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  Apr 2017 The Dedpoet
They don't go down easy
these words meant to soothe
they'll come back up later
with bile
churning and roiling


"time heals"?

like the hapless frog
suspended in his jar
awaiting the curious blade
of the laboratory scholar

this unnatural heap of flesh
****** dry
pumped with chemicals
smeared with freakish makeup
collects the gawking stares

or the brief furtive glances

my mind shrieks
you came to look
you don't see

you say

This memory
this scene
this awkward scene
will play in my mind
like the test pattern
on old TV's

fixed there
humming its eerie monotone
black and white
I have always hated the idea of trying to make a dead body look "good".
I remember when my dad died people saying "he looks good" ...I wanted to scream "He doesn't look good! He looks dead!"
I plan to be cremated.
The Dedpoet Apr 2017
Black soul
      Scattered night
Tearing the pain apart,
The reality awakens
Into the dream and asks,
"Who am I?"
A shadow forms.

Asleep in a bed or rain
Life sings melancholic bliss,
The sparks surrounding dark,
A flicker of moments.

Many handed thoughts
Interrogate the clarity,
Entering by manipulation,
Only the pain is real.

I soak in the ethereal
And speak in a mist,
The emptiness understands,
I return in a blood language.
  Apr 2017 The Dedpoet
becoming a poet since I read more
than I write
becoming a human
since I feel more
of others
becoming a man I stand tall in peace
becoming another
I hope for
The Dedpoet Feb 2017
No more words.
The Dedpoet Feb 2017
And here's to life,
Life I didn't know or take,
A cup half full,
Half empty with tears.
The pain and sorrows
Of yesterdays and tomorrows.
All the wasted years....

I am not the abyss,
I am the space that filled it with hope.
I am not the pain,
But the road less taken.
I am not the brokenness
But the redemption of today.
Hope, the infinite soul that
Resides definance of the emptiness.
I am not alone.
I am not ded.
I am Dedpoet......Alive!!!!!
Going through the most difficult time of my life right now.
Yet the hope and faith in myself to be more has driven me to awaken something that died years ago. I am Dedpoet,  i miss you all and will return when all is settled, stronger than ever.
The Dedpoet Jan 2017
The sky is a mirror
In a labyrinth of regrets.
I hear myself in youth
And shake my head in older age.

But I am not myself.

I pull my hair back to my feet,
All the echoes that
Reflect who I was,
Or am,
Or trying not to be,

But I cannot find myself.

I am trapped with everyone
Telling me this and that
About myself,
But who knows me better
That ME?

I am a wounded animal
In an extraordinary cage,
Sky full of mirrors,
I say regret,
Others say remember,
I say forget,
Others say don't,

Because I am not them.

Me, myself
And everyone else,
Sky full of mirrors
And only the memory remains.
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