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Years ago I was a graduate student at
Teachers College Columbia in NYC.
One afternoon in gray weather I was
Walking at the corner of  Morningside
Heights on the upper Westside near TC
And came across a bunch of boxes with
Trash put out for removal.  I stopped to
See what was in it.  I discovered several
Framed diplomas of old graduate degrees
My guess was that the owner was probably
An old resident maybe a retired faculty
Member who had passed away.  All the
Time, effort and distinction represented
What did it all amount to; to the people who
Cleaned out the old man's apartment?
For a moment I understood the truth of life
As Soloman said: All is vanity;  but poignant
Still to us who must live it believing in it.
It is not this yet this is on the path.  There is the coincidenceof two worlds each the antithesis of the other, mutually excvlusive; yet each is an affirmation of the other.  Like a double negative they cancel each other out.  This is the nothingness that cannot be known; the mystery that can never be solved .  The Nothingness preceedes all.  All is contained  in it yet it is unbound.  It is not a question  to be persued.  .  The child stands before it not understanding .  This is its the final reality- the non object- forever unknowable.  Yet this can be accepted  the permanent paradox , the dark and the light that is neither.  The One.  The One  accepts all, lets all otherness enter into  Being; and knowing not one knows: the grandeur,  that great peace which surpasseth understanding is knowing the  unknowable God.  He says I am that I am and we are fulled with joy that the Truth is in us and it is the gift of eternal being Unknown.
If only the man who led a saintly life could
Enter the Kingdom of  God  What hope is
There for the rest of us.  I speak  now of us
The common man but charity asks more  of
Us  Let who is without sin caste the stone.
But if this is so it matters less the road one has
Taken  than the portal he arrives at.and given
Welcome to pass thru.  All that counts in the
End is the end.  Christ's is the Spiritual nature
That one must take on..  Christ the condemned
The villain  that accepted the world's shame and
Guilt and said : Not my will but thy will bc done
While those that loved him could only stand in
Silence, some with tears in their eyes as  He was
Crucified.  Think not that this is some sectarian
Story i am repeating;  it is a universal Truth.  Not
In its particulars but as an iconic meaning. Every
Man's destination and fate as chosen by our Father.

A Fable:
Once there was a cracked dish and after some rough handling it broke in
Two pieces-One was much larger and an argue,ent ensued.  The Large
Piece  said I am not broken it is you that is broken.  The smaller piece said
No it is you.that is broken my guilt is less as I am smaller.  What is obvious-
The plate was broken and no amount of argument about relative guilt would
Make it whole again.  When the pieces realized this and knew not what to do they realized that they were both about to be discarded despite a long and shared history.  Then with a contrite heart they  called out their sorrow to the householder in who's  and for who's service they had been made.  And sharing in their pain He came unto them and said I will heal your parts and ask for gentle usage for their will remain a crack that all be warned that Love
is fragile.
To be seated in your midst knowing
What the longed for child knows that
He belong that she delights; can do
No wrong that would take away the
Birthright to be seated here. Strong
Is the content to be least among many
By love assured in this community
Belonging a colleague  ever anon.
That  may bear witness to the glory
That while contemplating the
Divine II may witness some
Atrocity and be apathetic to a
Crime against Love,to injury
Without remedy that I could
Have prevented had I been
Alert to the prowling menace;
Careless of the great voracious
Evil while I stared stunned by
A treacherous glory?  Indeed
Has this not come to pass?
Yet pass me the pipe friend.
I admit that I cannot learn
Must rely on One that is so
Much greater even God to
Guard me in my weakness
To prevent this fear from
Being realized.    Yes I am
Guilty, first in my doubts
That I cannot fully caste out;
Second and lie the first that
I have broken the law. This
I am told by the law is not
Excusable and it is only just
That I should pay the price.
My advocate, a jew no less
Tells me he well knows this
World's treachery.  He is a
Man well  acquainted with
Sorrow.  He says He will
Caste into hell the illusion
And the Illusionist and all
His legions.  I must trust
Him.  He is my last hope.
He promises I will be with
Him in Heaven and all that
I have lost   here will here
Will be there restored and
My grief will seem as but
A passing shadow when
The glory of God is revealed
To me.  To which I can only
Say OJala Lord. Let it be so.
Sometimes you have to travel to
The underworld to know what is-
What is ordinarily  not believable.

