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Feb 2014 · 309
3:15 I am
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
the world can be
a scary place

much more frightening
is the mind
Feb 2014 · 428
two fourteen
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
there's enough moon up there for two to share*

you think to yourself
as you sit alone
Feb 2014 · 661
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
girls go
for the whole

"ruin your life"

Feb 2014 · 386
two fingers
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
how painful it is to see

how painfully
hard you
to try

to "mean" something
to "feel"

it's easy to be
when you know everyone
is going to try to fix you

a false idol
with mindless followers

you let them reach
out to you
just to slap
their hands away

you're no poet

you're quite the *******
Feb 2014 · 2.7k
modern gentleman
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
I'm the type of guy

who pees sitting down
when I'm a guest of
somebody's house


i may be a
drunkard but
it's not hard
to care about decency

I don't want to ***
all over the seat,
it happens all the time
when I'm this far gone

so I shamelessly
get comfortable
and relief soon
enough sweeps

I automatically leave
the seat down, you see

that makes me
some kind
of a
gentleman, right?
Feb 2014 · 987
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
you think yourself
Karma's vessel
her honored servant
her right hand

you think yourself
but you come off

your pillars
soon will
into sand

misplaced malice
misguided mind
miscreant mentality

delusional eyes
looking in a fogged mirror

seeing what you
so strongly believe is there

you think yourself
Karma's courier

swift deliverance
but your tongue stings
and your cold stares
freeze without reason

but you are
merely the jester
your only real service
being that of entertainment

you think yourself
but you are nothing
more than a fool

with a world of growing up left to do
Feb 2014 · 488
falling in like
EJ Aghassi Feb 2014
infatuation is such a
filthy thing, isn't it?

carpet ripped from underneath,
you get the wind knocked
out of you as your back hits the hard ground

staring blankly at the stars
that don't care enough to twinkle,
even the moon wouldn't pay you
a second glance

not even out of pity

self mutilation is
the realization

that I like you

transmuting gold back
into useless reagents

I like you

graduating from budding
to full-blown alcoholic

because I like you

you make a blue sky
turn gray

I like you

the sun won't ever
shine the same

it knows I like you

clouded clime
perpetual rain

chemical imbalance
impoverished brain

near insane
digging a grave

my day

I like you
Jan 2014 · 543
EJ Aghassi Jan 2014
it will frequently
if you
let it

the doubt, that is

there is no proper
preparation for
the plummet

even though you're terrified of heights
your stomach drops

falls to it's death

suicidal stomach syndrome

splattered about on sun-stained pavement
among chewed gum, spit and countless sin

you don't follow it down, not just yet
there's no reason to

all roads lead to the bottom

putting the bottle down
the only thing you're picking up
is another
or the tab

until your walking turns into a crawl

until everything spins so fast
that motor skills never existed in the first place

and before you know it
you're roadkill with the rest of 'em

scattered about with those pieces of yourself

drying out in unforgiving daylight
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
EJ Aghassi Jan 2014
paper-thin walls

composed of needles &

and in the middle of it all
gravity is its own
different creature

and ominous
with more weight
than usual
&mor;; so
demanding of attention

though so quick to
stay entirely intangible

the sweet scent
of weightless futures ahead
-although possible, not certain-
whisp in through the rips
where windows would be

suspended within a sunray
taunting the senses

this isn't a prison

it's a home

but one can't help but feel trapped

when everything ever known

feels so forcibly shown
Jan 2014 · 846
EJ Aghassi Jan 2014
morse code
table tops & stoves

sore nose
more so
more sore
Jan 2014 · 2.9k
full circle
EJ Aghassi Jan 2014
in some sort of twisted way
i've missed having someone make me spit

that wondrous insignificance that comes
with letting somebody under your skin

every word out of their mouth an attack
& every action they take purposely meant to exclude you
to tease you
to please them
to watch you squirm

letting somebody in

it's even worse when they sneak through
a window
without you noticing

& then it's over

they tighten their grip
around your rationale
your compassion
your free will
and suddenly

everything is about them
and everything brings you to your knees
and you want to cry out
and scream

but you wouldn't want to disturb them

it's been a while since i've jumped through hoops

but light them on fire
suspend them over impossible heights
and foolishly my heart will guide me towards
doom grounded in absolute certainty

but fight
dissect yourself
as her every breath magnifies every
insecurity you thought you had completely buried

in some sick way
i've missed being made so sick with care

with worry
that i don't stand tall enough in the eyes of
some inconceivable creature

