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Aug 2023 · 244
Life N Death
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2023
Butchered, it was a life,
Cut up, it was breathing,
It was a living being,
Being in this world,
With you and me.

Destined to die,
aren't we all?

Would you **** me too,
Cook me up good?
Aug 2023 · 534
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2023
Discredit me yet again
I am a pawn for you to play your game
You have done what is right for you
I don't wish to fight you
I will take my feet behind
Push away all the sand
I have tall feet to stand
And you will have to stay
To see me walk away.
Aug 2023 · 402
Life race
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2023
I don't have sympathies
I feel fine if you fall
I trust that in time you will march back
Throw the dust off
And get back
In the life race
It is a place
Where no one is leading
And every track is dirt filled.
Aug 2023 · 1.4k
Emotional damage
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2023
It seemed like yesterday, but was it?
Days disappearing and what remains
Is feelings lingering
in places, we can't go back again,
For we refuse to,
It would be too, too much to
be feeling like an open wound
after what felt like yesterday, an eternity in truth
But it is still bleeding with a twinge touch,
it is an ache, just beneath
the surface.
Jul 2023 · 188
Miss me?
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2023
My need for having a need for me
Is it my ego, or just vanity
I want just a single person to feel
My absence, fondness
To reassure me of my self-worth
I'd like to be in touch with the reality
Jul 2023 · 71
Trash can
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2023
I wished to be valued
I wish to be heard
I never felt those things
I have feelings submerged
In to the depths of pools
My sunken ship remains
I have no hope left
They'll never treasure me
For them, i am Trash.
Jul 2023 · 424
It's okay
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2023
I'm better this way
Feeling low
I'm happy to feel sadness grow
Make my heart, a home.
Jul 2023 · 361
No Better
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2023
It's lonesome time, feeling like I am not needed
Fallen leaves, they'll leave the scene in few days.
It won't be pretty, so better removed
The nature of human, better move on,
Forget the previous dawn.
No time reminisce, no time to care
Just be there to find your feet falling in line.

It is fatigue, linings on our face
Broken inside, but make up will cover
Every day, a flower dries,
Every night, a flower dies
It is sad view in the evening by the lake
Sometimes for progress, humanity is on stake

Today is no better than yesterday,
I miss everything from past lives and future times
It is always so lonesome on this planet,
Every creature is feeling the same kind of feeling.
Jul 2023 · 68
Cut em off
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2023
All *******,
All the time,
To things I adore,
To things I abhor,
I want to be liberated,
I want to be set free,
These bondages,
I am all *******,
Now is the time,
I know it is
Make a tear
Tear away
It is only once
The courage
To lose.
Jun 2023 · 894
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
Real person will bore me,
You play many roles
in the fantasy of mine.
Driving me insane
with your every spoken line.
Jun 2023 · 182
Timeless letters
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
Wartime liquid *****
Praises from the distant dead
A penchant for vanishing
Seamless letters, fresh and extensive
Pulsating with life, yet deceased

A life that was once so full
Now reduced to these words on a page
A testament to a time
That will never be the same

But the ***** of that life
Will live on in these words
A reminder that even in death
There is still hope for the future

So let us praise these letters
Remnants of a time
For they are a gift from the past
A reminder that even in darkness
There is always light to be found
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
With changing tides, I've been changing minds
A distant thought, my mind is on you
I missed your birthday today,
It's been happening every year
I wish you the good,
Health and wise.

Sometimes it becomes hotter in here
The air is thick with memories
Of days gone by,
When we were close,
And I could hold you near

But now you're far away
And I'm not sure if you still care
I've been trying to reach out
But you're not responding

I don't know what to do
I'm lost and confused
I just wish I could talk to you
And clear the air

But for now, I'll keep wishing you well
And hoping that one day
We'll be able to reconnect
And pick up where we left off

Sometimes it becomes hotter in here
But I'll keep going
Because I know that one day
The air will clear
And I'll be able to breathe again
Jun 2023 · 725
In a pickle
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
Little little did I know
I was caught unprepared
And I wouldn't lie, you know
It is a truth, no one can deny

That I was in a pickle,
A real pickle, you see
And I didn't know what to do
So I just stood there, like a fool
Jun 2023 · 199
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
There is a overwhelming need of sweetener into my life,
I keep drowning inside biterness of all the shoved feelings
I've pushed down.
Jun 2023 · 86
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
I think you should show your teeth,
Open them wide, for me to see
Please follow through,
And stretch your lips wide towards extremes
Stretch it horizonally
Keep it the way for as long you can hold

Now if you do follow through my instructions
then tell me one thing,
what are you smiling at?
It is not a funny thing on internet
But just an exercise to check
if your lips can excercise.
Jun 2023 · 109
Global warming
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
The Earth was green, the Earth was warm,
Then came the man, with fuel and farm.
He cut the trees, he filled the sky
With smoke and heat, and so we die.

