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Aug 2014 · 458
EJ Aghassi Aug 2014
i'm having the hardest time
with the biggest smile
that sounds terrible, crude
it's beautiful, delicate

it is magnificent
and it burns
it burns going down
but it lifts the spirits up

years ago somehow
pushed to now

but it's real

it's genuine

it burns a little

but it has never been sweeter
oh oh, woe woe
Aug 2014 · 445
EJ Aghassi Aug 2014
aching in the soul
longing in the heart

those feelings that follow
those thoughts after dark

bottomless pit of
a stomach
the weight of beauty
just brings
me to new lows

and you were so beautiful, then

idealistic, radiant, understanding,
patient, beautiful

I can't say it enough: beautiful

what a strange town,
we were in

the product of the man
who never dreams

but apparently when it comes
to you I am a dreamer

& apparently the sun is
looking out for my best interest
as it pierces through my eyelids
and forces me awake

my mind still can't readapt to
reality from such fabrication

my stomach has yet again found
new lows from high hopes
yet somehow my craving lips
have found reason to smile
Aug 2014 · 8.8k
EJ Aghassi Aug 2014

& self-loathing
Aug 2014 · 547
groggy eyes & yearning
EJ Aghassi Aug 2014
nighttime still embraces me
while I wipe the thinking
from my eyes
& it is not what I want
it's not the arms of the one I long for

Nor is it the feeling found in
the pit of my stomach that I
once had lost for so long-
slight naïveté, mostly hopeful
but extremely unfamiliar

if this isn't nausea it must
be unrelenting infatuation

my bones shutter while I walk
and my head is ringing

you were with me last night
more than you know,
the hand that guided bottle to
my mouth I could feel you
there, I drank with you draped about me

but the more I drank, the more
wise I became
it was not you at all
but the propagation
of fears and feelings you induce

I swear your scent was in the air, though

I still drink for you, dear
it's a sweet poison and it brings
me closer to you

this morning is gloomy in
the wake of wanting you more&more
Aug 2014 · 721
EJ Aghassi Aug 2014
the smell of coffee
makes me miss you
but for all I know
you're more of a tea drinker

you could hate
caffeine, even
but I'll be that new thing
in your bloodstream

it's only reciprocation,
it's been no immense
amount of time

but I yearn
physical and

is it okay to miss you?
I have no idea

and the overcast weather
is calling me to your figure
I want to match the heat
with bodyonbody temperature

my eyes are brown
my eyes see brown
and it's more romantic
than it sounds

maybe only half as foolish

but all of me is missing
something much more
incredible than anticipated
Jul 2014 · 698
i should have gone east
EJ Aghassi Jul 2014
i've no appetite anymore
i've no appetite left
there is no room for hunger
for thirst

no time for sleep

no room
for anything
other than you

there is no other desire
there is no other need
no other darkness or light
no oxygen or otherwise

there are only those
slight curls
rounded imperfect
potential energy
pouring off of the top
of your pretty head

all i can do is gasp for breath

nature, color, symbolism
embodying themselves
in that body of yours
painted on your skin
tattooed on the soul
you are a work of art
my favorite exhibit
such beautiful existence
itself is an anomaly

i have none else to offer
but what's left of me is true

you've really made
quick work of me, haven't you?
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
EJ Aghassi Jul 2014
I've got chump change
in my bank account

and bad vibes brooding
in my brain

I'm somewhere in between
average and clinically insane

but when you look at
me like that I shiver and I shake

my heart my soul
my blood my bones are all
laid bare for you to break
Jul 2014 · 750
all thoughts, for you
EJ Aghassi Jul 2014
that moon is nothing
short of super