an inexorably important
omnipotent mind-numbing
in complete control

in short,
i am ******

i've missed being ******
Jan 2014 · 321
that poem you wanted
EJ Aghassi Jan 2014
i am 7914 days old as i type this
and those days have been a blur

but nonetheless,
from the beginning-

those countless hours
spent on earth-

to this very
moment in time,

i don't think i've ever seen a more beautiful smile
Jan 2014 · 790
night trip
EJ Aghassi Jan 2014
lead me
i long to taste the sunset

let kindred psyche
as quiet breath
escapes yearning lips

tired lips
longing for a place to rest

dilated senses
in essence
listening to moonlight
make silent messes
in tireless expression

and i want to truly taste
what makes you,

transcend concrete
surroundings, dear

humbled in
the arms of your sweet song

moving in closer

all things lead to this-

you beautiful sound
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
snow day
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
I can't get out of bed

my mind is overlapping
overextensions of the body

dream state zombie

fire flickers frequently
on pretty rocks next to me
liquid I'm consuming
and dooming

wind chimes
off vibes

lost time

teeth clenched tight

but I'm smiling
bigger than ever

clever weather
sending me
hurling towards

a crying running nose

lights blinding to near pain

shielding myself under feeble covers

till life breathes within me once again
Gucci for president 2014
Dec 2013 · 692
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
the craziest part
is that when you really think about it

everything is different

compassion is scarce
and good will is now commodity

it hardly seems real

even then
hardly likely

the more you try
and wash it down
forced feelings
project out of your mouth

senlsessly you agree








but it's okay

life is all about sorrow
life is about  pain

life is all about being human

and how you still manage to make each day better than the last
Dec 2013 · 739
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
extreme parallels
what ever that could mean

but as I stand out
in unforgiving frost
pondering incongruity
and all things
just like the winter wind
they whisk about me

I see spirit
I see body

I can't hope to understand

But I accept it

they exist because they must
as all opposites rely on the other
to mean something

& the forces pulling at each
side of you
have more to do with
things in between

than you could comprehend

then the smoke starts
to burn when it
it breaches the body

and while you cough
& cough knowing
that you have
done it to yourself

stars will continue to twinkle above
Dec 2013 · 300
modern men
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
Bust your back
So you can bust a nut
Dec 2013 · 727
2nd coming
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
America the brave
with sour taste I'll let that ring true

I'll be the first to say
the inexplicable ways that
every person today
gets off on fading away

and taught to not be a hero
putting yourself out for real
afraid of feel
mind of fabricated steel

putting yourself first

but with all that is said
some openly accept death
for good of those without thought
worrying about what **** they've bought

they put everything thing else first

people like that will always exist
on last resort instances
and I feel like that just may be
& I feel it perpetually

that is what's immutable
that's what is feared
that is what's expected
that's what is revered

and that still exist

and with all things considered

all sullen debts
those obsessive rendezvous
every second spent alone
thinking about the future

something truly human exists
surrounded by the material
the synthetic
the escapist

Dec 2013 · 733
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
it's not fair of you
to do that thing you do

not all stories have happy endings
the grass isn't always greener
every Good Samaritan has alterior motive
the pill was cut with sugar
you might not wake up when you're put under
your car will break down
you won't have enough money
he's in jail for life
and that thing you caught is terminal

and when you
caress my face that way
it transcends space and time
and every other fickle thing
is far from mind, so far away

but it'll never add up

the gestures
the misplaced affections

I wanna be by your side


I also want you as far away from me as possible
Dec 2013 · 835
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
remind me why
I'm still awake
why does
sleep elude me so?

I've searched corners
empty bottles
for answers

but answers still elude me so

i doubt myself
and where I stand
hardly a
respectable man

but genuine
in whatever it is
that keeps me awake
until six

nothing makes

and with street lights
guiding my way

I stumble
through dawn cascading

the walk down every
heavy steps upon the street

questioning until collapse
the empty beer cans at my feet
Dec 2013 · 992
hello again, old friend
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
it comes in waves
more so than any
thing i've put in my system

a brutal break
terrible kick
incapacitated by addiction

time went by
fooling myself
you went your way i went mine

but life don't let
you off so easy
fighting that tingle in the spine

counting down
pending relapse
thought myself further than i am

i'll avoid meeting
end hiatus greetings
but i'm only humbly a man

stronger now than ever
mind and soul
in confidences i now stand

you'll float on in
just like i've dreamt
but it's me who'll have the upper hand
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
Smooth-skinned devil

