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There is the truth we know and the truth that we
Know we do not know and then there is the Truth                                    wdo We do not know that we not know and that makes
all the difference.*  
We search for the truth and by definition it makes no
Difference  defines what already is true whether
We know it or not and que sera sera but there is the
Other Truth that is and is not that may be the source
Of the miraculous; the magical that exists between
Zero and One.  The time between Consciousness to
Unconsciousness to consciousness again.  A time of
The merest moment or eternity We do not know and
We cannot even know we do not know until we do.
May the Force be with you and may God bless you.
*A paraphrase of our former Secretary of Defence
Charlie says it is only a thought if mind
Ed say it is a long long  time, A book.
You are reading and never finish. Charlie
Says but you only live moment to moment.
Still they can be welded  into a chain of memory
Ed says.  And so it goes back and forth-two
Sides of a coin-more perfect yet
the circle of the I Ching with its S line
Down the middle dividing the light from
Dark; and each half contain the merest point
Of the other.  My two friends knew each other
Before I knew them.  Ed introduced me Charlie
In a hot dog place in Berkeley in the early 70s.
It seems my memory is a refutation that it is but
A Thought of mind-I know it has been a long
Long time this memory and so many others but
There is always the times in between-The blessed
Darkness after life's crucifixions when I would
Say it is done; It is finished. Peace and Amen to
All lost loves=family friiedns.  I go to a  Place .  
If God in His goodness wills it perhaps there we
Shall meet again and if not there is this endless...
This changeless thought of mind-this eternity
And always either way ... Still I am on the way..
When I was a young man
A long time ago I was a
Student intern sent to
Brooklyn Methodist Home
For the aged to learn what
Ever I could.  A guest with
No specific mission I set
Out to learn what it was
Old folks had to say their
Lives had gained specially
Wisdom-a brazen quest.
Among the old I visited
Two ladies stand out in my
Memory.  One was a lady
in her eighties and bed-
Ridden.  She talked to
People and in places I
I could not see or hear
They had lived with her
In a New York that was no
More; had passed away
More than seventy years
Ago.  She looked out upon
Streets of playing children
Was one of them laughing
and shouting.  She saw and
Heard all clearly  and to
Her her childhood friends
Were as real to her as she
To them.  The other woman
Was a widow of a minister
In her eighties as well.  She
Was alert and most proper.
She played the piano for the
Able residents before dinner-
A hymnal piecece no doubt
The dining room was quite
Elegant with linnen table-
Cloths and proper silver
And crystal, it was that sort
Of place   I called upon her
With my subject saying
Can you tell me what you
learned about life by be
Coming old.  She hesitated
but only a moment taken
aback by frowardness I
Suppose then she said:
"Lean not to your own
Understanding but trust
In the Lord with your whole
Heart, Mind and soul"  A
Quote from the Book of
Proverbs she said but she
Had made it her own.  I
Can see her yet in her dignity
Her firm  hold in our life.
The other lady I cannot see
But it seems I can see and
Hear those children playing
On those streets of long ago
And I know each gave me some-
Thing more precious than gold
God can make all things new
Beyond our understanding
Wonderful  to the wisest.
There are two ways of looking at things
That roughly correspond to the  Platonic
And the Aristotelian.  There is the actual
Truth . the truth   that things are as they
Commonly perceived and there is the
Ideal truth  that speaks of the enduring
Essential that is  behind the presenting
Illusion.  All men ae good because God
Has made them good Then there is News
That tells another story about who we are
Which is The Truth?/ What is reality?  In
Eastern religion the world is maya  meaning
Illusion that we will escape from when we
Are ultimately enlightened and perceive the
Truth.  Do we have a choice?  Do we dare
Speak for one way or another.  We all hedge
Our bets until there is a choice that must be
Made. In our hearts we would always rather
Believe God but as Churchill said:"Americans
Always make the right choice.  After they have
Made every other "    its funny yes but I am sure
It is equally true of all peoples. Faced with death
Almighty versus the hope of eternal life there is
Only one choice and all men do therefore make
wholehearted the choice of who they are and have
Always been after life lolly gogging  compromise
Men just are not gay and devil may care, Before
Throne of God nor were they ever if truth be told
Let us humbly come before our God seeking the
Joy that the world never gave us except in  the
Glory of long long ago memories of our youth
Then shall we say let it be Thy kingdom Come
Thus the two way converge in the Lord thy  God
Love is the we kisseed link
A bondless memory that cannot
Be remembered but lets us be
That let's us live till time
May let us  kisss again
That love not be forgotten
What ever you want
You will want more
Or want less unless
Peace speaks enough
Peace next to the last?
You cannot hold life,
Only a little then
It starts to squirm.  After
All love is free.  Time goes
by and nothing happens
This is peace.  We barely
Notice. ( till its gone) the
Flowers growing wild
On the way home.
Pretentions of knowing are the first signs of a growing
maturity but to be fair it begins innocently enough.
As I remember it Carlos Castaneda once questioned
Don Juan- What is the final overcoming-then before
The shaman can reply Carlos guesses that it is death.
Don Juan tells him no it is old age that is the last thing
That must be overcome.  This reminds me of the story
Told by the war weathered veteran who was asked how
It was to be under fire and was he afraid of dying?  He
Answered that he was not afraid of the bullet that had
His name on it but did his best to duck every other.
To be continued...
There is no such thing as Fairness
To the dying; no such thing as
Justice to Love.  To know the Truth
Is to live close to the end of of the
World that others call reality.
That it be not so sayeth thou the Lord to my lord.  I knoweth not what I do stayeth my hand; permit me not all that I would do if man's in humanity to man were true.  That there be somethings I may not do that all that is good be true and all that is true be good.  How then shall my children be false to me.  
The ages are mine to wear away all that is not ever lasting and if nothing else remain:
Let  Love be all that's true; and what is ever so be so even now.
In the evening twilight the  sounds of the
Village are heard from far and wide as echoes
Of an  eternal yesterday fragments of  play at
At the end of a day.  Like sparks before the
Coming dark so clear so faraway speaking to
The Heart of a forever loneliness for what was
Golden-now  has passed; a child's summers day