Early in 1974 I found myself in the
Tenderloin district of San Francisco.
This is the down and out area akin
To New York's  City's  Bowery yet
It has its own distinct character.  I
Belonged there as one of it's newest
Misabthropes.  I had checked into the Y
On Turk Street.  Early in the evening
I went out to look  ove rthe neigborhood
I went down Turk toward Market
Think it was Lyric St  that i turned on-it
Was early dark and about midway down
I came across a man going through a
Trash can.  He seemed to know what
He was doing as he kept pulling out
Sandwiches  cleanly wrapped and uneaten.
It was  as though they had been   just
Left for him.and I thought at the time well
Least I shall not starve as he offered
me one and so we got to talk a little -then
We went back to my  he said
He was going to show me something
When we got there
He pulled a small transistor radio out-
It was bare of its plastic cover; and then
He turned it on and deployed a tool, I
Think a small ***** driver and began
To change the stations with it -changing
Them rapidly.  At first I could not under-
Stand but then I began to hear a sequence
A story.  It was my life with great detail.
It was fully coherent and as I listened I
Do not know how long I understood a
Deep truth that there was indeed more
Much more to the universe than was
Comprehended by my little philosophy.
My friend got up and left my room as
Soon as he had seen I understood what
He had  to shown me; I never saw him again
But-Somehow I knew the Universe had a
Secret auditor of my thoughts and knew
All I had ever done.  Magical was Reality
I knew then that life was strange and I
Was a stranger in the land and given
The gift of knowing it.  Suddenly all the
Miracles of Jesus, all that He did and what

Was done to Him seemed so much easier
To believe-even His death and His rising

But I do not want to say then my life became
Easy  A gift from the underworld has to be
Paid back Just ask the god father or President
Trump.for that matter.  It is not a panacea- that
Is a small town in Florida on the gulf.   I went
Through it once. along the coastal route  
From the  causeway the setting sun
Seemed to speak of a peace that is forever
I wanted to=
Stay but thought I had appointments to keep
-maybe I should have thought better but...
That is life sometimes it shows you somethings-
You can't understand nor the reason why- when
You cannot make proper use of them-  You get
The winning lottery ticket then you lose it.
I guess the Good Book said it best: Lean not
Unto your own understanding but trust  in  God

With your whole heart.. mind and soul an if that
Don't work you can always Give UP but that is
Not so easy either....................God Bess Us
For Still Our Advocate Lives
Plato versus Aristotle not that I am
Much versed in either but in plainest
Terms Plato is the one who believed
In the primacy of the idea.  Aristotle
Said ideas cannot be known without
A material manifestation.  This debate
Relates to the Elysium of experience,that
Great Uplifting of  the spirit known as
The Rapture.  Is the ecstacy of knowing
That one was dead-crucified by trials and
Tribulations and now is reborn into the
All knowing, beautiful reality of  deathless
Love wherein the Kingdom of God is ours
Now and Forever.  Is this an idea or an ex-
Perience; both?  Which comes first and the
Other merely derivative an abstraction?  
The rapture is experience , a feeling above
All and the feeling is also a knowing.  But
In writing we can express idea that are only
Hypothetical and from our imagination we
May catch a wfiff of feeling of what it might
Be like to know them as truth but really are
little realized.  But to know the Rapture is not
To know the idea-an idea that may give us a
Direction like a map may give us an idea of how
To get to California but California itself is not
To be known from the map.  At best the idea
Is the hope of the unrisen dead waiting for the
Resurrection; like theologians without knowing
Of what they speak.  Yet the best writing refers
To something that is real if not now in times to
Come.  The substance of something not seen but
Hoped for yet sublimely and unimaginably better
So if I must I come down on the side of Aristotle.
Ideas of the Truth are not the Truth.  And all our
Intellectual scribe work is but a poor meal for
The hungry soul but that we be blessed with ears
That hear it.  Still in comparison to a happy child's
Laughter few scholars can reach farther and to the
Lost sheep that hears it knowing the Master draws
Near it is worth a king's Ransom to all who know
God is seeking His lost Sheep and none are lost. He
Too joins in the Rapture having nothing more to fear
In the velvet green hills of the Lord   Come Quickly!
Let us not as holy men have said
Let  our dreams of another place
Be too small.  Let the future now
Be all.  How many bridges have I
Crossed?  How much water has
Passed under?  I speak of losses
Of the death of dear ones, friends
Lovers, Mother , Father, wife and
Children ; the joys of youth, of
Places that we have lived and left.
They were never all at once but are
All buried in  their separate crypts
Buried with our tears and our youth
So the years go by and still it is another
Now more diminished by the distance
By time traveled that has yet to bring
Us home  Can we not; must we
Not in great hope imagine Now
Again and take the quantum leap
Into that experience totally new
Imagine  the eternal commingling of
All our time in an unending eternity
An All alive and still unexpiring now
In that Kingdom where God has
Stored all our treasures and promised
They would there for us when we
Come home.  This future why not
Now.  Should our hearts not yearn
For this time to come not after death
But in this life - death now overcome
Are we not all time travelers and do
We not see we are at our door.  I see
My beloved and she comes out to
Greet me.  Oh blessed day and  hour.
A is not B
Being A excludes  being B
But with God all things are possible
Therefore  A and B can be One