how could I put it
in words?
there are no words,
there are no words

I struggle to find the words

and that tree
something I've never

drowned in silver
cosmic silks
stellar feels

the moon could
the universe

but that tree is
defined by its roots
and its roots grow
so very deep

and that tree is dying
and that tree is real

and in death it radiates
absolute grace

absolute elegance

complete serenity,
morphed &
wronged by nature

but so pure
so purely pure

& in the tree's shadows,
stars in the sky
sort of waver, they
flutter lifelessly

the moon and
the tree,
yew I believe,
are the peak
of all I've ever seen

a moon that big, has
a lot of room for sour
but that yew tree
is all that matters

that yew tree
is the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen

that super moon,
that literal super moon,
universally incredible

something that emanates
all happy thoughts,
all tides,

it cradles romance
it embraces wonder

it is everything

and that moon,

well, that moon

that moon is (almost) as beautiful
as that yew tree
i love you, Sylvia
Jul 2014 · 761
Title (optional)
EJ Aghassi Jul 2014
what could you possibly see in her?

"She's blonde and
she makes me feel bad
about myself. What more
could I possibly want?"
Jul 2014 · 575
always going south
EJ Aghassi Jul 2014
beautiful, this lonely night
this predictable darkness
that befalls the ground
the trees
the souls
those things of substance

I look at you
you look at them
you check your phone
you count the lights on the ceiling
you readjust yourself
you curse enemies under your breath

and I look at you
ethereal, immaterial
pure essence
pure strife
pure lust

third time is the charm
three times I've been
seeing, feeling, smelling,
begging to be touching

oh, you are beautiful
oh, you make me miserable
oh, I like it so

my what pretty webs you spin

it's absolutely terrible
when I bring myself this low
but the stimulus I savor slow

my end is wherever you begin
Jul 2014 · 585
who is what is we
EJ Aghassi Jul 2014
i walked into the room
& it smelled like a woman that i loved
but don't misunderstand me, okay?
i was in no garden, i was among no flowers

i was in the city, surrounded by steel

i was rainfall, the storm cloud

i was in the wind as it seared
her one and only face
as she walked ever uphill

this is a woman that i love
because she is so far above it

i wasn't among the physical

i was within the universe
as the universe was within her
as the universe needs her

and as i need the universe,
i need her

i walked into her
essence and being
there is nothing more, okay?
i am no one, i am her
Jul 2014 · 329
EJ Aghassi Jul 2014
"I'll make you feel loved
and I'll lead you astray"

Or is that just what
you're hoping I'll say?
Jun 2014 · 485
between winters
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
i have walked these
hallways before
again and again
again & again

my head rings as I recall
the words my father
once told me, things he uttered
under his breath but absolutely

what's in it for me?
what's really in it for me?
what is the pull, the inconceivable
tug? is it love? is it wealth? is it
hope for happiness?
hope for an end?

my feet hurt, my brain regurgitates
these foul thoughts onto ***** plates
the kitchen sink now covered in
the whispers of lost lovers,
things we said back then

the smell of the flowers in the
garden sting the nostrils, the sweet
scent of that slow decay
the fossils of the promises
amongst the dead leaves &
fruit not safe to eat

the vibrant colors could bring a tear to my eye

i was told you'd be coming home
my back hurts, i've been laying
on the bathroom floor, I can hear the
termites in the walls, rats scurry
above the ceiling,

these wooden walls were meant to fall

but that's okay, we wanted it that way

my feet hurt, my back aches &
my head is ringing, it could
bring a tear to my eye and it
stings the nostrils

but i was told you would be coming home

i will fall with these wooden walls
Jun 2014 · 340
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
you're right
you're absolutely right
I fake I lie
exaggerate & write

what does it matter
what I see
I'm convinced that
they're all parts of me

it's a matter of
of fear of faith
of fear of death

it spreads thin
the fabric of soul
of heart and all
things kept consoled

it's all things
I think I need
to transcend time
and my being

don't listen to
the things I say
I sit and dream
and think of ways

to make me what
you always see
eyes open, closed
or in between

I long for worth
for meaning
I'll find it somewhere
in anything

don't consider
what's conveyed
rambling appeasement
from my head

it won't matter
long from now
when nature
reassumes control

it shouldn't matter
but I'm convinced
it won't matter
at the end of this
Jun 2014 · 632
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
that light is loud
these moments too short

