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 Nov 2016 David Patrick O'C
Coldness, I have watched you
in the shadows,
and you have given me mine
from time to time, awake
I slumber down paths
of moss and who knows what all
darkness we can gather
one at a time, but not one soul
can make a bouquet from another
soul, it is too cold to be dreaming
and there is no place for the duelist,
the two of us, lovers of black clothes
and fairly good looking women,
it is almost winter and the wind
is my second, wearing a dark cloak,
breathing in the dead eyes
of my brother, how they shine
and listen to him sing that sad song
will you, while gathering snow
and turning darker than starlight.
Inspired by Liz Balise's Sigh Differently.   Thanks, Liz.
we took turns toking,
holding the tent pole up
while the rain battered
the canvas

dawn crawled
over the great rocks;
a synovial silence
after the storm

still ******
we finally succumbed  
to sleep, for an eternal

until awakened by Huns
on horses, hoof beats ricocheting  
off the hard stones, echoing
in the canyons

worse than that thunder,
the eerie emanations riding
the backs of the staccato waves
from the beasts’ shod feet    

words flung from the riders’ tongues
slapping our ears, bedeviling our weary wits,
these time traveling tricksters, transporting    
us to a world at war

Hueco Tanks, Texas, July, 1969
under the influence of cannabis
Hueco Tanks, Texas, July, 1969, a true tale
you're lost in your own world
is that where you'd rather be?
step out for a moment
come walk with me

a hostage of your own thoughts
why don't you let them be?
think what I think for a moment
let go, breathe free

you won't look me in the eyes
see what I want you to see
stop for a moment and look
there's just you and me

I don't know where you're heading
you say it's destiny
slow down a bit for love
come walk with me
there will not be a note on the door to say i have gone.

i have called you.

it is  extra  when

you go  i have tidied around and taken the

glory. stocked up, and locked the out buildings ready.

it is an autumn day, gold,  glistening from the rain

that fell last night. sun warms and the scarf becomes


as is the note.

Loving thoughts to remember,
tie a string around your finger
less you forget and to sadness

What is fondly recalled grows
not old and never truly fades.
Our dance is done, yet never forgotten.
 Nov 2016 David Patrick O'C
Solitude I wear
      like a second skin
my biggest weakness
       my greatest strength
   wading through 
quiet and tired 
    in seclusion
 as dawn draws
    her arms around me 
cold       and damp
    like the sea
           with no oil
for my lamp
       to light my way
through another
      dark    and lonely
November day.
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