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Dec 2014 · 8.0k
Kiss me
DMorenoCamargo Dec 2014
Kiss me
If you dream of me
Kiss me
When I dream of you
You'll be kissing me
Oct 2014 · 377
Five thousand miles
DMorenoCamargo Oct 2014
First you go and fill my ears
Kind words over our last kiss
Said you'll miss me and that your heart belongs to me

I buy it

Every one of your treacherous words
Sound like music for this hopeful boy

I buy your mid-way smiles
I buy too, the tears you shed that afternoon
And I made the choice
Completely sure it was the right call

The universe loves to prove me wrong

You flew
While I stayed. Feet glued to the Earth
And I long for your return
While you long for someone else

I buy your lies
Your let's-keep-him-clueless hurtful lies
The delicious sounding I'll be thinking of you
That is a knife aimed at my back

A month and three weeks later
The tears in your confession were just make-believe
All damage already done

Two once-upon-a-time lovers looking at the aftermath

Gasping breaths
Pleading sorry's
Broken hearts
And I buy them
But this boy's hopeful heart has given up

Live happily ever after
Just not with me, and
Buy my tears
They're not resentful
They're the clear-cut evidence
This hopeful heart
Loved you once

— The End —