my feet could never
move quick enough

it's hard to wrap
your mind around

the way things
seem to fall about

i could say it

but i hate
to shout

i'd rather think
and walk around

solidarity in the
leaves on the ground

nature slightly

with gentle

whispers in the ear
soothing repress

the stars twinkle
for you

they're bright and
they're there

when you have drowned

and didn't
even share

people start to twinkle
usable and they're there

while drowning your

don't expect me to share
Jun 2014 · 381
"eyes on the road"
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
there is this car-

you know
4 wheels, 2 doors
Mercedes maybe?

and every time
I pass it by
I look twice

I think twice

and I know it
couldn't be you

But I've adopted
this new optimism
& new turbulence

maybe the world is magic
and the eastern plane true

there's fraction of chance
in a passing glance
my eyes will be reflecting you

maybe I'll see you again
and maybe I'm meant to be happy

perhaps this smile is genuine

And so, perhaps,
that is in fact your car

and maybe, in fact,
there is a pull between our hearts
Jun 2014 · 503
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
i am forcing this

i am not ashamed

what you did
was what you do

but you don't realize
the weight
that comes

with the way you
opened up and all

blue has remerged
blue is what i see
blue eyes i know
you've been looking
for me

chemicals in the air
reactions of you
the memories seep down
these empty hallways now

doors closed
rooms empty
bed big
and cold

mind circling
head heavy
body shivering
soul sold

i'll sleep on nails
on splintered floors
whatever you will

i don't mind

my mind is no more

i am the incarnation of desire

and the mouth
the fingers
that say too much

what matters is
what is what matters

what's true is true

you don't have to sleep
alone tonight

if you don't want to
Jun 2014 · 698
this is bad, really bad
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
I shouldn't drink this much

and I was so certain
I felt so sure

I thought you could see me
I thought you could actually understand

I felt you
I really did

You looked into my eyes and I looked

I felt your heart

I saw your dreams

your aspirations

And there is nothing

not a thing

I want more,
than the privilege of your smile

the charity of your time

I was so sure
so convinced

and here I am near tears
completely unable
to forgive myself

here I am
here I am
and you are so
far away

here I am
hear me

I've ruined myself

i'm rubble for you, dear

my eyes burn
A life spurned

I will never be the same

never again, never again

Despite the effort,

Alleyways &the;
you're as close to home as ever

a miscommunication
is all I'll ever be
Jun 2014 · 620
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
ask me how it feels to be helpless

living, dying, hopelessly reckless

i won't fight
i won't fight

your embrace
will be my end tonight
Jun 2014 · 455
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
pretty thing
I've met stupider
Don't worry about it

Baby doll
I see only you
Don't worry about it

I'm happiest
when I'm sad

I don't know
any better
Jun 2014 · 610
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
and just like that
it all came back
but it didn't hurt-
I was smiling, in fact

wishes and dreams

longing and lust
blind faith and trust

nature bleeding colors
incredible warmth

and still that
warmth of another

sent shivers
in sorts

though troubled
mind hardened

though heart
now near stone

sometimes I smile
when I am alone

it all sometimes


mudslides &

perilous waters
& all

just like that it
comes back

I'm alone

but now I'm more

than I've ever known
Jun 2014 · 398
ode, I suppose
EJ Aghassi Jun 2014
miss Plath you make my heart ache
-or, Sylvia, if you prefer-

the world wasn't ready
you deserved to be heard

miss Plath I always see you now
whenever I close my eyes

I feel you in my tears, breathe
you out in disappointed sighs

miss Plath your troubled tender
step, is met in like with my own

descent to darkened corridors
we're both so far from home

sweetest sorrow, you still emanate
transcend and warp my days

in this time I feel it more than ever
in the most dire of ways

miss Plath I wish I could do more
than a mad man's rambling ode

but I sing it now: if life were fair
darling, you would not have died alone
May 2014 · 872
"I remember my first beer"
EJ Aghassi May 2014
the funniest part
of it
is that I (actually) said I wasn't
going to do this

but you had other plans,

didn't you?

