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eatmorewords Dec 2018
I saw a woman take a picture of a picture at 8:33am next to a bus stop who’s shadow was all broken glass and burger wrappers
my aftershave is making me feel sick
today’s soundtrack is The Ballad of Reverend War Character.

online people in a group all talking about what they’ve seen on the internet -
•kid falling over
•the worlds largest elastic band ball
•cats that look like ******
•beef-burger garnishes
and that scene in Papillon when the screen turns upside down and he says YOU HAVE BEEN ACCUSED OF A WASTED LIFE scared the out of me

head like a planet
*** marked like a meteor impact
a mug shot on a 1,000 police walls
fingerprints like the map
contours of mountains
the peaks
   the peaks
      he ****** in the wound
and it smelt like burning hair
     incoming message
incoming missile

the earth shrieks
the damaged people inflict damage     on others
numbers formulated on spreadsheets cause
waves crashing on the opposite side of the word the
flap of butterfly wing that
scratches the surface of stretched skin
eatmorewords May 2017
the dead man died today
he'd been dying for a while now

the rain washed away the chalk children before they could run into the horizon and appear like scratches on your lense

"Don't worry about the government" was the title of the last song I heard

impeach the leader
eat the rich

the sign language man in the bottom of the TV screen got cramp and confused the viewers with his dyslexic fingers

I can be found on google maps
May 2017 · 717
messiah with chicken
eatmorewords May 2017
the modern miracles of the modern messiah
- feeding the destitute  with one chicken
- quenching their first with a litre  of Coke
- modern mercies at the homeless shelter
- the young kids with gout and nosebleeds
all the odd numbers at the bingo hall

solar power fuelled anger

buy one get two free as the flies buzz around the discarded fruit out back of the supermarket

angels with ***** faces
angels  in Nikes
eatmorewords May 2017
Yesterday the weather changed
and what it changed into,
I can not say.
It was something words can not describe.

We will need a new alphabet.

There will be a public debate
held around bandstands,
or in libraries after hours,
when the school kids and the homeless
have vacated.

Professors and purveyors of
taste and trends
will argue their views on live TV.

The polemicists will debate,
until definitions are forged,
and when new words are created,
old meanings will be cast
asunder and forgotten.

A phone poll,
followed by a referendum
will give the public a voice

but once there is a consensus
private investors will be invited to
table bids to sponsor the new vowels.
eatmorewords May 2017

An administrative error resulted in them sending  crates full of unsold
Princess Diana commerative funeral plates to the victims of the flood.

They were not happy,
and when they dried off,
angry letters were written.
May 2017 · 406
detective, retired
eatmorewords May 2017

Pavement where
an egg shell should not be

that perfect shape
fractured with spider leg cracks

across the surface
of its world.

How did they get there?
those Nazca Lines?
And the amount of discarded shoes seems to be multiplying each day,

the busted boot on the traffic island
its been there for weeks

a plimsoul
childs shoe

they're all left footed
is there significance in this?

I look for patterns in everyday things,

TV Schedules

colouring books
Sudoku squares

floor tiles
Tube maps

football scores

I keep looking for clues
like a retired detective who just can't let go.
May 2017 · 400
smoking birds
eatmorewords May 2017

Cigarette butts
piling up
outside the building.

Pistachio nut shells
look like empty ammo cases
amongst the nicotine detritus.

On paving slabs
next to the kerb
where diving bombing pigeons,

fly away
with cigarettes in their beaks,
still smoking.

The birds
blow smoke rings and fly
from view

and you think you can hear
coughing so you look up
to see.
May 2017 · 415
Mayday: send help
eatmorewords May 2017
Theresa Mayday

1. an international radio distress signal used by ships and aircraft and people who don't want a right leaning, heartless government "we sent out a Mayday"
Use your vote wisely
May 2017 · 321
again, something
eatmorewords May 2017
through backwards binoculars everything was upside down - rushes of blood

small cluster headaches

- no cure for this sickness -

-(are you lonesome tonight?)-
same self ***
self satisfied smiles

the soundtrack skipped

small morsels and crumbs...

(...tourists to the city were also amazed at the shopping facilities and variety of places to eat.

The average trip advisor rating was a solid 4.6)

I saw the neighbours wedding photos and they were bland.
May 2017 · 240
things stopped
eatmorewords May 2017

The clouds sat in the air
like empty speech bubbles
from a well thumbed comic book

were the author hid clues which pointed to something big

much bigger and incomprehensible, it's...
well , it's best not to think about it

so go put the kettle on
and have a cup of tea.