Sweet songstress of turmoil

You grabbed ahold
Of my soul
Long long ago

And your grip keeps tightening

The moon won't hide us
The stars won't save me

It's beautiful and frightening

black birds circling
you'll be dead by night

but you close in
showered by dim light

the way you sway
I'm willing prey

I'll die a thousand
deaths tonight

you're terrifying
you chill me to the bone

yet enchanting
more so than I've ever known

I long
for that slow
at your mercy

I dream
of the fall
at your claws
Dec 2013 · 278
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
i was asked to define love*

love is finding
that there are only
those two end
pieces left
of a loaf of bread
and throwing

even though you really want a sadwich
Dec 2013 · 836
EJ Aghassi Dec 2013
fighting the drive
home every
that goes by

the shadowy trees
looming over me

stop signs give
for thought
to seep through

those loud
second thoughts
the ones
you hear over

louder than the night

invisible forces
guide my feet &
hands towards
the familiar


my eyes
search desperately
for something else

i don't know where you
or where your loyalties lie
you may not
even be real at all

but there is something
that makes me
yearn to turn

away from the
obvious path before me

and towards that

to immerse myself
in you;
in every sense
of phrase

but this long
dark road keeps
calling my name

the winding

so soon
won't release
it's grip on me
Nov 2013 · 712
dead end
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
my footsteps
were met
with the echo
of my steps

lost souls

every corner
porch front

the moon frowned
or perhaps smiled
as I met its mood
eye to eye

dead end
dead friends
dead dreams

bad vibes
a bad time
waiting down the street

for me

somehow enchanting

full of meaning

I stopped
I shook
I turned

and walked back toward the lights
Nov 2013 · 753
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
left surprised
to no surprise

as kaleidoscope lights
show your skirt of stripes
& peace sign eyes

It's over 30 years ago
but no matter where or when
I'd still feel out of place

caters itself to your grace

and no matter
where I look

I see you

it's taunting the way you

and even worse
when you're standing alone

because try
as a might

I couldn't bear the weight
of being so
in your eyes

so once more
I bask

in insignificance
and reluctance

a self-defeating
sore thumb

always out of place
Nov 2013 · 500
not quite yet
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
oh when
oh when

will the stomach stop churning

vivid images of you burning
stop burning

it's almost funny
how these things work out

i would laugh
if i could

but i can't
so i won't

at the same time though
in rule of opposites i see you

beautiful in a sundress
for once happy to see me

although you're long dead
there's no crying or mourning

and even though you're long gone
i think i'll wake easy next morning

even though you should cease
to be happy and at peace

there is still some sick comfort
in knowing you're pleased

in hindsight i know
it could never be me

that could endure
the cruelty that harbors your near-empty center

sometime soon

the moon's
light will clasp on your casket

and i'll be there

a second necessary death
far gone
Nov 2013 · 535
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
you smell of flowers
and the thought of your touch
has me running
and running
and running

through the field of them

they grow for you
they grow because
you wake up in the morning

they bloom because you breathe,
you sigh
your heart beats
and they open up with relief
because you are here

you exist

you make me feel
so wonderful
so very
wonderfully minuscule

in sadness
i am happy
because in that feeling
i am real

and real
is how
i long
for you
Nov 2013 · 755
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
what is it about you?
what is it really?

it's more than
your pretty face
they are everywhere
& I love everyone
because I seem to love
so easily

why can't I stand,
the thought of standing near you?

don't get me wrong
I'm not repulsed
quite the opposite,
&so; very very
by whatever it is
that you do

what gave you the right
to do this to me?

I didn't give you
to crawl under my skin
and yet you slither
around veins&
my body won't fight you

is this what they mean
by "tunnel vision?"

the nights grow more
and yet you stand more
clear than ever
no one is around
and it couldn't possibly matter less
I'm enamored
I close my eyes
and feel your smooth skin

why isn't it you that feels
this way?
do I make you over analyze?
do I make you second guess?
do I make you sick with
worry& self scrutinization?