you had other plans
you're very convincing
I listened
I'm a good listener

on a side note,
I think brown might be
my favorite color

your eyes were brown

I also like pocket-t's
quite a bit

speaking of which, I liked
the design on your shirt pocket
quite a bit

I even remember your name

but don't ask me to spell it,
that's a different story

just you and me, you
know? Or maybe you
don't, rather? either
way it doesn't matter

either way I'm infatuated
either way you have this poem
either way my soul has bled for you

I hope I see you again
May 2014 · 348
please relent
EJ Aghassi May 2014
yours is such a
pretty language
and i wish
i could speak it

but it's a matter
of circumstance

and that's just the way it is

again, i find,
once again i am
prodding at
my "wit"

to guide me though
i have no chance

and that's just the way it is

you smile, i wallow
you laugh
and i sigh
your aura never quits

mystified by just
one glance

and that's now how it is

i wish i knew
just what to do
with all this pent
up ****

but i pursue
hopeless romance

i want you, that's how it is
How do you tell a stranger that they've become sort of a muse to you?
May 2014 · 422
EJ Aghassi May 2014
again, it has happened
the realization hits as
my pupils dilate

once more sorrows
eyes have found
their gaze upon your face

autumn is your disposition
I have found winter in your distance
spring is in our step
and I long for summer in your embrace

but this time I spoke
this time we sparked

one again, I am shaking
but this time
I'm hopeful and warm

then we found ourselves
right next to each other

I asked if you had any
sisters or brothers

I don't really know why

could really

but I'm haunted by thoughts
of you as a lover
May 2014 · 1.8k
EJ Aghassi May 2014
still constantly trying
to find out if there is at all
more depth to
this mind of mine

this body
these fears
these vices

products of a
two dimensional way of life

the cause of constant
mortal strife

but I suppose if I
desperately want
to know

then there is hope for me yet

an ocean of being
that I float unconsciously above

driftwood that smiles

maybe there's hope for me yet
May 2014 · 216
EJ Aghassi May 2014
my favorite thing
to do these days

is drink at bars
torn by the way

pretty creatures

my soul, my body
with their eyes
May 2014 · 241
to you, the muse
EJ Aghassi May 2014
don't let on
my words you've read

don't let me
get it in my head

you all profoundly
tint with red

lavishly, this
dull strange life I've lead

don't let on to
that what I've been through

how I felt is now
a part of you, too

help me relax
let things be simple

there's reasons why
I can't resist you



Don't let on
My words you've read

but remember
everything I said
May 2014 · 209
EJ Aghassi May 2014
you make me feel
the most incredible things
May 2014 · 675
comfort zone
EJ Aghassi May 2014

tidal wave,

when our bodies
got too close for

close for comfort
too close for comfort,
in the good way

my hands around your waist
my stomach dropping
lower than my own

but so natural
so natural you
felt it too, it's
natural you see

we weren't told to
we were guided
cosmically guided

you grabbed my hair
and grew close
I could feel your breath

I closed my eyes
and could weep
but smiled instead

slightly, but the
smile was real
my body was tingling

I felt woozy
I felt your heart beat
studied your waist line

and now I'm drinking
wine too quickly
wine from a box, wine strong

and you are as you were
undaunted and
ever constant

but these walls
are covered with

pictures and pictures
of those

I need a cigarette

I think we should just
keep this whole thing professional
May 2014 · 551
surprise surprise
EJ Aghassi May 2014
you're so
with your
kitty shirt

my heart is
what's for dinner
my soul soon
your dessert

you to
infect me

for disease

broken down

corpse at your feet
May 2014 · 765
70 000 000
EJ Aghassi May 2014
70 million ways to
remind you why you
make my skin flutter
and heart crawl

but I couldn't even begin
to put into words,
as your eyes matched mine,
In level and intensity

