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“I had melancholy thoughts, a strangeness in my mind. A feeling that I was not for that hour, Nor for that place“. -Wordsworth, The Prelude.
Paul Butters
UK    I love creative writing, especially poetry. "O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed." GM Hopkins. Perfection is Relative.
Sparkling Dust
I feel therefore I write.
If I haven't posted in a while don't think of me as gone. I remain here waiting for my inspiration to hit me in the ...
Manila, PH    A girl who has a knack for vintage and literature. Some may call an aspiring writer but in reality, a mere player of words. Talk ...
Philippines    I write poems when I don't want to solve math problems.
Asim Javid
Grant Horst
Wisconsin    A kid in search of a land free of worry I'm a student who recently got interested in this writing stuff, started mainly as a ...
Got Guanxi
London - England    I won't explain what the poems mean so don't ask! You are the music while the music lasts. - if it's untitled, then it's unfinished. ...
damsel in distress
17/F/Dreamland    Some days my poems are sadder than I am.
London    I like penning for me and hope it brings something to others too. Not a regular writer but a regular ponderer :) Thanks for having ...
25/seaside soul    I write to express, not to impress. All works rightfully belong to me unless stated.
Kody dibble
Can you live and die within one breathe?
F/india    I am a girl who loves to be in the world of dream who doesn't covers her face with lots of cream who doesn't want ...
Justin G
A poet's poet    Love is aphotic. Brilliance is luminous. In order to grasp either one must sacrifice the many colorations of joyfulness.
61/M/Traverse City Mi.    Our Country Our Choice
Rob Rutledge
For a so called 'Writer' I have no idea what to write here.
Ireland    My record of growing up.
Richard Riddle
Allen, Texas -USA..    I write for relaxation, and recreation, not for profit, in the monetary sense anyway. I enjoy entertaining, or try to, my peers on the site. ...
Terry Collett
Sussex, England    Terry Collett has been writing poetry since 1971 and prose since 1995 and stage plays in 2005. He is married with 8 children and 8 ...
Jade Anne
Australia    im useless
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