I think the easy answer is
I ask too many questions
Nov 2013 · 805
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
oh, you fragile
misguided thing

your care& lust
worn on your sleeve

troubled mind
struggling to conceive

oh, the heavy words
i had to breathe

and make no mistake
those stains are tears
your humanity is there
though humanity is cruel

dealing with the cards
you were dealt
in the only ways
you know how

make no mistake
you're allowed to feel

and pain is all
you know is real

i am the cause,
i'm at the wheel

but not like how
you felt appealed

and you walk off
night guides your way

to where or whom
you wish to lay

and that's okay

but misguided just the same

walking the aimless
borders of insane

thought you found warmth
to rest your weary bones

but tonight i'm walking home
Nov 2013 · 480
present state
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
Beer, beer
philosophy, gin
self searching
empire building
more beer
world dissecting, self destruction
beer and
spinning to sleep
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
sweat drips
down our backs

our heavy breathing
a symphony
the atmosphere
is ecstasy

we are one
we are one
in body
we are one

the soul

of the mind
nearly out
of control

this piece of time
dirtied and fine
is as much yours
as it is mine

kiss your cries
and in the bed we lie
passion bursts

as you claw me goodnight
Nov 2013 · 565
fall from Grace
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
you have fallen

was once your name

your grace
was what transcended
the days in waves
sent to my brain

I hope that his feet
can move quick enough

to keep

up with the way
you floats
and sways

he'll need his
wit to hide
the self sabotage
balled up inside


i see it
though now i'm numb

It should have been
but never was
& now there's nothing
to be done
but let It wither
let It die
and be
scorched out in the sun
Nov 2013 · 571
better dreams
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
in that crowded square
it was just you & I
their stares were welcomed
their stares stayed out of mind

your precious child
not my own
and usually I hate children
but when you needed to
step away
left him in my lap
I almost dropped him

I almost died

I couldn't stand the idea
of living with myself
after doing something
like that

You came back to him crying
like you knew he would be
new company don't
compare to mommy

His crying didn't just hurt my
I actually cared for his

& you just smiled
and adjusted your glasses

in that moment in that
crowded square
under your approving gaze
I am happy

so young for a child
you can feel the judgement
we're surrounded by

but even though the child
isn't mine, I take it in stride
because the world sees me
hand in hand with you
Nov 2013 · 571
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
destroy me
like I want you to
the way i know
you want to do

wrap around
squeeze me dry
and those socks knee high

i'm yours
to toy with
to adore
the one who begs
and is longing for

the way you bring me
near a cry
for pleasure principles

it's caustic

there's no amount that will suffice

but here i'll be
the next fix

when you come and own my nights
Nov 2013 · 372
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
we've only gone so far,
and so much more far to go

Brother just lay your burdens low

Stay out of your head,
keep busy and row

Brother just lay your burdens low

keep your head high
higher than before

Brother please lay your burdens low

Though it not much now
in the stars it's shown

In starlight lay your burdens low

Too heavy at times
but I'm there, just know

I'll carry your burdened self back home
I'll always have faith, o' brother of mine.
Nov 2013 · 372
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
same places
new lows

old faces
low blows

endless races
none is known

brash tastes
& weakened bones

make it worth it
make it shown

but you'll regret
what you disclosed

falling downward
broken nose

the blood breeds
bitter prose
Nov 2013 · 277
either or
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
everything you
hear from my mouth
can be

credited to fear
cast aside

anything and everything
you hear from the
tips of my fingers
is a product of too much


too much wanting to


further away

and should all be kept to myself
Nov 2013 · 261
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
My spirit animal
must be dog
you see

I certainly feel like one

but throw me
a bone here
or at least let's
do just that

Because I really want to--
even though I know
that I really
Nov 2013 · 565
be mindful
EJ Aghassi Nov 2013
you can't
you can't
convince me, dear

that it's better outside
than it is in here

but i know how it goes

it's expected and accepted
to stare blankly into the eyes
of the horrors of the real world
with foolish resolve

and although i wasn't born a fool

more and
more each
day i'm a fool for you

but it's so cold outside

and thinking twice
is my favorite vice

but be patient; be mindful

i may only be making ripples
in your ocean

but you don't know
how heavy it is to throw
each and every stone
Oct 2013 · 455
short changed
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
opposites on a coin
polar opposites

one side is what you choose to show the world
the other is what you choose to show those
at a proximate convenience

the coin flips rapidly, constantly

and somehow 50/50 doesn't justify
what you see

so tell me:
between all of this,
how many real friends does a coin have?
Oct 2013 · 815
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
Gyrations, gyrations
wayward glances
I sigh at your
blaring beauty
in amazement

Hard of hearing
but beautiful
half deaf with
whole pure
genuine soul

Signs upon signs
eyes aglow
and alive
you held onto my hand
when i shook yours good night

i heard it in your voice
i hear it now in my head
"Rebecca is my name,
but just call me Bella instead"
Oct 2013 · 1.4k
2-ply for your thoughts
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
I wish that Katelyn lived closer

