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 Jun 2013 Elizabeth
for science
an illusive goal
try and fail..
Every-thing is shrunk
energy and matter
hidden and dark..
with added surprise:
Every-thing is
accelerating away..
notable here in
science frustration:
their outward focus
Every-thing out there..
might we ask
What is out there..?
with holistic sense
our holograph brains
processing waves
interference patterns
making apparent
Every-thing seen..
Might this seed
blossom one day
looking for that
Theory of
It was quite some time
Light appeared as a stranger
She yearned for this day
I'm getting goose bumps...
This really confuses me,
Cuz I’m not a goose.
To create darkness
take away the light
replace peace with quarrels
add a dash of spite

To create hatred
take away the love
fill it with lustful temptation
feed the snake, **** the dove

To create  sorrow
take away the happy
mix it with a little piece of hell
and some dignity to beat
Wrote this long ago.
 Mar 2013 Elizabeth
Tom Orr
Not about love or life.
Not about sun and snow.
Not about hate or politics.
What more ought we know.

Not philosophy, psychology or history.
Nor horror, adventure or mystery.
Whether on sea or land,
it will not stand
in the vast oak court of reality.
 Mar 2013 Elizabeth
Dustin Walker
Hey you!
Yea, you!
You one-eyed
Sad excuse for a human being!
For too long your voice has left me in tears
Too long your voice has killed me from the inside, out
You have teased me and slandered me
Depressed me and angered me
You’ve taken advantage of my kindness
And stomped on it
For too long
But that’s all about to change
As I have recently come out of a shell
I’ve come out of a shell of rage and depression
And I’ve realized I have a voice
And man my voice is POWERFUL!
Not only that, but my voice has a message.
I bet you didn’t see this **** coming, did you?
Your voice gave me the message of self-loathing
But my voice will now give you the message of your demise.
You see,
You can no longer hurt me because I’ve found
I have a way with words on paper
Now I’m the giver and you’re the taker
And man it’s time to meet your ******* maker!

You have no right to judge me because you barely even know me
You have no excuse to torment me because I am not your pet
You feed off of your ego and you make a scene to get noticed.
**** you must be really insecure.
Did you not get enough attention as a child?
Are you not proud of yourself for what you have become?
You must look in the mirror every day and feel a lot of remorse
And anger
And denial
Which is why you continue to hate
You hate yourself so you hate on others
You hate your life so you hate those who have it better than you

But you can’t hide that from me anymore
And it’s time you fixed your voice
To be more encouraging,

There’s one life rule I heard before:
When the amount of **** taken
Exceeds the amount of **** given,
It’s time to get the **** out!
I got the **** out
So should you
****, man
I got a voice
And my voice is powerful
My voice has a message
This poem is a more personal piece aimed at the people in my life who have given me crap and who didn't appreciate me for who I was
 Mar 2013 Elizabeth
Abagail Marie

I was Fifteen.
You were twenty.
Torn and broken,
That's how you left me.
What kind of man are you
To act the way you did.
To break down and destroy me
I was just a little kid.
It's been five years already,
You'd think I'd finally be ok.
But I can still run it through my mind
As if it were yesterday.
There was beer on your breath
And your eyes were red
Twenty minutes later,
I wished I was dead.
You pushed me down.
You called me a *****.
Even after all these years,
There's so much left to fix.
You finally left me
The room just seemed to spin.
Even now I just feel disgusting
Living in this skin.
I don't know what made you choose me
Nor do I care.
Just the thought of seeing you
Is too much to bare.
I hope someday you realize
How disturbed you truly are
For upon my heart
Will always be this scar.
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