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Eat only to hunger,
Drink only to thirst,
Rest only to tire,
Defecate only to eat,
******* only to be aroused,

And so goes the merry-go-round!
Work and toil,
Work and toil,
Work and toil in vain!

From the poorest to the richest,
Everyone seeks betterment!

So we work and toil,
But work and toil in vain nonetheless!
I'm seekin' to find yo' love,
The one many talk 'bout!

I wanna' feel it;
Bask in it!

Done been told it's an anchor in the storm!

Well then you my anchor!
You my anchor in this tempest!

I done been moved in so many ways,
My soul been battered!

Yo' love be my anchor!
Yo' love be the anchor of my soul!!

Even when the sun peek through them clouds over yonder,
And we approach them,
We shan't be separated!!
|Inspired by the style of writing by James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938).
Do you ever have your heart so full of sorrow
that you cannot feel anything?
You are numb, you're not sure of what's happening.
Deep breathes and clenched jaw.
You remain with a soft expression
but inside you're on ruins.
What do I do?
I'm a restless soul inside a troubling vision.
Where do I start?
I don't know where I went wrong,
besides the constant denial and self-loathing.
Can I be saved?
I'm in love with a version of myself,
one I can't achieve.

Let me rest,
let me close my eyes
and dream of what once were my dreams.
Copyright © irsorai
I dream of a quiet place,
Where I stop dreaming of being someone else half of the time.
All that is heard is natural, and soothes my soul to rest.
It has been in my dreams for as long as I could remember,
Yet I don't know where that is.

My throat swells up, and the hairs on my arms have risen.
Where do I belong, or where am I supposed to be?
Does such a place even exist?

Perhaps it just exists inside of me,
And I'm the problem actually.
Maybe this place is in the heavenly.

In this place my soul is at rest, my heart is content, and my mind at peace.
I see a large field of grain surrounded by the greenest trees, and the skies are whatever color they need to be, so long as I am there!
she crawls slowly through the mist
in the forest of demise
where the dark paths turn and twist
hidden from the open skies

where secret screams exist
going there would be unwise
the lips of pain are gently kissed
as another victim cries

if you find yourself in her midst
never look into her eyes
pretend she doesn't exist
don't be the next who dies
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