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2.4k · Feb 2015
Fabiola Martinez Feb 2015
Maybe he was not good enough for me,  
Maybe I was a loser to believe he had feelings for me,
Maybe it was just a horrible game that neither of us know,
Maybe we both thought it was a kind of sentimental meaning furthermore nothing,  
Maybe just dreaming its good enough for us
859 · Feb 2015
Fabiola Martinez Feb 2015
Life is not easy,  
Life is not harder,
You can't live without it,
Without being a warrior.
405 · Feb 2015
Fabiola Martinez Feb 2015
You were my love,
You were my life,
You just were something that ruin my life.
383 · Feb 2015
Fabiola Martinez Feb 2015
Someone would always care about you,
Someone would always look after you, But that someone has to find its true and that is you .
303 · Feb 2015
Fabiola Martinez Feb 2015
None of us can't talk,
None of us can't feel,
Just between of us,
Love is heal.
110 · Mar 2018
Fabiola Martinez Mar 2018
Aveces vos sois muy imprediclebe
Piensas que todo está afuera de tu alcance
Pero vos no sabeis que algo hermoso estáis por encontrase!

— The End —