A lonely woman meets a lonely man
In some imagined universe
They don't give a **** if they are
Right so long as they are not alone
But only if mutually exclusive.

A friend of mine said of my Magnum
Opus: Its a thought of mind.Indeed.
All Things are-at the atomic level
There is no difference between yes and no
And are not all things made up of atoms
Thoughts of mind if you will -stuff and
Nonsense as they say: A mind must be
Free What if science is filled with non-
Sequiturs, a little wee play must not be
Condemned; consistency is the bain of
Small minds so we must be the antithesis
Oh Father God would you **** your
Children; crucify them for their illogic
It is all but  but a little pretense
Wee play like the goat footed balloon
Man.  Father are

you angry that your poor
Child Science is fill of nonsense.  Someday
You may tear the universe up like a page,
A thought of mind but by then we, all
Your wee children will be home again.
Father oh Father let us love Thee
Play with us and do not be mad
We did not mean to be so bad.
Wonderful strange bizarre things can
And really do happen- that cannot be
Explained except  they are personal-
They are for you- know who you ar.e
You are not anonymous but a stranger
In a strange land  wandering but not
Unknown  All cries out to you and then
Disappears behind a veil....I believe it
Has or will happen to us all  It is not the
Revelation of the Kingdom of God that
I speak but of a small ordinary events
That are irrefutably irrational as if the
Radio interrupted its program to speak
To you  about a distant event  from your
Childhood that no .one but your friend
Long departed knew of.  It is not a great
Important event -not a great revelation as
Things go  but important- that it is known at
All and is on the radio means that all your
Ideas of truth that are-the foundation walls
Of your reality are no longer really sound;

The ruins of the old church are beautiful to  our
Soul allowing us there to contemplate-more- to
Experience, the most wondrous gifts-that God
Truly knows us and however improbable it may
Seem actually Loves us enough to make us His
Children-to live  with Him forever in His place
What we believed in the the old reality we could
Know but now that world is not all powerful  and
We know if but for a moment that truly now we
See darkly thru a veil what then face to face
Who would win at love
Cannot play the game
Must lose to whom
He loves.  To your heart
Be true though no in kind
Oh proud hearts know that
Humility comes to all and
Friendship is the reward of
Time.  Therefore quiet your
Heart that you may pass thru
The magic doors with the  least
Resistance till thy Inheritance is
The journey heavenward  made no
longer needs to the fuel of passion
When love is  here and not another
Place where we we must needs go
Glad Friend All.  All shunned alike
The rock speaks!  Big mistake
Everybody knows rocks knows
Nothing so have nothing to say
If they did speak it would be  a

Miracle like God speaking thru
Em.  but people would still doubt
And those that belived would be
Asking for stuff and when nothing
Happened would be laughed at
So I don't think rocks speak But
What I am trying to get at is
I am not a know it all but am some-
Times accused of being one for the
Reason of speaking authoritatively:
That there is so much I don't know-
I suppose if I could be a little less
Certain-Well perhaps the rock knows
Nothing cause there is nothing  known
And being savy it know it's smart to
Keep silent like God mostly does cept
When he speaks to the saints and such
Probably we should all imitate the rock
So humble and yet so proud that it may-
Be  itknows nothing and maybe knows all
Never betraying its glory even to itself.
Well to quote were all equal here but some
Are more equal than others and I am here
Now just trying to tell you I an't one of
Them know it alls nor as humble as a rock
May the Lord save a middlin sinner like me
Who sometimes talks too much bout nothing.

