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 Jan 2017 Elvis Mercury
i am the 1 am drunk text
i am the family pictures popping up on  your newsfeed
i am the polaroid at the bottom of your desk drawer
i am the modern baseball song that you can't seem to skip
i am the candy wrappers in your car door
i am the cd stuck in your car radio that is just me singing a song i never should have written for you
i am the way a dorm room bed is always just big enough
i am the draft of a poem that was never just right


you are the space between the lines of the poems that aren't fixing anything
you are the dried up corsage in the back of my closet
you are the third step on the stairs into the basement where i swear i can still see stains of mascara on the carpet from november 8, 2015
you are the post card i never sent
you are the post card i sent but never should have
you are the phone calls i can't make
you are the nightmares i have where we are both running from something not clear to us

now that i've set the scene are you sure you want to delete your audition tape?
are you sure that your first try was good enough?
lets share the Moon,
Time it just right,
Both look up in unison,
To bask in his light,

Oh man up there,
Tell mine I love him,
And tell him to say it back,

For Moon you connect us,
And tie our days
In a knot.

oh Moon, I'm jealous.
You get to look upon him each day,
Please send a message,

Write it in your dust,
Where I know he'll read,
Moon, moon please may you say,

"She loves you she loves you,
More than I glow,
Like I and the stars, she will never go,
Always there, up in the sky,
She's here,
For every second that passes by"

And each night,
We will both look up in the night,
And the comfort of him knowing,
Will cradle me tight.
I'm going to write I love you,
With the tide,
The ripples on my finger,
Watch me glide.

I've grown wings, fins,
Darling can't you see?
Way up here, it's what you've done to me.

I'll etch Mount Rushmore,
With your face,
Darling darling darling,
Catch my pace.

I'll blow rings with the clouds,
Loops of love,
The silver bounds.

I turn the light bulbs,
In the stars,
Make them shine,
You'll see them from Mars.

The water the sun
The earth, the flame,
All of them wild,
A love I can't tame.
sleepy poetry
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