gave it away,          
the very next day.
I should’ve listened to my mind,
just leave you behind.
Turn and walk away,
the first time you asked me to stay.
Should’ve listened to my gut,
and kept my mouth shut.
Should’ve could’ve would’ve but I didn’t...
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