Wthh Love
to  my
Sister Sue &        
My Daughter Elizabeth


Is also the route of conscious-The sense of
Our special specific individuality is  the same.
All have it. i t is our common inheritance.
There is only I and and the  not I.  All the
Living are the great I Am.  We are born on
The path that leads from the self to the Self.
The I am does not die but who die in it are
Reborn in it.  There is only one consciousness
One individual; One Self.  True Love has no fear
For it knows the truth  that the Truth does not die.
We are part and one of the great whole that is life.
Oh Lord make my words sweeter to hear as water
To the thirsty that your power be known and your
Glory be magnified that our voyage be more joyful
The peace of perfect indifference: Que sera sera
The song goes but is it even possible to attain
No less maintain.  is it not likely that someday
What will will be a disequilibrium that is anti-
Thetical to all that is dispassionate to the
Peaceful disposition.  Is there nothing so out-
Rageous as to be unacceptable; that no easy
Philosophy can encompass?  What then?
To which I say; This too shall pass; hope
But the point penetrates, the wound is deep
A scream of terror ensues; Then what?
Doom, Doom Doom till at last there is a
Silence, a holy silence that still I  can hear.
Out!  Out!  Out!  Have you not
Heard:  I  speak not as a partizan
Against evil; -not to remember but
To deny by not knowing to yield
To it nothing for its reason for being.
What God says no to can no more
Be on Earth than it is in Heaven-
When all else fails: Forget, Forget
The nightmare; Forget the evil
Dream; Forget death.  Live in the
Light; In the Peace that surpasses
Understanding in the Ocean of
Light not in the brief candle Dream
Again and again a better dream.
Despite all good intentions to die
A shameful ignominious death;
Abandoned by your good friends.
Mocked and jeered at by the crowd,
Your supplications  to the Father met
With silence then without hope go
To your death of pain unimaginable
Then to wake up realizing that it was
All a very long and terrible dream that
You could even not be sure of anything
Of who or where where you are but
Only know that now you are alive
Now alive and will ever be so.  But
I may be asked what of old age? I  
Answer it is the same story and it
Will end the same way we must be
Born again perchance to dream of  
All of Love's gifts  again just as you
Remembered them so good and true.
How good shall it be then my friends?
not near not far not after
the axe falls, cracks the
Wood-like the memories
of Times gone bye-Of the
World Outside, An echo.
Of time without end....
As if there were folds in a seam
A curtain drawn out to its fullest
Extent so does life present itself
That afterwards there are no
Corroboration or explanations
For what one clearly remembers
Clearly of things so unlikely as
To be impossible.  Yet they have
Happened; and I believe not to
Me alone.  Perhaps you too are
Mumm because it seems so un-
Seemly to speak about a silence.
That you plainly heard calling
In the approaching twilight
My bedroom is a golden citadel
I hear the children playing like a
Song of many birds varied, ,mottle
Repeated cries and answers tireless
Before the coming of darkness.  It is
A forever sound of busy happiness
Signifying nothing but eternal  time
That the children know will never end.
Soon the darkness will call them home.
But why do I stay in my golden room
Listening.  Why do I not go out and join
Them in their joy-because here I can hear
Their poetry; hear their joy; Be their poet
In the eternal present still I hear their cries
In the village of long ago I remember you

For my Sister Sue Remember me.
There is no good reason that things should be so bad.  
Bad  andSo I let the starry eyed child be my guide.
the wise and learned men who write great treatises no one
Can understand  should confess as much and not mislead.but
Rather  than admit that  they know not.  They are proud that they
Can deceive though will carry their erudite  heavy tombs to the
Grave They say wemust listen to them  so they can make it better.
They scrawl there letters in the sand of an eternal shore that erases

