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I do not day dream,
I just see my reality
a few more years
before the rest do
Among the swaying elm trees,
are whispers from on high;
The words are slightly garbled,
but their sweetness flows in sighs.

Each lilac touches wayward hearts,
with deepest blue and velvet glow;
The daffodils sprout yellow wings,
reaching out to join the show.

And hummingbirds sip honeyed wine,
from the feeder hanging nearby;
We watch as the finches gather,
shining golden in the clearest sky.

The lawn seems warm and supple,
as breezes blow in forest green;
Inviting us all to lie and view,
this heavenly springtime scene.

But then the sun retreats behind,
a massive wealth of clouds;
Refreshing rain falls in our midst,
cool and soft as seaside's sounds.

Enchantment is with us every day,
its essence stirs yet calms our souls;
As Gods displays His natural wonders,
life-long gifts that will never grow old.
Welcoming the beauty and joy of Spring (if it ever arrives on the East coast) !!
It was real,
Not fantastic,
I got no flowers,
He was not romantic,
Its better before you know what you want,
So much easier is the response,
But expectations create such work,
Some die and some get hurt,
It must to be real
You cannot pretend,
There is no fairy tale end…….
Just a thin line,
Slave or master?
What is “happily ever after”?
©B L Costello 2018
 Mar 2018 eleanor prince
It was flickering.
She could feel it.
She watched in awe as the light fought its way through,
Just as she thought that it would die out,
That the fight was over,
It flickered again,

It seemed like an endless cycle.
A vicious, painful cycle.
She wondered why the light didn't just give up!
Why was it fighting its way through what seemed like a pointless war?!
Why didn't the light just...give up?
It would be easier, safer, painless...

Then she saw it.
The light stopped flickering.
The flame grew, brighter and brighter,
lighting up the black room,
Illuminating her once dark life.
She saw the flame dancing in glee,
knowing that it had won that dark battle.
She looked down and saw a shadow,
Her shadow.

Just like that,
She had her answers.
 Mar 2018 eleanor prince
Fall in love with a writer,
If you want to be granted immortality.
But beware,
If a writer falls in love with you...
They will carve you in history.
The glimmer of hope gets brighter
Those dark clouds are fading away
Soon your life will get better
The sunshine will be here to stay.

The weight off your mind will be taken
Your burdens you'll carry no more
There is A life now that is waiting
A key that will open your door.

Your past it will be left behind you
Move forward the future is yours
Now you will do what you need to
Go on look out and explore.

Take heed of aĺl your surroundings
Their is beauty of every Kind
Look out foř the things that are calming
And that hope  that will open your mind.

This world it is so full of sorrows
With things that can bring you down
But the sun it will come out tomorrow
And the joys in this life will be found.
I know so many people with depression
But guess what.there is life after depression. I also know peoplè
Who at one time suffered  with depression and now have recovered.
Maybe it is finding that key.After saying these positive words we should
Never underestimate  The reality of depression
I place myself in the center of room
as you panic to pack up your stuff,
being careful that nothing is left behind.
There are flowers growing in the corners of the room
that ask you to stay.
There are green skies
that we painted.
There are flaws your and mine
that decorate this wall.
There are TV channels
that we can surf through,
there are days to be wasted.
And I want to waste them with you.

I want you to stay.
I almost blurt it out.
But had it not been for these flowers and skies
and days written in color of your name,
I could have left
to find the dreams I never had.
There is a chandelier
of blood red glass
of your sighs and goodbyes.
I know you are not running away from me
but from our devils,
from our destruction,
that lay between us
every night.
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