Drunk dialing would go a little more smoothly
for me if she at least lived in a neighboring city
I said I would crawl to you and I would
but I'd hardly make it to the end of the street
let alone over the state line before inevitable collapse

I wish that Kristi didn't disappear

My mind would be a little more at ease if I knew
why you vanished in the first place
Questions would have answers
ego would be pieced back together and
that foolish hopeful flame would (hopefully) be extinguished

I wish that Caitlyn wasn't so sweet

a cavity of the heart made the sugar maddening
but you still were so true
sometimes I find myself wanting that madness again
to be alone in company and calamity,
to feel someone's gaze in total love and acceptance;
most times I don't

I wish that Angie wasn't spoken for

I respect your loyalty, I do
You don't come by that very often
But don't you just want to cast that aside?
Don't you want to succumb and give in?
Just this once, let your desires win
But that's just my desire talking
Don't listen

I wish I wasn't so convinced now, so cold

All I know is the cruelty buried
underneath mesmerizing complexities

I also wish my **** didn't burn so bad coming out,
so, now I don't know what to think anymore
Oct 2013 · 668
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
I still see things, smell things, hear things-
although they are not still
in immediate existence

There are pieces of time
swept in between the fabric
of space separating
knowing and forgetting

They exist in a place all their own
separate from reality
in implicit duality
clawing and scabbing me

But they have lost their naivety,
and have had their creativity
swapped with rationality

the colors that once blared vibrantly,
fade & drip into the obscurity

that has poisoned my mentality

but they are still very much there
hallowed and impaired,
yet so very much there

Fall has

Oct 2013 · 436
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
He wrote,
"I don't think I'm going
to go through with this
blind date thing"

"I heard the envy
in yor voice
& I don't like that I
made you feel that way"

"I've longed for you so long
& I thought it was only
in my head
but for once I feel
like you are longing too"

"I want to lay down with you,
only you"

She wrote back,
"Haha, okay."
Oct 2013 · 435
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
Pretty regularly now
I pass by that house

It was my first feelings of security
It was my true home away from home

Always there
Always happy
I've truly grown since I've known
What that household
Set in stone

I outgrew my shell

I fraternized for the first time

I experienced my first feelings
of gratification
of wanting
of being longed for

I expanded my mind
broadened my horizons

I've stayed up all night
I've broken the law

I've formed bonds
so strong
so strong

I met my second mom
I became the prodigal son

I owe everything to that place
everything to you & her

It all comes back to me now

He in an instant ruined it all
he ripped the carpet from underneath

The times are lost in obscurity

He's all that's left there now

You and her have far moved on for better

The trees die and the character with it

But I will always have my memories
He cannot, WILL not take those away

Driving by now it all flashes by, just like that
Every time I pass it

And every time I see his car in the driveway
I roll down my windows and yell

and keep driving on
Oct 2013 · 681
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
the lights on the horizon
are a taunting reminder

their beauty glares
in pairs they stare

the barren streets
in solidarity meet

your lonely mind
as the moon shines

as the room spins
bitter thoughts win

as your reminisce
on the times missed

has someone

Or everybody
thinks they do

at some point
they'll need company

but it'll usually
never be you
Oct 2013 · 710
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
you smile
you flaunt

and he's driving me insane

two dimensional
two sided
one of his heads leading
his game

but that's how it goes
it's one in the same

I'm just another face
in a drab sea of names

money lines his pockets
empty words
to keep warm

and on the other side
of the room

reality rocks
to sleep

the dreamer
the realist
the sadist
lost in wanting

a familiar scenario
not so long gone

a familiar feeling
emptiness in arms

soon enough, though
you'll be here

soon enough, I feel,
dreams will breach reality
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
she's out there, somewhere
but you can't be sure

in your arms
while you daydream

in the air you breathe;
intoxicating and elating

at your bedside,
keeping you up at night

it'll become too much

& you'll reach out
but you spend even more
time in your head
and you can't be too sure
of anything in this world

but you can be sure
she's out there

more than just a thing of dreams

she's out there, somewhere
alive with laughter

with a thirst for attention,
desperation in her demeanor

& a mouth full of midnight
In the end it's really all just black & white.
Oct 2013 · 612
EJ Aghassi Oct 2013
You got what you wanted

all that I could not be

but I still remember
the night we danced

& how my feet missed every beat
I've yet to meet your equal.
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