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14.1k · Aug 2014
Soulmate?//at 15
Ern Aug 2014
No, it doesn't happen
Through secret glances
And shy smiles

Nor does it happen
When you gaze into ones
Deep crystal eyes

It doesn't happen
In the midst of flashlights
Or romantic background music

It happens
When you see deep within
Ones soul
Not just the window
But the whole house of emotions

It happens
When he grows meadows of daisies
Inside the ugliest parts of you

It happens
When he caresses your tear stained face
In 2 in the morning
And holds you like you're gold

It happens
When you're upset over him
Not being there for your little fits

It happens
When the suitcases under your eyes
Are packed
With thoughts of him
And only him

It happens
When you're too young
To fully comprehend
What the universe holds for you and him
But what if
At a tender age of fifteen
You know he's the one?
The one
That holds the perfect fit
To your broken soul

It happens
When you least want it to
1.8k · Oct 2014
late night reminiscing
Ern Oct 2014
through miles of wire
lay a girl
who lived for late night calls
dreamed about their embrace
and breathed him in like a daily fuel

through miles somewhere
stood a boy
who is scarred with memories of his past
but the voice of hers in the dark,
it’s the only light he sees

through smiles in the dark
they fell deeper and deeper
in each other’s heartbeats

he made promises

she closed her eyes

and dreamed on
1.1k · Oct 2014
it matters
Ern Oct 2014
you said
it doesn't matter anyway
it never did

you said
it didn't matter
if it was a week, a month, or a year
we wouldn't be forever anyway

you once said
you loved me
on a cold and dark night like this

you said  
it didn't matter

but baby
it matters *to me
686 · Aug 2014
Ern Aug 2014
We lay on the flower beds one dark and gloomy night. With the murky sinister clouds engulfing the moon, suffocating it until the iridescent glow fades away. We lay there with our fingers intertwined conquering the world together. We lay there until the comfortable silence eventually becomes us. I flipped over and gently laid my hand on your heaving chest as your free hand automatically meets my waist. You said i looked beautiful even under the vague moonlight. I shook my head as a tear leaked out unintentionally. I wiped it away with the back of my hand in a swift movement but more tears seem to be wallowing on the corner of my tired eyes. He pulled me into a strong embrace then traces my hollow cheekbones, my broken lips, the dark circles under my eyes after each sleepless night and stopped briefly, gently pressing his soft lips against my mine while holding me, shushing me. You looked straight into my ocean eyes said those three words like it was the easiest thing ever. My lips quiver as i asked the only question i could comprehend. “You promise?” He had this tendency of flashing his grin that made me surrender every time, suffice to say, he didn't this time either. With no  pinky promise, no paper with his signature inked, the promise simply came from his soft, delicate mouth. Smoothly it came out, nonchalantly in fact. Merely two words. “I promise.”

Sitting on the cold, empty floor only did she realise that promises so fragile end just as the night does. Beautiful and vulnerable. Just like her.
545 · Dec 2014
Ern Dec 2014
your husky voice
10,000 miles away
seem so close yet so far
i smile as you whisper my name
the teasing and i love yous
they tickle my heart
we'd talk till the sun breaks
until my cheeks are warm from blushing

when we disconnect
i drown in remorse and bliss
how something so beautiful can end

they told me not to built homes out of people but i found galaxies somewhere inside you.
468 · Aug 2015
he left you alone
Ern Aug 2015
You cracked open your ribs
to murmur soft lullabies into the night
just for him to sleep tight
but all he fathoms is a tired sigh
as the blankets ruffle, tangled up around him
the night takes him away
in a matter of heartbeats
the silence speaks to you
leaving you gasping for air
as you reminisce your body moulded into his
his kisses engulfing you
his scent unwrapping you
his touch mesmerising you

but darling those nights
have shattered into unspoken words
leaving you behind
385 · Aug 2014
Where are you
Ern Aug 2014
Don't say that you're my rock
My prince
In shining armor
Defeating the mighty dragon

Don't say that I'm perfect
And the monsters are normal
Because they echo me

Don't say I'm not alone
At 2 in the morning
Staring at the ceiling
With infinite thoughts

Don't say you'll always be there
Because where are you
When I flash my practiced smile

Where are you
When I desperately needed that phone call

Where are you
Where are you

— The End —