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Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
broken, you left me
tangled in your web of lies
my ignorance bliss

Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Drive over me with studded tires,
Drain my tank until I sputter and die.
Your salt eats at my chassis,
Creating large jagged holes in my coat of steel.
You spin out gravel toward my windshield.
Crack! You’ve dinged me yet again.
When will I ever learn?
Probably never.
My brake lines are dripping,
I absolutely cannot stop this madness.
You drove me hard and put me up wet.
My headlights used to beam,
Now I am a one-lighted wonder,
Thanks to you, northern punk junk.
Watch this tail-light high-tail it on out of here.

Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Your blue eyes glittered when they met mine.
We danced and laughed like children reborn,
While you sliced and diced a culinary gourmet feast.
You were able to reach me when no one else could.
Our first date, I won you over, merely with these little words,
I am just trying to get to know you buddy.
Our feet and legs entwined, you held me so tightly.
I tried to roll over, you woke up and said come back to me,
Then you fell into a deep sleep again.
We walked in each others footsteps in identical sandals.
Now that is all I have left of you, is your soles on my feet.
I miss you love.
Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
I came to you innocent and sweet,
You broke me with your crooked smile.
What was behind those pearly whites?
A serpents tongue.

Lash me, oh master.
Beat me, betray me.

Two bottles of wine.
You won't even notice I have faded away.
Onlookers mourn the co-dependent ***** I have become.
Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Xanax and textiles soothe your savage beast.
Roam through the aisles and lose yourself.
Blissed out ignorance while money is spent.
Oh look, a sale! Screams the internal bi-polar.
Retail is your therapy and I am your psychiatrist.
Folding your ***** laundry into color coded displays.
Prozac on clearance, aisle 13.
Cover your sorrows in piles and dreams.

Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Eternal mysteries constantly evading,
Never ceasing to puzzle the wisest man.
In all my thoughts and dreams revealing,
God only knows how much I’ve tried to understand.
Mysterious magic speaks of emotion and feeling,
And loneliness has vanished by the touch of a hand.

Obsessed with a passion for the first gentle touch,
Feelings of joy I have wanted so much.

Living alone for the longest of years,
In despair of all hopes for passion.
Following the trail blazed by deep seeded fears,
Elation was a dying breed, going out of fashion.

Allusive answers I never will find,
Nothing so harsh as reality.
Death, love and life are three of a kind.

Looking for a cure of incurable disease,
Of endless hours and wasted misery.
Vows of devotion have me on my knees,
E**ven happiness is all unspoken mystery.

This poem was from my experimental period of having the first letter of each line spell the title of the poem.
Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Shackled by whims and desires.
The selfless and the selfish, Danse Macabre.
Who holds the key to these manacles?
Is it me?
Or is it you?
You are the spider and I dance through your tangled web of desire.
But your desires cannot be sated by my sacrificial offerings.
Do you desire at all, my dear?
You skitter through the woven webs, devouring the innocents trapped in silken tombs.
I beg of you master, please, show your mercy to your subservient.
Release me so I may release you.
******* is not becoming of you.

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