The clouds opened and when it rained,
it rained commas,
and everything seemed to stop
or at least slow down,
just for a while.

And anyway
it was the animals that sensed it first,
P's cat tore up a sofa
while R's dog looked for cover

a parrot stammered
squeaked and swore while

a dog attacked a postman
who dropped elastic bands
that just bounced off the floor.
May 2017 · 300
tv interview man
eatmorewords May 2017
The man on TV
was famous for interviewing
famous people on TV
and now he's retired he's being interviewed
on TV
to talk about the famous people
he interviewed when he was on TV
interviewing famous people.

A constant loop rotating
the centrifugal force
pulling at his face.

A table.
Two chairs,
glasses of ice cold water.
May 2017 · 283
insert title
eatmorewords May 2017
self portrait with twigs and vegetables  
 the vagueness of raisin eyes
feminine fruits convey a softness you've tried to hide - 
- small twig legs 
- seen from the distance
the shadow converges with the object from which its cast

- I told the students to paint me as they saw fit - black canvas, clown trousers, a lighthouse smashed by waves, a single cloud, 
over acres of wheat 

there will always be distance between us she said

country miles and gaps in the geography
staples misplaced in the middle of the page where the silo used to be
eatmorewords May 2017
the cheque the bank sent me slowly di
                 sin    teg

          he couldn't perform
the constant image of the black Converse trainer on the dead leg of Kurt Cobain just put him off

         modern day Moses
spammed everyone with the 10 commandments but they went I read
             lost in the junk mail
                    amongst adverts for ******* pills and serums that will give you strong
healthy hair
eatmorewords May 2017
future kid
let's call him WMU#2b
will look at a pen in confusion
and will laugh at the concept of
metal money &
paper tokens

and my phone predicts my every word then replaces it with an image
- a
May 2017 · 268
bus update
eatmorewords May 2017
The bus drivers head resembles a badly shaven *******.

He doesn't look happy.

He has those real tiny eyes
that squint all the time.

Like he's looking into a really ******* bright light.
May 2017 · 282
eatmorewords May 2017
we feel cheated because dreams never have a natural ending

they just fade into a new day
at 2:43pm he bites his nail 
and tastes this mornings toothpaste 

and all he can think about is a stain on his carpet which gets bigger in his mind
the more he thinks about it

it just gets BIGGER till

panic sets it when and
he thinks of his death

of his kids
growing up with a name and a faint memory

people always look for the geometry in the familiar and feel confusion when the supermarket rearranges itself 

fresh fruit further to the left
26 types of tea
near frozen foods and desserts

at the check out         lurid magazines leer at you
May 2017 · 379
that's not me in a wig
eatmorewords May 2017
that fear you feel when you see the security camera footage and know it's not you
         but someone playing you
in a mask
wearing a wig
eatmorewords Apr 2017
this haiku will not
go on and on and on and
on and on and on
Apr 2017 · 678
I heart NY
eatmorewords Apr 2017
all those people
that wear
I ❤️ NY shirts

I bet they've
never even
heard a
Neil Young
Apr 2017 · 261
automatic writing #14
eatmorewords Apr 2017
psychoanalytical observations of the thoughts that remain unsaid 
the twitch of the eye
the scratch of the knuckle

subconsciously done
but observed and duly noted

you came from your mums inside
exited through a thicket

untamed wilderness and ******* that were suckled for many moons


(camera cuts to montage of...)


the extra chromosome

a missing digit
the warehouse where they faked the moon landings
the barn at the edge of town and the scalped cowboy on the plains
the ghosts of the civil dead
Apr 2017 · 217
eatmorewords Apr 2017
I've seen your wedding
and they
Apr 2017 · 249
all power to the Soviets
eatmorewords Apr 2017
at a time,
(can we all agree it's now?)
    when the animals outside
just know somethings coming

a static in the air
a taste

        where I hear them talk about conspiracies
 of **** gold stored inside Swiss mountains

          moon landings filmed in a downtown warehouse where all the participants have died in mysterious circumstances