With fear of the unknown
and equally the known,
with fervor,
with yearning
with despair

eyes ignited
eyes in stasis
bruised but widened

terribly sober
but intoxicated by you
and I can talk
and talk
when I'm intoxicated

70 millions things
I'm compelled to say
but I don't know
where to begin

I just can't
though believe me
when I tell you
that I want to
Apr 2014 · 339
EJ Aghassi Apr 2014
I was half naked
and reeking of inspiration

but if you saw me then,
you would brush me off

vulnerable creature
bathing in perfume

basking in the comfort
of smooth skin

leave me
to be free

whatever I think that means

you know you are
the pretty cage
I've gotten so comfortable
inside of

please oh please
just let me free
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
EJ Aghassi Apr 2014
your words tear flesh

your lips look so tender
while you berate

your stare chills to the bone
but I'm convinced a twinkle
exists in that
stare somewhere

and that smile makes me more
weak in the knees than that frown,
but either way
I'm a willing victim

It would be okay if I
just despised you,
yet I drink to a
thorned rose-
I feel at home in
the depravity

I close my eyes and I
can't help but to think
about how you look
with your hair let down
Apr 2014 · 792
EJ Aghassi Apr 2014
I shame my city
and for what?
it's a misplaced spite

deep down I know
what's really true
about what's on its mind

well acquainted with
the hills
complacent with
the heat

horse trails for side streets

I know the right speed
to maximize efficiency
when driving up mt. Washington

and for some inconceivable
reason, bear in mind
l'm also still disgusted,
I can still tolerate the people

there is beauty to be found here
love to be made here
new levels to be attained,
just like any other place

I'll make sure to remember
the Victorian trees & flowers
like a painting made by
those chosen few
forever moved and
forever still at home

the bad exists because we are
still human

my city is my city
any city is any city
and you can't be truly
happy anywhere

without a little ****
self awareness
Apr 2014 · 319
EJ Aghassi Apr 2014
I tried to count all the times
I've ended up just like this

awake in the dark

& then I tried counting all the
times I've tried to do even that

but I lost count

I gave up
and once more I'll
rise with the sun,
soon to be wrapped
in the dark
yet again

and like countless times before
the cycle will continue

all those things I know
better than to attach
myself to, will sustain
weight on my mind

on and on it will go
until I've no desire to keep counting
Apr 2014 · 473
soul to soul
EJ Aghassi Apr 2014
sometimes I feel
the strangest pull

strangers seem so

I've time to spend
I'll pay in full

or not, it's all

you could save
me just the same

draining an
over flooded brain

we will distract
we will fake sane

or you can
turn away

I've time to spend
it's burning holes

solidarity now
soul to soul
Apr 2014 · 566
EJ Aghassi Apr 2014
our footsteps in synchronisation
rang and echoed
with more depth than the
actions that ensued

i remember the coldness in the air
the biting gravitation of your body

too far and never close enough

and how i spoke from the heart,
whilst tripping over the nuances
the syntax
the delivery

the night is kinder than usual;

you're very distracting when you smile
snuffing out turns of phrase

& you're so sweet it makes me nauseous
in the prettiest of ways

-- and the way i saw you then
a pleasant melody in my mind
sweeping through the senses
free and unrefined

and i am humming
the tune, the best i can, for you
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
EJ Aghassi Apr 2014
you wouldn't believe the things i've seen.  well, it's not like i've been around
for a long time or something but

let me tell you, i couldn't even begin to tell you

so many connections
so many seemingly important
separate reflections

rises and falls

scratches down walls


world in revolve

and i sit in high chair
judging each one and all

destinies laid bare before me

but all that desists,
vivid images, wisps,
and one thing now
begs more
attention, concern
than all the others