Again there is no good reason things must be so bad .No child
Should be blamed for Adams Sin it is beaten into them by threat
From all the worthy shamans Let them all go go pound  sand but
They will not go easy.  Speak!   Will we not crucify?  Its been
Done before you know?   No I do not know and neither do you.
But if its so its wrong.  Where were you when God made ius all
Heaven and earth If you were any where near Him you were
A starry eyed child who knew  He would call you back and
Never let you roam too far This was a knowledge worth living
For.  There is no good reason to  pretend we know why so much
Evil is  In fact a little child leadeth me even now out of  the dark
Dungeon of despair that i wrongly called Adam's other place.
There really is only One place  it is here and it belongs to God
The child knows it is loved; know where love is there is no  evil
Good is the truth The Truth is good and that is all you need to
What does it mean when everybody
Knows you and nobody should?  You
Are in a dream  Strangers by furtive
Word and sign tell you they know.
They know you.   In a dream the dream
Must be a secret but the clues are every-
Where but only the stranger can see
Them.  If you want to know if you are
Dreaming- Go where you are not known
Go alone...Like a cosmic joke you can-
Not understand then you know you
Must be dreaming,  long dreaming.
The clues are everywhere but still the
Mystery cannot be solved but maybe
Just maybe in this dream or another
You will dream of love more bautifully

If you hear echoes of a Mysterious
Stranger blame Mark Twain.
Does the setting sun look back upon the
Day and blame those who upon its rising
Were filled with hope; and at its zenith in
The sky did cheer the glory of it's throne
Welcomed it and gradually forsook it for
The coming night think that it is a betrayal,
A fickle love that lasted for so short a time.
Are these the thought of the sun at twilight?
To seek revenge is that its mood in the azure
Rose at the day's end.  Would be a foolish sun
That rues the past or would **** the time to
Come.  Know all it seeks to share with us it's
Peace-Proclaim to all all who have faith to rest
Believing that it will rise again on it' s forever
Journey toward the Kingdom to come till all be
On earth as it is in heaven-Father make us know
Make us know the way is love.  Bring us home.

In memory of my old friend Jimmy Birdsong who
took me from Bend to visit his family and on to the
Orchards of Washington state and back to Bend...
I have taken a bridge too far
Now I must forget to remember:
Other times as they really were
The bridge of Forgetfulness is
Over the river Now.  There is
A graceful swan passing that
I would see again for the first
I must Forget to Remember her
Now and again there is no going
May the Bell of Liberty Yet Ring
With its flaw still it tolls-Fear not
To fear the Lord as Solomon did
Saying though all else be a vanity.
I yet fear the Lord because my
Sin if it be that for as love can-
Not be checked it must be so
Like love I cannot decide it or
Discover its twin if there be one
That makes the other false so
Trembling I pray that all I love
Be true without righteousness
That I am without fault but as
One who knows there is One
Who can make my imperfection
Right.  if only for love' sake it
Does make whole all kindred.
Tell the truth.  Nothing changes
But you may see it better.
Tell the truth.  Nothing changes
But you may hear it better
Be in silence
Hear the still small voice
That is always speaking to
Your heart.
From the green valley I see the lumbering hills
Of darker green are the forests that like a shawt
Are draped  over a beautiful stranger who's face
You cannot  see but  who beckons you to come.
You know you cannot get there because what you
See will not be there.  It is so with so much that is
Desired.  You cannot always come to what can only
Be seen at a distance; you know this but still you go
When you are young and when old long to return to
The valley where the faithful hills still stand guard
It is a bet against   the world-the
Authority of its reality; and all of
Life leads to a final confrontation.
Standing up with the soul's last
Breath; standing up to pain and
Declaimed with hell heaped upon
Your grave for not repenting and
Yet you stand because you must
Saying in your being that : Do what
You will I will rise again from this
Earth and in it be.  Oh death be
Not proud.  My wager stands.
I was before and after will be.
Nor shall I brag of this for I am
The commonest of men and shall
Not speak more of it when I return.
I will not forget that I am always
When I come again my Father's
Child I will not remember death
Nor believe the world that it is so
The Way to there-
Were on it.
If we only knew
Perhaps we do

Love and pain
Pain in Love is
Is here and there
And all  along it is
The Way...
The Chinese Sage Hang In said: If
You believe there is a state of mind
That if you had it All would be well
Then believe it is Now then travel to
Jt again.  There is no in between-stay
On that road for as far as it goes-there
Is no alternative route-enjoy the journey
There is no hurry,  Perhaps we will meet
Along the way.  All is Well  All is well
There is no strategy; intermediate step
Between Love and less than love
Nor is there a wrong way that can
Take  us from the right path
Not even prayer can facilitate perfect
Knowing.  All self help is futile and
Harmless.  We cannot there from here
Nor return from tere to here.
Love is apriori from every before and survives
All that is to come.
It is Life and proof of Life
Conquering all
Victorious over every peril
Even the greatest-the experience of
Self annihilation it is triumphant
We hear again still small voice of
Anne Frank saying I still believe
That men are good. She is right.