The world is hot, the world is dry,
The polar caps are melting high.
The sea is rising, cities drown,
And we are left to stand around.
It is hotter than usual
May 2023 · 610
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
Red rage
Like erupting volcano
The blinding anger
Cracking up loud
Fire won't out
Burning forests
as it won't subside
Will take days and more
calm the loads destruction
The remnants and the ashes    
All that relationship and bonds
May 2023 · 419
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
Wind in my hair,
Flowing into my eyes
I feel the breeze taking me in
Breathing me a new life
Waves coming to me
Beautiful view blinding me
killing the blues inside me.
May 2023 · 113
Another lost soul
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
He keeps looking for reasons
He is searching for purpose
He found me in the middle
And he keeps following me
He strays into my path

I don't know why he does it
I don't know what he wants
But I can't help but feel sorry for him
He seems so lost and alone

I try to ignore him
I try to push him away
But he always finds a way to come back
He's like a bad penny

I don't know what to do with him
I don't know how to help him
But I can't help but feel like I owe him something
Like I'm the only one who can understand him

So I keep letting him in
I keep giving him a chance
I keep hoping that one day he'll find what he's looking for
But I know that day may never come

He's a lost soul
And I'm just a passing stranger
But for now, I'll be his friend
And I'll hope for the best
May 2023 · 569
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
One day would come
And man won't be needed no more
The life will sustain just so.
May 2023 · 137
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
It came like a windchime in windy night,
A soft and gentle sound,
A whisper in the darkness,
A breath of hope.

It came like a warm embrace,
A feeling of peace,
A comfort in the storm,
A hand to hold.

It came like a ray of sunshine,
A break in the clouds,
A hope for tomorrow,
A light in the darkness.

It came like a song,
A melody of joy,
A reminder of beauty,
A reason to smile.

It came like a dream,
A vision of possibility,
A glimpse of what could be,
A reminder that anything is possible.

It came like a gift,
A blessing from above,
A miracle in the making,
A reason to be grateful.

It came like a whisper,
A gentle reminder,
That everything is going to be okay,
That you are not alone.

It came like a friend,
A shoulder to cry on,
An ear to listen,
A hand to hold.

It came like love,
A feeling of warmth,
A sense of belonging,
A reason to live.

It came like hope,
A light in the darkness,
A reason to keep going,
A reason to believe.

But why do I
feel like it came to me, and it is now gone again.
May 2023 · 81
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
Everything remains unread
Nobody has the time to spare on mediocrity
Attention spanning less
I am fearful for that
I would be bored of everything soon enough
One second and next,
And then null.
May 2023 · 56
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
I met different people, I met them at different place and time,
I am part of their story as an insignificant entity,
They are different human to me, a different facet in front of me
I wish there was a reason for everything,
But I guess I will not get to listen to them in this eternity.
May 2023 · 105
Them dreamers
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
The dreams, them long forgotten kept beneath everything that keeps happening all around.
The walls are being pushed, there is not enough on the ground.
If all that matters in the world is sustaining, fulfilling ambitions will never be good
Everyone seems to be chasing something, money, power and kind
It won't matter much if the efforts are ill-timed.
The moving art, it is not respite but a major struggle,
There is no one who cares about it at all.
Apr 2023 · 103
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2023
You are my muse,
The singular memory I choose,
My heart seems to refuse
to leave you as an entity to use,
My imagination keeps you
in place, I keep recreating
fantasies to replay
A different energy infused.
Mar 2023 · 145
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2023
I started when I was seventeen
Now I am just timeless.
Mar 2023 · 120
No left turns
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2023
I've been raised better, I've been raised well
At all crossroads, I will take the right path,
But I keep glancing back, the roads are rosy
The flower is blooming, while I have to walk on thorns
It is never easy, I should know better
The truth sure tastes bitter
But my heart will stay sweet.
Jan 2023 · 265
Druzzayne Rika Jan 2023
It's a hell,
Even when there are mountains,
scenic rivers, with sun shining,
Shimmering landscape,
and a burning village,
Because in the city nearby,
Monsters are breathing,
With their hands on guns,
They feel at ease in killing,
The land of their ancestors,
Ruled by these monsters,
It's a hell,
for innocent bystanders.
Jan 2023 · 285
Farewell 2022
Druzzayne Rika Jan 2023
A void, the emptiness, there is a window open
To bring in the sadness, it is the only feeling to come
And it comes.

