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 Mar 2016 Sonika Mishra
A broken man
With a heart of gold
Turns to stone
When left in the cold
I love the way you move
I love the way you walk
There is a certain grace about you
In the air that surrounds you
Even in how you talk

Your smile lights up a room
Your touch makes my heart
Burn with desire

Just being in your presence
Is time well spent
Feeling that my heart is safe
In your hands
Is priceless

You are the source
Of so much inspiration
It's difficult to explain
You make me want to better myself
Because you deserve the best man
That I can be

You "get" me
And I "get" you
I've never felt more
Understood or appreciated
For just being myself

You make me feel thankful
And I don't take that for granted

I love the way you move
Sometimes we forget
That it isn't easy
We all judge
But we forget

Disney movies
Tell us everything should be perfect
When you want it most
It will come to you
Real life tells us otherwise

I don't expect perfection
I know we are flawed
And that is where true beauty lies
In understanding
And not judging
(Grammar helps)

Everyone hurts
There's too much pain out there
No reason to give in
Keep it in perspective

****** days
Bad times
Lame lines
Hurtful signs

Noone can hurt you
As much as you can yourself

Just dig in and know
The roots are deeper than that
Being stubborn never was so stubborn
And that's okay

Take responsibility for yours
And give cheers for others
You are not alone
If is very selfish to think that

We are here with you.
Never (again) alone

Sometimes you have to work for it
Sometimes it's just about being yourself
Someone will want that
Even if someone before, didn't

Don't give up
Don't give in
Look up to the stars
In what the heavens hand
And give

You are a true friend
And I love you with all of my heart
Through these times while you're being tested
It's not worth giving up
Over what you've invested

Sometimes beneath close eyelids
I quest to bring you back
As if you were driftwood floating
Downstream on your back.
I dip my hands beneath the veil
And dry away the death
And from my parting, weeping lips
I give you back your breath-
Just like the rising sunset burning
In the summer sky
Paints and saints the mountaintops
And casts their colors bright.

Unrhymed Notes:

Sometimes I dream I can bring you back
Just as simply as dipping my hands into the water
To retrieve a floating piece of driftwood;
Dry the death from your skin
And breath life back into you
The way the sunrise reanimates
The Dark Mountains
Each and every day.

I see your Ocean eyes open
Embrace you like I'm trying to
Fold you into my skin
Where I can keep you always
And feel your summer peach warm flesh
Tangible against my permafrost fingers.

If the dead could talk
Nothing profound would leave your lips
They'd only quirk into a Cheshire smile
And you'd tell me to let go
Move along and stop standing still
Life is for the Living
Death is for the dead
And dreams are for the foolish.

"You *******."
I never knew it could be like this
And you may think this is just another love poem
It's about the journey of two
Of fate, destiny, or chance
They found each other
All three most likely played a part
In the meeting of these two souls
Finding happiness once again and together
A second chance
A new start
I never knew it could be like this
Everything seems more vivid
The shining sun more beautiful
Not only are great things possible
But they happen
Sometimes when you least expect it
As I wandered aimlessly
Under the cover of clouds
You were the ray of light
That shown upon me
You gave me direction again
I had been searching for so long
Not even knowing what I was looking for
Now that we've found each other
My search is over
I never knew it could be like this
The happiest race
that ever lived
had a supreme deity
they called Ygrroxxblqnrrgubnipotrwwwwnququti
and because they could neither say
nor successfully think
his name
they put him completely from their minds
and got on with their lives.
You wake up each morning feeling like you don't fit in
you believe no one really understands you
half of you is missing from the world
people find you weird and strange
you find them boring.
You're not alone

You don't have many friends
you never go to parties
a psychiatrist would probably lock you away
you feel lonely surrounded by billions
you feel you will die with no one in your life
You're not alone

It doesn't matter what others think
it doesn't matter if no one gets you
because my friend
you're not alone
You only need your heart broken once
To be able to create a lifetime of poetry
When I met you
You took my breath away
In retrospect
I should have just walked away
And started breathing again

— The End —