For  even if we lose this conviction
Succumb to the ruse of false hope
Love shall not fail.
If all that you know be sophistry
Signify nothing and you die on the world's
Stage believing it is so-This be but the proof
that you have overcome the world

You will wake up
That  is the nature of Love
It matters not that it be in
Another place; another time
Another dream.

At the end of his life Winston Churchill
Gave us these haunting poignant
Words "  ...the journey has been
Enjoyable and well worth the making...Once."
  For it is always only once that:
I Live
ThatI Am
A simple Story
To thine own Self
Be True
The Path Leads Upward
There are  many approaches
To the Summit.
But only One can
Attain it at a Time
Each must lighten
The load to
Make it
To that Final Place
Where Heaven takes Us

Along The Way to
Supreme individuality: Collectivities
That demand Our
First Loyalties be to the
Group will Fear and distrust
The One
Who's First Loyalty is to
The True Self
So the final
Assent leads by way
Christ is the Logo
The Icon of the
True Self of All
Everyone is on
The Way.
Honor your Mother
And Father
Raise them Up
For Salvation is of
The Blood
Your Blood

It is in the Overcoming of
Every Fear that
Prevents  Man from
Being Good.
Towards Love
In Love
We are all ascending
Why?  Because it is
The Most Wonderful
Experience of All
To Be Good
To Know That You are a Child
Of  God...Inheriting
Eternal Life as
Your Birthright.
Bon Voyage -Mes Amis
Fellow Travelers
It is a Voyage
Well Worth Taking
Must Forgive me
If I repeat Myself
I am of Old

First typed while listening to RIck Steves on PBS " Making Travel A Political Act" Thanks Rick
Who are you talking to
Mr Einstein?  To the little
Child; to this old man?  
So much hocus pocus-
When all you had to say
was Shazamm.  That I
Could understand.  Yes
Everything is; and I am-
In the blink of an-eye- one
Word.  How could it be
That it is so  Yes even as
A little child I knew that.
That there is magic here
On the verge of sleep and waking
An understanding came to me of
The novelty of a great evil   that I
Could write-I could write!  The joy
Shear Joy of it.  Nothing else was
There that I cared about-treasures
That I had lost, where I was in time
In space all these faded out.  Joy-
Joy Joy of all joys better than wealth
Better than Eros -pure health itself.
I knew it as I said it again and again
I can write   She will help me the
One I loved , my muse; and I will
win her.  Then nothing else will
Matter   Our love will be forever.
He who is deprived of water will
Drink from the pig's trough and
Give thanks.  The same is true of
Love-make it scarce then where-
Ever it is found it will be taken- in
Rags or harlots dress it will be
Blessed, counted as God's truest
Charity.  It is in our nature to seek
The life in the water we thirst for it
To take love where it can be found
Be not overly pious about your high
Standards of purity such is not for
God' children we who are hungry-
Thirsty now do believe there are
Angels in disguise for Love's sake
Is it our place to question Charity
Saying I am too good for this?
Love is not ours because it loves
The perfect but that it must love
Even us. Gather ye rose buds while
Ye may that you know that love
Even your love makes perfect the
Eye that sees  and what it beholds.
For those hungry for love know it
Is true: hunger makes good sauce
In the desert all water is holy water
Pray God that you may know this
By Faith and not require the proof.
But in the end it will make not a bit
Of difference for Love conquers all.
Our only true vision is with the
Understanding sublime that
Love everlasting knows not but
The perfect and that only the
Perfect is real.  Knowing this
How can it be that our suffering
Exists?  This we do not know;
Can only ask: Father Father...
Why have you forsaken me?
We do not know what we do
Not know even that that we
Do not know it.  For might
Not some lost language
Of our infancy that we
Were born knowing but
Got covered up by disuse
Was forgot-Say a fluency
Of tonality akin to speaking
In tongues- a language of
Great power and subtlety
If we could hear it spoken
Telling us to Wake Up
We would then remember
And be transformed-cured
Of all diverse complaint
Healed of all injury.  I
Do but say such is my
Intuition that it is so and
Maybe so for all I know
A mysterious sleeping
Truth all but forgotten
May be revealed again
In its first pure light.
The beginning of All
Ever beginning, a glory
So new that it cannot be
Remembered but yet is
Always known to love.
As following one who knew the end
Already in the everlasting submits
That even so there is nothing done
That can alter Truth.  The Kingdom
Come is all that really is; and all that
Is not is vain nor can take from it but
Passeth away even as to never having
Been.  To all dispute He at last is mute
For it is not by his will it is done
Recognizing that not by refutation
Is  the victory  gained.  
It is more perfect that even without
Valor the vanquished becomes the
Son because His Father has made
It so.  As one wakes from sleep and
The morning and the evening star
Do frame the day you will come to
The eternal shore knowing no other
If  all the people the Catholic Church
Kicked out The Pope would be left a
Lone idiot raging against the moon
I know I have done so- but kind hands
Saved me. Fallen Catholics most likely
As the man once said there are:  known
Knowns; the known unknowns and the
Unknown Unknowns.  A simple trinity
Would we see our Lord face to face
Like Abraham must we be willing to
Give up our only son-the faith of our
Fathers and become one of rejected for
Not measuring up,  one of the unknown
Unknowns who meet God face to face
Alone yet for a time till our redeemer
Comes in darkness still I will await him
As Abraham we do not  know the end ...