why is it that
i always
do this after
i *******?
Mar 2014 · 569
EJ Aghassi Mar 2014
librarian type
who feels with the mind

with a thirst for knowledge
her eye on pleasure
starved for romance
and desperate for depth

you never stop reading

your passion is your work
and you work with passion

you don't stop reading
but the void doesn't fill

but the day will come
for worse or better
that you find me

like a book long forgotten

riddled with dust that
covers the complexities
but familiar to the touch

my soul, my words bare
yearning for the feeling
of your fingers on the pages

heart in the abstract

waiting to be the warmth
that holds you
the voice that quiets the others

waiting to be dissected
and understood

i wait to be with you
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
EJ Aghassi Mar 2014
just stay inside
we'll be alright
as long as you just
keep quiet

your rational reasonings
what little
light they bring

why won't you just leave it be?
Mar 2014 · 342
EJ Aghassi Mar 2014
the night sky
is showcasing

the best
****** shot

I've ever seen
The moon is beautiful tonight, eh?
Mar 2014 · 360
EJ Aghassi Mar 2014
life has its own kind of humor

but it brings you
far from

the way things just happen
& take you closer to madness

but sanity is so boring, anyway
and so is sleep
and so are people
and so is peace

and the way it all ties together
in the end

& if time is made up
then we don't exist

as every second
is devoted to the way you move

in which case

every sip
is slowing down
nothingness in
it's purest form

lavender tinting
all my wildest dreams

"that's life", they say

and I'm still trying
to figure out what that means
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
EJ Aghassi Mar 2014
the ship has sailed

it has been met
with unfavorable conditions

and it has sunk

scarred ruins scattered
about the floor of the ocean

wood & fabrics
fragile things
making a place
for scavengers to lay

and the world will keep turning

the waters will still completely

the oceans will evaporate

and an underwater grave
will be visible from space
Mar 2014 · 927
EJ Aghassi Mar 2014
it's probably the weather
and the
question of whether

or not I want to see you again

weathering on sanity
or what idea of it
I believe

rationale evaporated from my brain

but if this is the cost
of the smiles

energy expended
coming back again
sapping more than
I can give

then I will make those memories worth it
Feb 2014 · 895
paw prints
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
I burned my tongue
while looking out the window

I couldn't help but find irony
in the juxtaposition of hot
and terrible cold

I see a familiar gray figure

the notion of feeling like
your stomach is splitting in two
in the good way

but it's just my mind playing tricks on me

I wish so strongly
to find you out there in stormy weather


so I could take you inside
dry you off
and hold you until
the shivering subsides
Feb 2014 · 663
high d(owntown)
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
mermaid far from sea
from dreams, it would seem

how is it that the odds
are in my favor for once?

not only can you walk
the ground in
warm welcome
of your pretty step

you can talk

but above all else

you talk to me
you walk beside me

sea legs I see legs
they're there
so elegant
the way they
rest upon one

and time is the enemy
the one time it seems to be on my side
for once i want
it to stop completely

pulls with

you smile
i can't help but to fixate on
that tender arch in your lips
i long for them

and i think that smile could be for me

for once i think it could be for me
Feb 2014 · 463
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
I can't stomach the thought
of you being with me

but also
I can't live with knowing
you've gone on without
Feb 2014 · 534
I swear I do appreciate you
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
nana gave me cash
for gas

bless her heart

& I still spent half
on Pabst
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Lamenting Our Furry Friends
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
What went so wrong in your life, little rabbit?
why do my headlights beckon you so?

why do you long, long, little rabbit
to be swept violently undertow?

my heart goes out to you
i sigh
as the thought plays
behind my eyes

you furry little guys
coming home, beating wives
hating lives, thinking twice
living lies
you capsize

is that why
you want to leave it all behind?

life goes on, bunny buddy
take that to heart and grow

my night filled with swerving
and shaking & braking
ends more than
your "right now" problems, *you know
This is old, but I hit one of the poor ******* with my car tonight.
Consider this his wake.
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