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 Jan 2020 eccedentesiast
Why oh why does the song sing
Why oh why does the sun rise
Why oh why am I?

Why oh why am I alive
Why oh why does my ear ache
Why oh why do I feel so sad
Why oh why?

Why oh why Mommy
Why oh why Daddy
Why oh why my brother
Why oh why my sister
Could you love me so well
And hurt me so bad
Why oh why?

Why oh why is the sky so blue
Why oh why do I love you
Why oh why do you love me too?

Why oh why am I getting too old
Why oh why am I still so young
Why oh why is there time?

Why oh why is there slaughter
On an microscopic planet in the milky way among billions of galaxies
Why oh why?

Why oh why is the darkness
The perfect screen for the imagination?

Why oh why does the poet know
And I don't know nothing at all.

Why oh why, you probably have your own
The timer is ticking down
Why oh why, time to go.
 Jan 2020 eccedentesiast
when a heart broken
pours out all
her feelings and
translates them onto
words. something
beautiful gets created.
appreciated by many but
never the one
she's always written her
heart out for.
 Jan 2020 eccedentesiast
Burn it all.
I want to strike the match that turns this to ash,
I’m sick of living this
I want it destroyed
I want it burnt
I want to taste the bitter victory of cinders in the air.
I will stamp the embers out
So all that is left is grey, black and white.
i bought a prom dress
last night.
it's ivory and rose gold
and it makes me feel
like a confident queen.

i promposed to my boyfriend.
there were scrabble tiles
and it was adorable.
he said yes.

i know it's still two or three
months away, but i'm getting
ready and it'll be a good night.
a night where i finally feel
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