A beautiful thing can in twinkling of an
Eye change  everything  |Praise God!|

For Kelsey
Only love in it's fullness...
Can caste out the grievances
Of the past; the anxieties about
The future.  All emptiness is prey
To unhappiness.  What can stop it?
Yet though we may know this-what
Good is this knowing?  Can we make
Love up; manufacture it; call it into
Being; find it in some desert place?
The seed of its being must already
Be in us,  The seed planted by our
Father and we must cherish  it as a
Gift given to the soil of  our soul.
Giving thanks for sun and rain in
Their proper measure; praying that
We are given the time to wait for
The ripening grain to be harvested in
The fullness of love. This tillage is our
Work from which we are given peace to
Rest.  To work and to rest  in faith and
In Hope we go forth learning patience
In the the contemplation of the now and
Rejoicing in the  fullness of the time
To come is our   life fearless= full of love.


To  Love
When the victory is just to
Survive-no matter that the
Future beyond is realistically
Bleak.  That is not the question
Perhaps it never was-Still to
Be is the triumph always is.
The promise of better things
To come is to be still.
To know what love"s worth
Letl ove it go and though
It ibe but a  moment it will
Seem you travel thru time
Go from youth to old age
In slow time thru a land
Of grief and tears seeing
What love is not while in
Sharp relief knowing what
Love is.  Love is Forever
This moment shall pass in
The twinkling of an eye
What then shall be? All that
We thought was lost forever
God will restore to us again
That is not the question
To love is not always to be
Loved back yet the lover
Sees in the beloved reason
Enough and indeed more
It is a command and not
To be resisted but prevails
There is no choice not to
Love but it is whether to
Fully embrace or to be
Conflicted-To say Oh
Woe is me I am a sinner
Addicted to my sin. The
World seem filled with
Accusers who threaten
The life of one who will
Not accept the hypocrisy- to
Repent of the official "sins" of
An Unsanctioned Love that
Is Universal is to be an
Out caste condemned
This is the crisis of man
In this world but not of
It.  God's Angel laugh
At the world's folly- that
Love can be flogged and
Lied to death and take it
Lying down  in the grave
Making fools rule over the
Kingdom of God' Children.
It seem like only yesterday
But then my heart skips a beat
And then I know
it's been a long and winding
Road and long long time ago
But still there time yet...
You could take a plane; I could
Catch the train.  Seem I almost
Can hear the whistle blow from
The Old Blue Moon Cafe So So
Long it seems to say -still we can
Catch up  Wooo Wooo Too Late
Again its not today we begin....

