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caroline h Sep 2021
my throat thickens with layers of unshed tears
and once again
i find myself forgetting how to breathe through the pain of longing.
caroline h Sep 2021
for the first time ever
i find myself to be so taken by someone
so in love
that it physically pains me.
my breath knocks,
my heart trembles,
my blood rages.
i’ve become a jumble of sensations
and there is nothing but him.
caroline h Mar 2021
you wrapped me in your arms
decorated me with kisses
my forehead,
each of my knuckles,
my cheeks,
my lips;
said you’re bound to me.
you took too much.
i have no more to give.
caroline h Feb 2021
the sky is poignant with the scent of life
and the air is thick with color.

it is as though i can taste the stars
feel beats of ignescent hearts inside my cheek.
this feels permanent.
caroline h Jan 2022
the thought of you,
lingering in the mezzaine of my thoughts,
makes my scars itch.
caroline h Mar 2021
we had laid as one
“i can feel your heartbeat—“
perhaps the rain made me recall it.
caroline h Mar 2021
and so
the tears filter through my lashes;
i let them salt my tastebuds.
caroline h Jun 2022
and so now
when you choose to find me again
i will not be found.
caroline h Feb 2022
“we must hage the courage
to change the things we cannot accept
and to accept the things we cannot change”
but what if this thing
i cannot change
nor can i accept?
caroline h Mar 2021
there is a thread connecting us, you said
and i agreed
but one end is tied around my heart
while the other loosely circles your fingertip.
caroline h Feb 2021
you brought me sticks of honey;
like the words that dripped from your lips,
they melted across my tongue.
caroline h Mar 2021
let me go.
let me go.
caroline h Jan 2023
sometimes i think that the moon is mine
and that i am the the moon’s.
her craters wink at me,
a signal of secrets shared and kept.
caroline h Jan 2023
i don’t think that i ever fell out of love with you.
through everything
1200 miles
other flames
falling-outs and re-kindlings
no love has turned my stomach so
stolen through my veins as steadily
burned quite as brightly
as the love i keep for you.
caroline h Oct 2022
sometimes i eat
sometimes i eat until my body aches for an end
but the taste is always too satisfying to stop.
it's just the aftertaste
the lingering feeling in my stomach
that punishes me.

— The End —