My both set of grandmothers departed this land,
The start and the end of year as it happened
Above eighty, they lived through the eras
Saw the nation defeat and built.

Lasted longer than their spouses, outlived their peers
Lived through the crowd and loneliness,
Fed their kids and grandkids.

Their memories and their things,
Their words, they repeat in my mind
I keep thinking of them, them again.

They loved me and other dozen cousins,
They worried each day if I eat my meals,
catch my bus, reach home safe and sound.

It is funny how it comes to humans,,
When it is time to depart, their body deteriorates
The heartbeats comes to rest.

I really wish to have more of them,
I yearn to hear the same stories yet again,
Their hardship and the beautiful life.

I wish I had more time with them now,
I deeply wish I could go a year behind.
Dec 2022 · 186
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2022
You come across a world, worlds apart,
A sanctuary to call my own
A beam of light, a true calling
Rituals of care, a distant longing
As this year ended, you decide to go
To the other side of the door
You keep walking, leaving me behind
In the unjust world, I find myself alone
Your new angelic glow, a darkness in my life
Death is a final farewell, the supreme call
The memories keep going and coming around
I cherish them dearly, the wisdom and the banter
I wish I could flip the clock to go on forever
Because this lifetime is not enough
Wait for me till I get my to cross this sea.
Dec 2022 · 175
Levels of tolerance
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2022
I am still unable to understand
what am I,
Intolerant or a person tolerant for way too long?

The things I can't bare to watch,
they happened all at once,
but not really so sudden,
A product of our collective silence.

It started in our home,
we ignored all the warnings,
we made the decisions then
And we are at a situation now,
How do I blame someone else when
My hands are with light red stains too

Its fine, you know, time works, fast and slow
But yet I still cannot bare to look anyone in the eye.

Cold winds follow, the shadow grow dark,
The night dreams end, I still can't wake
The ignorance is no longer your friend,
When misery locks your hand.
Oct 2022 · 223
Days daze
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2022
A day for me
Do I take it right
So many days gone in the wind
I try to make a mark of my name
on the sand
before time washes it away
with its wave on the shore
tomorrow yet again,
I'll regret not doing something
the days are never in my hand
it conquers me in the end
Oct 2022 · 756
Fun fact
Druzzayne Rika Oct 2022
People keep dying
Every century, year and this second
Be it be outbreak, poor healthcare or war
Lives are lost,
People keep suffering
History is filled with pages of red
Injustice alike, discrimination
Torture and slavery
Our contribution to the future,
It is quite the same
Along with carbon emission
and other deadly things
Humanity brings humanity down
It is a fun ride without the fun
Jul 2022 · 284
Poetic bots
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2022
AI writing verses
sometimes bit of curses,
sometimes senseless mess,
Funny, it is so good occasionally
you would not even know
just in a glance.
Their poetry have the length,
Their words may have immense strength,
But the one thing they lack,
of utmost importance, is an intent.
Dont see a point of AI bots writing poems when they don't have any independent thought or are we all the same as AI?
Jul 2022 · 184
We are not changing
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2022
Every inch of luxury
made up from someone
blood, sweat and tears
We are willing to pay
a fortune to their employers
who will not share the wealth fair
They struggle for daily alms,
they die in the scorching heat
the air conditioner works fairly well
thanks to them
welcome to modern slavery.
I wish the truth was kinder.
Jun 2022 · 126
it is that
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2022
My brain is cracked
the tension lines are dark
My habits untracked
Suppressed and lifeless
The chest is silent
heartbeat faint
The loss of control
and I can't control myself at all
the cure is for those who wants to be cured
the disease makes it
harder to think
it is just so hard, I keep blinking.
May 2022 · 953
Druzzayne Rika May 2022
I breathe
a sign I take to assume that I still live
among so many monsters
hiding in plain sight.
So well mixed with the society
It is time for sheep to dorn
Wolf's clothing
To feel one with the crowd.
May 2022 · 1.1k
Fired up
Druzzayne Rika May 2022
Is it still ongoing, the bloodshed?
Violence is no good, don't we know that?
Guns keep firing, in other nation and our own,
what happens next, more blood spill?
Is power, everything, no empathy for living?
Are humans blood hungry, why is it not stopping?
How is there no solution, only ego?
why make normal humans martyrs?
Is it going to end, the unrest?
Or soon will I too be drop dead?
May 2022 · 1.2k
Druzzayne Rika May 2022
There is no truth out
when both of them have said
fair share of lies,
who should you believe between them
they both are using you
for rising sympathy
and their greater good
your emotions are played with
it is an acting game
trust them when, and not
we are spectating it
like a tennis match,
but we are the ball,
landing on their bat
thrown across again and again
you are doomed
finding bits of truth in their lies
either way, no one can complain,
it is no easy call.
Apr 2022 · 254
Time traveling
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2022
The years that passed
were just stilled
Time has moved
but everyone is still
the same vulnerable inside
met my friends first time in a while
I have changed
but I am still the same person
I was back then when we were fine.
Life unraveling
Connecting the loose wires
Mar 2022 · 3.1k
Happy Women's Day
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2022
Tremendous effort by those who develop ability
to keep their tongue in check
For a day from being politically incorrect

