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  Jun 2015 Doris Cayea Brown
Soft touch;
warm kiss;
heart race;
total bliss....

Chills that start
from deep inside
creating the want
but fear will hide....

Impulses rage
through mixed thoughts
emotions to explore
a wildly beating heart....

One's thoughts-
wishes to never end
the tender moments
between best friends.
  Jun 2015 Doris Cayea Brown
Don't be angry; Get snappy
Do what makes you happy
For you know that things
Are hard to change;
And life is full of krappy
So- smile when you feel slappy
or sing when you feel trappy
Because you know deep down inside
You can never keep people happy!!!!
I know this is corny, that's why I named it that way....  Just a poem to make you laugh at it's stupidity, and for fun.
  Jun 2015 Doris Cayea Brown
Can you hear it? The sound of my defeat, you have won. I can’t feel my feet.
My heart is bleeding out, my body numb, wanting to shout, “how was I so dumb?!?”
Leave me now, you’ve done enough, for you are foul, I’m calling your bluff.
I’m dying and you’re still alive…
  Jun 2015 Doris Cayea Brown
Think of me
When your feet touch the sand
How we once walked together
Hand in hand

Think of me
When you feel the sea
How you once held me close-
Definite harmony

Think of me
With the wind on your face
A whisper in your ear
"This is our place"

Think of me
As the ocean roars
And always know
I am forever your
  Jun 2015 Doris Cayea Brown
Hold it in don't say a word
Don't even try to breathe
For a smile upon the face
And sleeve
Is all  you really need

And when you turn a shade
Of blue and faces turn to stare
Ignore the little whispers;
The gossips that they share

Remember to think about the smile
You must keep upon your face
The one that shows eternal happiness
Turn anger into grace

You must never show the heart
And soul
Because you're always wrong
Think of ways to numb out life
And yet learn to sing along

It will be easier hen
To shake off all that is true
And then before you know it
There will be no more you...
  Jun 2015 Doris Cayea Brown
The kisses caress
Not only the skin
But reaches deep
To the soul within.
The hands slowly touch places
With unrehearsed skill.
Not wanting the moment to end,
Nor even the thrill.
Each minute a mountain to climb;
Your heart beating and racing
As if running out of time.
Although the room may be cool,
Your body's temperature starts to rise
And silence of the night
Is filled with pleasure soft cries.
Soon they become exhausted
And cuddle ever so close;
Slowly falling asleep
Dreaming of the lover they chose.
  Jun 2015 Doris Cayea Brown
There's pressure all around me
the walls are crumbling down
tears fall from my eyes;
fears without a sound.
I'm drawn into a black-hole;
an empty space with no way out.
No one to turn to-
no one to hear me shout.
Suddenly I find it hard to breathe-
life becomes slow motion.
Forever it seems,
it goes with no emotion.
"Help me! Help me!"
I cry with no reply.
Is this how it feels-
What it's like to die?
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