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L B Sep 2018
Sleeping well
Loneliness is a warm quilt
to wrap in
to dream of little things
They will outlive me
but cannot fill me

Time has outrun me
on its way
into the lives of others
and their companions

...their sunsets over ocean
their candlelight
their whispers
their tender touching

I don't know how it happened
but like the moon wrapped
in her sparkling quilt of dark

loneliness became
I dreamt about getting several more kittens--lovely little, pain-in-the-*** creatures.  I didn't get them.  Not a "crazy cat lady."  Still have my old, toothless Hannah.  Maybe another one someday.
  Sep 2018 L B
Valsa George
After years of aimless wanderings
Leaving behind the cities of midnight revels
And the fevered journey in metro rails,
I am back at the land of my people.

Wherever I went,
Under which ever roof I slept,
I had carried my land,
As a jewel in a casket
And ensured it rested safe
Ever under my pillow

As I moved with aliens
Unable to merge with their cultural mores,
I saw my land glimmer in darkness
Like a dew drop on a moon blanched leaf

When I sweated in the blistering sands
A patch of green landscape, like an oasis
Wafted me in a cool embrace
Then dreams poured in like star light
And I wandered in the meadows of my youthful love
My heart struggling to forget old longings
And memories lashing upon me like tidal waves

Pursued by that inalienable shadow
Suddenly being born in flesh and blood
I hastened to the streets of my youth
With hopes galore and plans vivid

But alas! There is none to recognize me
Oh! I am a stranger here
An unwelcome stranger among total strangers
Now I wonder which is truly my land?
The one left behind or the one just landed in?

Oscillating between these two worlds,
My fractured identity looms large
With worms of memories wriggling in my flesh
And a myth suddenly dying in my brain
I am glad to share with my friends here that this poem- My Fractured Identity- is prescribed for the 10th Grade students-English for Junior High School- entitled Voyagers, in the country of Philippines. The exciting thing is that my poem appears among the writings of eminent men like James Joyce, Rudyard Kipling, Shelley, Virginia Woolf, Jules Verne, Jean Jacques Rousseau and the like. I feel it a great honor !!
  Sep 2018 L B
Akira Chinen
I may not believe
in any kind of god
but I do keep a feather
in my copy of Peter Pan
to bookmark chapter thirteen
because I do believe in fairies

and what i mean by that is
that I believe in magic and wonder

and most importantly love

I believe witches
have always had good intentions
and mice know more than men
and that cats smile for reasons
other than just mischief

I believe evil does not exist
in the teeth of wolves
or the fire of dragons
but rather only in the blood
of the angry in a mans fist
and the hate in his heart

I believe love is only as real
as it is terrifying
and I have never been
so terrified as I am right now

I believe....
    I believe....
       I believe...

I believe love is only as painful
as it is beautiful
and you...

you are the most
beautiful pain of all
  Sep 2018 L B
life is moving
can't you see?
there's no future left
for you and me

i am changing
i am gone
i am older
and yes,
I'm moving on

i was holding on
searching endlessly
now there's nothing
i can do

so dont be blue
there's another future
waiting there
for you

yes im changing
can't stop it now
and even if i wanted
i would not know how

if you don't think its a crime
you can come along,
with me
  Sep 2018 L B
the dirty poet
a wacko version of hamlet

the patient came up to us raving
a naked swollen giant
his basketball *****, his endless belly
every system failing
we prepared to put him out
so we could stick a tube down his throat
plug him on a ventilator
and insert lines for safekeeping
he tried to lean off the bed
take it easy man, i said, restraining him
who’s susan? asked the nurse
good night, sweet prince, i said as we gave him the drugs
we intubated him and took him down to the OR
where he passed twenty minutes later
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