I do mind when you look at me
Saying do not mind and then proceed to tell
Another cutting sexist bad humour.
Those who do are the real joke.
Mar 2022 · 192
Let's Dis-connect
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2022
My heart beat rushed over
It was a series of long hover
I've been looking for
glancing back my shoulder
complicated, insecure
I am being let out
always left out
but a whisper
my name from your mouth
I rush, veins rush, cheeks blush
I touch my heart beat
how do you speak
Why do I go weak
in my knees.

Oh, in the night
your message, my phone screen
flashed all in my dreams too
Slept late, woke up early
to find you not there
It was 10:30, let's connect
but the time went
You didn't show your face
It became the same race
didn't justify you are late
I am done but why I am not
The same can and will
Come to repeat
You hold my keys
I am doomed as it states.

Your promises lay forgotten
pile inside a locked drawer
You'd never remember
they exist
I am half gone from existence
but you still have
strings to make me dance
to your tunes
It is crazy, I am crazy
while you don't try, lazy
I'd die in a heartbeat
but you wouldn't even acknowledge
that I exist,
the moon sets, I wish I can rest
Another time, let's not meet ever.
Jan 2022 · 451
Picture me upside down
Druzzayne Rika Jan 2022
Put this pictures apart
Place this shapes distort
A distant vision to begin
I put my soul in between
I chase after things
which will divide me from within.
Nov 2021 · 252
Where do I go
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2021
Hard to take a step back,
When million miles remain forward,
It took me years to get to the highway
Passing through many bylanes
But I need to know where I am going
has beautiful scenery I wish to explore
I am not looking for lost paradise
Nor do I want to walk the barren lands
I want to experience eternal sunshine
not chase behind pretty butterflies
that won't stay in the palm of my hand.
Sep 2021 · 541
Stepping Stones
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2021
Skipping three steps
I fell on the fourth
the fifth, I missed
Sixth, Seventh,
using all of my strength
Soon it will be the tenth
But what I didn't know
that it never ends.
Jul 2021 · 977
Hugging the skies
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2021
I fell. Hard.

On the floor.

It was gravity's fault.

I did nothing wrong.

I am heavier than I seem.

The sky won't tuck me in.
Jun 2021 · 265
You mean the world to me
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2021
You wanted the world
Now the world won't let you be
Till you cease to be
May 2021 · 236
Sinking ships
Druzzayne Rika May 2021
I never knew relationships come with an expiry date,
past that everything goes stale
and what to do with it,
how do I know,
that this Titanic will not sink
May 2021 · 147
Three minutes and
Druzzayne Rika May 2021
here comes the midnight
or the dark morning.
May 2021 · 224
Druzzayne Rika May 2021
Am I blind to my own truth
that I do not see what you do
what people see when they look,
who am I even fooling,
Or am I the biggest fool?
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