    • a shaving accident
    • killed in a stampede


aliens are living amongst us

     and when waking up becomes a reenactment of the previous day and the day before that and the day before that and the day


she kept a diary of political slogans        and propaganda posters 

she mumbled in her sleep
Apr 2017 · 235
Mary embarrasses God
eatmorewords Apr 2017
god, like a child
in front of Eves nakedness he blushed and looked away -
- the smallest ****** functions made him giggle
when he saw her sit down to *** he pointed and laughed -
he wasn't amused
just embarrassed
Apr 2017 · 271
in a time after the famine
eatmorewords Apr 2017
we ate discarded instruction manuals for washing machines, video recorders and calculators

we learnt new things

we stalked the rabbits
and followed dogs in the shadows
salivating at the prospect
of meat

days spent hunkered in the bunker with tin food and a transistor radio that could only pick up the sound of a sobbing  man
and static fuzz

all our memories fused into one long dream

we thought of the astronauts miles above us thinking can they see the Great Wall of
Apr 2017 · 340
eatmorewords Apr 2017
do passwords
get offended
when they're
eatmorewords Apr 2017
He was a tapeworm

his sister had a bad perm
sitting on her head,

edge of the bed
in a knife sliced
corridor of light. These thoughts,

that leaned like weak trees
in a cutting breeze.

These thoughts
that we're never straight more
a child's hurricane scribble.

A mental ball of twine collecting clutter

and when the cobra struck

I thought of you

ready to **** the venom

or offer the antidote.

The misery and turbulence,

the fear of being hunted by the anonymous faces

of a South American meat packing conglomerate.
Apr 2017 · 266
failed interview
eatmorewords Apr 2017
the questions he asked held no relevance 
he took notes and I looked out the window to the office 

another room with cabinets
people & computers 
water coolers
a broken printer
drably personalised work spaces with kids drawing and motivational quotes spat over an inspiring landscape of mountains or soft still lakes

dust settles and stays on the leaves of plastic plants

 (  disgruntled secretary, 
floor two, has her mothers ashes stored in a Russian doll on her desk and a draw full paper clips and staples ) 

I didn't get the job
they gave it to a man who likes fat woman to sit on his face
eatmorewords Apr 2017
the question mark
like a bent over old man

the questioning of fools
the hairy palms of Neanderthals

wobbling through  air conditioned malls with no signals hitting their limbic system

reptillan brain in control

the hierarchy of needs
Nike Air and
a widescreen TV

rejoice at the useless

I spend all day looking at a screen that looks back at me

there is a TV programme that is always on, somewhere
it’s always on

i fall asleep and wake up to see a monster, a man with a gun, a detective, a car chase, a
weather report

that radio station that plays a stairway to heaven on a 24hr loop

the white noise of the everyday

the passwords are forgotten
but not offended
Apr 2017 · 334
sweep the jackals nest
eatmorewords Apr 2017
the hungry cemetery devours the dead
swallows them whole
- the belly of the beast
- the dirt thrown on top
frozen ground
forecasted snow

the stillness of the cemetery

hip hop priests spitting sermons

buried with the mind machine skeletal words now free of the past - skin eaten away & the bones remain

the first ******* scared him

the first ******* and he thought he'd broke it

running to him mother with globules dripping

his mother laughing

the redness of her mouth

teeth stained
and a tongue

a tongue that could sweep the jackals nest
Apr 2017 · 253
Jackie O
eatmorewords Apr 2017
jackie o-
o as  hole -
- fur trimmed, 
fit for a queen 
followed by a cavalcade of suitors

trajectory of history
in amongst broken spines

(his corpse wasn't even cold) 

with gifts of silver, intricate cutlery, opiates and one thing on their mind

-Camelot burning 
-she whispered to him about Cuban shorelines and Russian citadels
eatmorewords Apr 2017
the internal monologue at the beginning was

pit pat patter of rain on windows then
wind through the trees but louder it grew

like waves &
the sounds of war

screams from the experimentation
expressed in words 
scratched on surfaces 
stretched canvas of skin

with blunt knife strokes 

kids with mouths like coin slots 

fingers caught in the elastic of her underwear

eatmorewords Apr 2017
the internal monologue at the beginning was

pit pat patter of rain on windows then
wind through the trees but louder it grew

like waves &
the sounds of war

screams from the experimentation
expressed in words 
scratched on surfaces 
stretched canvas of skin

with blunt knife strokes 

kids with mouths like coin slots 

fingers caught in the elastic of her underwear
Apr 2017 · 930
death at the yo-yo factory
eatmorewords Apr 2017
I've seen how the loss of industry can decimate a town.