You've been busy I've been busy
We've been busy doing what?
Same old same old nothing new
Always thinking of ya such a lot
Of tears I have shed.  Can't stop
Crying now thinking I'll not see
You again now before I am die
Still wishing our love was never
Going to to end with us apart
God gives us instructions on how to
Love the Stranger-First Begin with a
Love that is most natural that cannot
Be denied.  Let  us say it is for your.
Child a forever one if ever there was
One-a commitment for all time freely
Made to all that is loveable-the gift of
God.  With  this we sight in the future
Another time is now seen close up and
What we see is altered and instead of the
Beloved child there is a stranger and an
Accuser who tells you it is your fault-that
You failed to love as you ought to have-
Worse still it is true and you are indeed
Responsible for this Alteration-this stranger
Who you said you would love forever but is
Now your accuser-Indeed it could be anyone
Another who you do not know and never met
Would be easier to love but it is not the easiness
Of Love but its faithfulness; its strength to be true
To its beginnings that overcomes in the end-So we
Learn that it is possible to truly love, to love even
A stranger because we do and knowing this we know
All.  All we need to know because we  know God.
The One who  is the stranger is our Beloved
Between Zero and one there is a
Third rail.  There is one, a bit, but
To know One it must be other  to
The Knower than some other state.
But to truly know nothing is not to
Know that you do not know; to not
Be.  A land beyond space and time;
Beyond light and dark between One
And zero.  This is an imaginative idea.
Nothing of its actuality can actually be
Experienced.  From this state we   awake.
To begin our journey.  Of the primal
State we have no knowledge, can only
Imagine its memory but this imagined
Though logical is not identical with the
Reality and this we can know by the
Same logic.  In  the Trinity there   is a
Mystery at the heart our existence that
It may be the gift of God if we Let it Be.
Like a blue balloon that you let go of
One sunny day in San Francisco Up Up
And away it went fading into it's color
Fading out.  Your soul making its way
Alone took with it of my heart and It is
Now only mine in memories kept and
Fading; and I am blue. Still true blue.

For Elizabeth
For Elizabeth
As the path  less traveled ls so
Truth makes all the difference.
It is not open to dispute, does
Not permit liberties but Is. Not
A question for our free will to
Navigate its own course upon
Did not Christ say not my  will
But Thine be done-So what the
Lord command we cannot go
Against though we may think
Otherwise and think our selves
Great sinners and make show of
Our learning by punishment to
Ourselves and others for having
Learned too late the biter fruit of
Disobedience.  God did command
That in the Garden of Eden  to our
Oldest kin, Adam and Eve that they
Should enjoy every fruit of the garden
But must not eat of the tree  known as
The Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Note He did not say you may but you
Should not.  It was a Command-So  a
Truth.  and of course as children Adam
Persuaded by Eve whom he loved
Imagined that for love"s sake he
Could disobey and Eve persuaded
By the evil serpent that she could
Indeed in their imagination trangress
Such is the imagination of children
Fairytale of  misbelief piled upon
Generation after generation until we
Have the Grand Illusion that is the world
Of sorrow that we know as real but is not
Yes there is the pride that we could know
Good and evil and make wise judgments-
There on and so be masters of justice. God
Laughs and forgives this foolishness and
For our sakes tries to let us know that it is
Not so Not- the real real that we are playing.
A make believe tragedy and we do not know it
So suffer   over and over for Imagined sins

Keep on

Till the  
Resurrection at the last syllable of
Recorded time
Makes it a tale told by an idiot

Keep on


Still innocent as babes-
of good and evil knowing
Nothing but our travails of imagination.
Having seen the dream signs know that
You dream.  Now Imagine the Truth
I know you will say: I always knew it.

For that is God's Command:  The Truth.

Blessed Be Our God fount  of all Goodness
That is known for all time forever and ever
Have Joy in Truth.
Praise Truth for it is Good.
But know this it makes no difference.
Truth is--already is now ; and always
Has been and always will be.  It is to
Our benefit to acknowledge it as the
Blessing of understanding indeed it
Our greatest joy-But also know that
Truth encompasses change.  In this
Too it is constant and everlasting...
Lives.  For each of us it is subjective-
In our objectivity we acknowledge
It and so for each of us it has an
Individuality, some shade of differ-
Ence.   Some yearn for yesterday,
Some put their hope in tomorrow's
Sun.  This too is good  It is morning
In the East and night in the West.
When the day is done in the East
It is still early in the West    The
Remnant survives to increase and
At our greatest increase we begin
To decline.  This is the Truth in all
Things great and small-of that in
Which their is opposition and that
In which there is harmony.  Thus
We may have wisdom and know
Justice and mercy; our own worth
Both in it greatness and its smallness
This too Truth and it too is good.
In every thing seek the spirit of
Truth.  Have you said it cannot
Be found?  Clearly it is not there.
Breathe in; breathe out; Again-
Nothing?  Are you still Alive?
There is truth everywhere and
No where. Asking and knowing
Friend to friend: Do we not live?.
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