For my sister Sue Eileen on her birthday with  Love
With  the sun overhead till in the dusk it
Descends and here is plenty good and fruitful
Are you are ready for your rest- now come
To the table of the family that you love.  Give
Thanks.  Then wake no more for the dream
You lost begins now again. You have come
Come home.
At last.   You could dream of flying but now
You have done that and other wonders too. So
Quickly the light fantastic loses it's attraction
But to have your love in your arms that is all
Of heaven.  Who could ask for anything more?
Wake no more.  Stay with me.  No need to travel
Higher  Dreams in search of dreams are done. The
Lord says now that you  are here "stay with me. Do
Not go.  Hear me" says the Lord of all that is
Stay don't you know there is no where better to be
I am the Western* wind that you have so long sought
Wake no more for I am with thee the alpha /omega
One Forever and eternity till the cows come home.
Hear me and wake no more. I pray to be where I am
Who I am and with who I love and who loves me
To  dream a better dream and wake no more.
*Google "Oh Western Wind When Wilt Thou Blow" a geat anonymous poem from the middle ages you may not know.
The warriors of the day fight against the
Dying of the the light turning into ghosts
Of remembrance and nothing more. Yet a
A remnant remains .  The warriors of the
Darkness they to must yield to the coming
Morn but a remnant of all remains in our
Memory to foreshadows the knowing that
Nothing is more constant than change and.
All enmity is futile because all that we can-
Will remember wii be the treasures that are
Stored in heaven; and when we clearly see
The tales told by an idiot we will laugh like
The lover who watches his children play and
Would see them playon forever in his sight.r days
So at the end of our days we shall see God  even
As He now sees us.  With Love in all our ways
I slander and belittled the Truth
Join the crowd that stones the
Saint uknown.  I do what I would
Not.  Love not when I would love.
I am not in control.  How can it be
That I am losing my soul.  Lord,
Make me good again as I know
That I am as I choose to be.
It is not the wrecklessness of this
False freedom that I seek; to be
The crazed actor who thinks it
Virtuosity to strut and fret hap-
Hazardly to every random cue.
But to be true .  Hear the noble
Call to yield to Heaven' Truth
That beckons me to all that is
Good, and True.  Oh God of
Mercy restore my soul I will
Obey.  Oh God of grace hear
My cry while yet I profane thee
Know that I am not proud but
Dying except thou Claim me.
Death does part us not in the end
But in every choice to be apart...
Love denied more mighty grows:
Casts asunder the coffin crown of
The great deceiver prince pretender
Would be Preyer upon our souls. So
Now  we may again drink together
From the eternal spring that flows on
Beneath Love's Forever Bridge called
Forgiven we Forgive  We who never yet
Let death do us part  we are still here
In love by love's grace are still living
Who have gone to that far better place
Way over yonder I hear her calling me
She tells me Forever is our home to be
Over many rivers Forgiveness the Way
I can see my father's land
Where he grew up.  It is a
Mythical place and was also
To him though more richly
Imagined but in essence
The same.  It is enchanted
Yet knowable, distant yet
Clearly seen as I see him
His eyes looking out over
The water-a life guard
Seemingly focused on the
Far horizon but also with
The heart searching the
Past yet aware of his duty
A sentinel like the statue
Of the Minute man that
Stands guard at the place
Where the  roads diverge
Just before the beach. What
Is this place to me-a bridge
Between his past and mine
It is the idyll of youth so
Vivid, too glorious in its
Exaggeration and rowdy
Crime- of things as they are
And can never be undone
That in the end they cannot
Be repented of because they
Are gone to the golden place
In the sky where the children
Of Summers past still play
Beyond this place.  Like all
Children they know not what
They do and then it is gone.

For Ray all the Old CBVLG and their families,
For Mr Dayton Deacon of the Beach; and
Wild Foster who started it off and with a
Remembrance of how we loved Tag Day
What goes East and West
North and South ar the
Same time?   The Cross.