Like when that yo-yo factory was closed down
and the workers all hung themselves from lampposts
and just bounced up and down.

Up and down.
Apr 2017 · 355
direct decedents of Neptune
eatmorewords Apr 2017
100% dedication to the wrong thing

weeks of planning up in smoke

she walked away and left her shadow waiting

no need for precise measurements here

best guess &

best guesses

long wave radio and the strange signals –

transmission interrupted

– wavering

– on waves like the ark

– new ideas

third aisle on the left

that secret isn’t safe

the secret has escaped

they asked me if I was a spy

the bad compass points south –

things go down

magnetic forces

the limb

gnarled ends

impossible to be in two places at once

the belief in something that isn’t there

turn left when you exit this town

she reads the words then tries to forget

but she found the evidence

the picture in the frame with the four fingerprints

( find the four finger ghost )

the spies that wore a leather glove on their left hand

it was a sign – hidden but open

just like the looks she gave me


the Beatles came from a city of boats –

direct decedents of Neptune –
Apr 2017 · 305
automatic writing #11
eatmorewords Apr 2017
Icelandic diets and tiny woman in big cars - oriental twins stand next to bad graffiti - sick children in the exclusion zone

- the end of the family tree

- the branch snaps

two holes have appeared at opposite ends of the earth

they have give weapons to all those over 15 and told them to protect the city

God has been outsourced to a call centre in India

his Facebook page keeps crashing

                       emails go unanswered
my book was called "the eternal twitch of the nervous millennium"

the death of the happy polar bear, 1983 - 2016
Apr 2017 · 1.0k
my bike had AIDs
eatmorewords Apr 2017
My car tyres are going bald,
most probably cancer.

That would just be my luck.

I once had a bike that got AIDS.

Please don't ask.

Seeing it just fall about, a nut here,
a bolt there, the broken
spokes, the clunking chain that
would turn no more.
It's rusty revolutions.

Disintegrating in front of my eyes,
like Tom Hanks in Philadelphia.

Seeing a BMX brings it all back.

Once at a car boot sale, I bought 3 car boots
only to find they were broken but
on a positive, someone bought my shoes,
even though they weren't for sale.

I walked home, socks on feet, the rain
seeping through,

the car boots on my back clunking,
I was thinking
life really isn't so bad
Apr 2017 · 403
maps for plague cities
eatmorewords Apr 2017
maps coloured in,
places where I’ve been
other maps show stolen land, places of war,
cemeteries marked with crosses
– plague cities black ringed
– places of pogroms marked pins –
arrows indicate migrationary trails –
outward from Africa monkey man to homosapien
the evolution of the thumb &
blind fishes

(the first restaurant sold primordial soup)

in Precambrian forests they hired
priests to baptise micro-chips before they left the factory
holy water sprayed from water pistols
– microchipped meat
you are a small blip on a map
on a map on a screen
on a screen in a room that doesn’t exist –
a small blip flashing

a liver made in a factor
a wooden lung

so many pills
she sounds like a maraca when she walks down the street –
rattle rattle rattle
– pills for all kinds of alignments
weight loss
erectile dysfunction
laser eyes
internal rot
diseased *****
side effects two many to mention
the Elvis shakes
Apr 2017 · 297
eatmorewords Apr 2017
I'll meet you in the bottom left hand corner of the map before we move across the great expanse of the middle ground - past staples that hold the pages together

through the middle ground of open space and forests
- we'll push on

towards the top right hand corner through to the small print

across the page references and place names

names that roll off the tongue

names that stick and choke

like swallowing a mountain
we will move across a geography of dry river beds

common land and ex towns
we'll arrive before the new edition removed our path
Apr 2017 · 248
eatmorewords Apr 2017
a season of plain white t-shirts against corrugated iron fences that rust expensive trainers
seasonal adjustment and a dropped stitch

chimney stacks arthritic broken fingers of the broken landscape
horizon of scratched surfaces

little children running into trees and

disappearing into shilouttes of long shadows
they moved the furniture to confuse the blind
Apr 2017 · 353
that Biafra thing
eatmorewords Apr 2017
Sometimes I forget that I am

my memory is made up of affectionate toothpaste ads
of the past three decades.

