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 Jun 2014 Elizabeth P
And in that moment
i loved with my whole heart
 Jun 2014 Elizabeth P
 Jun 2014 Elizabeth P
Everytime when you hug me
I cant stop myself from thinking
About the times
When you'll be hugging
Someone else :'(
 Jun 2014 Elizabeth P
Maybe, for once, I want someone to tell me that they wont leave me alone.
Maybe, for once, I want a truthful response to my worries instead of a lie or silence.
Maybe, for once, I would like a bit of sense in a confusing circumstance.
Maybe, for once, I don't want to be treating like the helpless weakling that people believe me to be because suicide is on my mind at all times. I may be miserable, but I am not giving up, no matter what ******* people throw at me.
Maybe, for once, I want to be a ******* human being, not a glass figurine with diamond tears.
You know how much you hurt me
So go and take all your stuff back
I don't want to be reminded of you every single day

Hearts may hurt
It's all fine
Buy new t-shirts
Sorry couldn't find a more perfect rhyme


Life's too short
I don't wanna give your clothes back
They're all I have left to remind me of you
Life's too short
I've had our song on repeat
I couldn't help singing along, I've been singing for hours
Life's too short
I know that we both know that
And no matter how much things go bad
I just want you to know that
Life's too short
To stay mad at you...
It's a bit tacky, but it's meant to be.
I forgive you dudette.
I just want you all to know how much you mean to me
Sure I could of told you all individually
But instead I wrote this mess of sentences that I'll call poetry...

My sister had a premonition the other day
Engraved in the pavement my two favourite letters 'k d'
Ink touches paper in a symphony of colours
And I got something for you, a rose my love
A gift for my greek goddess
or maybe you're really Loki
Either way as long as I'm with you my mystery girl
There'll be three times the smiles...
There you go guys, I'm hoping you should all know which of those sentences/ lines I put in there for you.
And I want you all to know that no matter what, I love you all unconditonally, unless that seems weird in which case, *Ninja Smoke*.
Hey where'd he go?
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