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Emma Sep 2015
"I carry your heart with me
(I carry it in my heart)"
I still do
I always will
If ever anyone carries my heart
It will be you
Heart to heart.
Emma Sep 2015
I can't say goodbye
Because I know that it'll hurt
And I know that I'll cry
So for now I'll say goodnight
For now we'll be okay
And tomorrow we'll be alright
We'll soon be apart
Who knows for how long
But know I keep you in my heart
We'll be far away
But sleeping under the same sky
And I will miss you
So instead of saying goodbye
I'll say see you later alligator
See you soon baboon
It's not goodbye, it's see you again.
Emma Sep 2015
I have spent my life running
away from everyone in it
It has almost been two decades
but it feels like centuries have gone by
since the last time I took a break
from racing the wind
My legs have grown tired
My hands cannot seem to stay still
I try to sound strong
but my voice still cracks
and my breathing comes out in shakes
I have learned
that when you grow used to something
living without it feels like
trying to breathe with no air
So I keep running
From sunrise to sunset
Closing doors
and burning bridges
leaving no trace behind
of where I'm headed
mostly because I'm not sure
where that is
I run, though my legs tremble
Because my heart has known
the pain of change
Eventually I'll run myself
into a grave
Change hurts but so does growth.
Emma Sep 2015
I have heard
that sand exfoliates
and that water cleanses
I have felt the pain
of scraping rocks against my skin
To rid myself of me
To remove the history
off of my fingertips
Who I am
hates the person I have been
though I liked the thought of myself
In your arms
Some nights I stay up and cry
hoping the tears will make me an ocean
to drown all the memories
and the salt will rub against me
Like a snake
I will shed my skin
and soon forget the
warmth of your touch
In 7 years
I will not find
a speck of you on me
I thought I was finally clean but I still feel you in the rain.
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