On occasions I think I’m John Lennon
returning his CBE
over to that Biafra thing.
Apr 2017 · 2.9k
reused meme
eatmorewords Apr 2017
the rain wet floor
the man with a birth mark in the shape of Pangea

the backwards baseball cap

the re-used meme

the re-used meme

the idea of “retro”

cumulus clouds floating

heavy &


all electrical goods just sitting on stand-by


the machines are waiting

the blueprints that are 1mm out
at right angles to the rest of the world neon lights flash downtown

reflected on wet concrete

arriving at a destination and not knowing how you got there
my glasses leave an indentation on the side of my head
my children are asleep and I can see the signs

a new Netflix series that goes on for 125weeks – I have no stamina for this –

the mundane beauty of a leisure centre
the perfection of the shopping mall
Apr 2017 · 307
air conditioned crisis
eatmorewords Apr 2017
in an air conditioned supermarket

I had an existentialist crisis in an aisle of mayonnaise, too many choices and to much colour, I dropped my basket and fled to the door, down the hallway and through the cobbled lanes –

I hummed the last song I heard, threw my wallet in the bin and headed for the trees forgetting all my passwords
the crematorium chimney reached up – it’s brick arm searching for stars – the smoke became the clouds and it rained dust for days

Roman numerals have always confused the hell out of me

Mummy, it’s all connected and it’s all collapsing
eatmorewords Apr 2017
****** at a safe distance

death via video conference call massacre

a force field of bureaucracy

faceless names at the bottom of letters

the secretaries know where the bodies are buried

they are selling up

the ship is going down and I saw them making tiny holes in the life jackets
Apr 2017 · 230
eatmorewords Apr 2017
I wear crime scene tape to hold up my trousers and in this weather

my lips swelled the blood turned blue – or shades of –

a pale skin red when raw

ointment for the rash

balms for the bruised

– Iater my tongue tasted metallic

tasted of iron

like I was ******* on a nail –
Apr 2017 · 835
eatmorewords Apr 2017

listen to yourself

burp and gurgle and burble and

when you shake your head

side to side

your eyes can’t focus

and you get a headache

and passersby offer help

and words of support

or commiseration
(it’s hard to differentiate


a helping hand

or a fist in the face)

– and you think of buster Keaton and the falling house…

the way he stood perfectly poised while the house fell

and he knew he wouldn’t come to harm

but you thought the whole edifice would collapse on his little head –
Apr 2017 · 293
automatic writing: #27
eatmorewords Apr 2017
flapping butterfly wings inside the wardrobe with the skeletons

fireflies circle the bulb

a low wattage casts small shadows over this thing
                         over this everything
of empty petrol station forecourts

wastelands of concrete where shoes hang from telegraph wires
and of all the stereotypes I know
  how many of them are true?

she frantically searches the book shelves for the answers and writes angry letters to the council about the lack of WI-FI at the local library

she sits on the roof to get a better view of the constellations which she can’t see from down here
Apr 2017 · 484
automatic writing #55
eatmorewords Apr 2017
the song was set on a space station orbiting earth
the astronauts were eating powdered food and trying to remember what
ice cream tasted of they couldn’t find the words to describe vanilla

in Russian Stalin banned jazz

he ordered all trumpets to be buried 300 miles from Stalingrad

yesterday was national poetry day and no one knew

outside hailstones have been falling on and off for an hour or so
spring now, but possibly still winter
the calendars could be lying

the washing machine is gurgling in another room

my cat ate my fish

my cat died when I was on a school trip

my bird fell off his perch and never knew he hit the ground

the news is on the radio and
words are jumping from its belly
something about a ******
Russian involvement

she told me this morning she dreams of dead children

I’ll leave this here
I’ll finish my tea then I’ll be off
Apr 2017 · 258
new badges
eatmorewords Apr 2017
New Boy Scout badges:

•web design


•glutton free cooking

•metaphysical philosophy

eatmorewords Apr 2017
God had Eden

Satan had a pleasure park of rollercoasters

Pac-Man machines and souvenir shops 

(the quests were long 
the merchandise over priced
the hot dogs cold)

and outside Eden 
the traffic stretched for miles
– cars full of screaming children and half eaten fruit
– cars full of fuming parents with half price vouchers stuffed in pockets 

others climbed over the fence to the garden of Eden
they bought a packed lunch with them

a blanket covered in cat hair

the garden was overgrown

the fruit was rotten

dogs ran wild

they made a mental note to write a one star review when they got home
Jan 2013 · 2.0k
albino Afro snow
eatmorewords Jan 2013
the snow, white
soft like an albino Afro
then the compacted crystalline crunch
cracked under the weight of a human foot.
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