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690 · Feb 2017
David Feb 2017
I am sad
Filled with pain
Depression inside my brain
Deaths almost one thought away.
I am awake
My seceret quite opaque
I as I live my life I hate
What am I
Dead on the inside
I cry feel no pain
As I walk down this lonely Lane
**** me
I say
As I hide this lonelyface
To put on a mask that could fool
The smartest man in my race
269 · Feb 2017
David Feb 2017
I cry but nobody sees
I weep but nobody listens
I cut but nobody sees
I endure pain nobody asks
I listen to people problems I offer advice
I listen to vile stories and I comfort
I take abuse
I can't take it anymore
People don't bother
I am dead people move on
I am at peace
With the darkness
Move on
162 · Feb 2017
Reality of my mind
David Feb 2017
The never ending darkness
The shadow looms as I sleep
I darker me hidden i think.
For now no one will know
The real me i shouldn't  show
I don't even know
A illness in the mind
No sees it and u act like your blind
Never shout out
never the one to stare
never the one who is noticed as glances bare
You hate who you are
Like your two different people separate beings
Hatred fills your heart even tho you are a loving soul
No women will love me
I'm a freak
Not of my kind
I am the bearer of secrets of many that could crush lives if told
People trust me
but I don't trust them
I tried that once.....never again.
I felt so low I didn't know what to do
So I blocked my emotions from coming through
Although a shattered man I carried on
the wounded gentlemen forever walks alone.
137 · Feb 2017
That girl
David Feb 2017
Everyone knew her
For better or worst
The names she was called
**** ***** *****
But did anyone know her
Her pain suffering all in silence
She sits alone as tears fall like weights from her cheeks
Her story never known
Her life harder than most
Secrets only trusted to one
Betrayed time and time again
Heart shattered like mirrors she smashed
Mind at war with itself
Bullied shattered and almost has lost hope but stills pulls through day by day

— The End —