For my Friend Ed Ross
The Dream Librarian
"There must be another place"
What music is this
Seems like only yesterday
The happiest of times
Now Again but a memory
A revery that has stayed
With me the longest time
Never again yet I hear it
Now.  What music is this?
The roar of love though it have no
Audible part commandeth hearing
Unto acceptance of its precepts that
No raging despot can ever acchieve.
For to it comes the willingness of the
Heart, the mind and soul-not merely
The outward forms of coersed acts,
But the heart made glad, the mind
Made clear and the soul knowing
Peace; eclipsing dark fear with a -
Radiance brought to life by love.
Listen well and you will hear His
Voice-In the heavens and on earth.
When on the road to Damascus...
What I would not give to see you
One more time just as you were
In Berkeley but we both know
That would not be enough.
Play the flute for me when
I  Am gone

For Elizabeth
Any path would I take that you showed me love along and promised there was more to come.   What would tribulations be to me on that journey.  Yet not every guide conducts us forever.    And to persist for the sake of a mistaken loyalty,  to betray grace by meritorious  abnegation  is to be led astray.   It is not Love's way nor Charity what is not freely given. (to be continued)
When you have heard the whistle blow
Begins its long silence perhaps you will
Nevers hear it again; so it is with with all
Our precious moments they live in our
Long goodby  that they may be reborn

Till then  sweet nepenthe that makes not
The memory but as one we have yet  to
Know. nor  shall I ever love you more

In our broken places we are made stronger

For Papa   and the one tat got away
There are times when you are
Surrounded by an awesome dark
Ness.  Then some one lights.a
Match you forgot about and in
The moments of light all seems
Well that was terrifying before
In the heart of darkness a star is
Born  and that star is all that is

I have been there before and I
Know there is trouble in the
Beginning but it is  still better
Than the darkness without end
Where always is I would be...
Always faithful always true
Where always is I would  be
I have not always. been faithful
I have not always been true.  How
Can I expect you to believe me...
When I say I will always love you?
My love has been less than it should
Be.  I am an imperfect man .  Who
Am I judge the sinner.  This then
Is my repentance that I must plea for
Charity for myself and all mankind.
If I were king it would be of kindness
Undeserved born of joyful gratitude
From my cup overflowing.  My flaws
Forgotten then could you believe me:
When I tell you I will love you always

For Old Abe:"With charity for all and malice
towards none..."and David who slew Goliath
And stole Bathsheba
There is much that you see that you
Do not yet know that you Love  All
that is old and familiar and is rundown
Now parting.  That old man with the
Cane soon you will not see him any
More.  The cobbled streets the broken
Down shanties, the old tresste over the
River.  Shame shame how much you
Disliked and looked  down on it all:
The streets of your home town now only
Memory -the abandoned houses on the great
Estates that you snuck into they had treasures
Of another time always  now-then if you  See
The passing glory of it all is that it is not lasting
As the little prince said you only truly see when
See with the heart with your heart breaking.

To the  old man in the shabby   store who
who sold me penny on the way home from
The wise old oowl told me long ago
God's nane but I did not understand
It was not a question but the answer
God's name is"Who" Who Knows I
Am not sure if my knowing this will
Make any difference.  Who can tell.
Who art in heaven is the only One.
The only One that knows but yet I
Sometimes I wh feel so awful close
To that Who "s on first that like one
Who just got the joke I laugh and like
A small child I feel like I 'm on First.

What a giddy feeling it is till someone
Yells " Your Out" What a spoil sport
II  I had to guess Its envy making up
The rules, but I know it's Who's rules
That all  the children know happiness
Mercy Mercy Forget my grossness

Let me forget my grossness/ Let me
Forget your grossness.  Let us be Who
We really are Let us learn mercy .....
My father liked his beer but was
Sober in his soul.  He was brave
Fiercely loyal.  He was quiet but
Loved to laugh; worked hard for
His family.  Showed not all his
Cards but never bragged that he
Always won.  Loved dogs. cats and
All little animals including children
Loved to fish; to be near the water...
Was a  a volunteer life guard all thru
My early youth.  Suffered pain with
Little complaint.  Was a friend of many
But said when I commented on this that
One makes only a few real friends in this
Life.  He let me be excepting for sassing
My mom.  Apologized when he was wrong
Loved great writing but made no pretense of
Intellect,  I see him  now as a child, looking
Out over the Sound at the Westport Beach,
Compo where he lived as a young man....
He is Looking into the far distance at the far
Horizon seemingly searching for Forever
watching for, a drowning child perhaps
My eyesight has never been as keen as his
But as he would say a lot of water has passed
Under the bridge since those times-So many
Memories I cannot tell them all.  In my heart
It seems like it was only yesterday but I know
It was a long time ago but Dad I hope you still
Know I love you

 Till then...

I love you Dad  I hope you know
As Winston Churchill once said
I paraphrase: "I once saw the
Beginning and the End; They

Were both simultaneous and
At the different times  It was
Wondrous and beyond anything
I  had known before  and yet had
Always known. But it was after
A after a lovely meal-and  though
I said I must tell the world I forgot
The words ; and soon what  it was
I understood."  And for other reasons
Too I write when I can not but do so

Before I  forget. Does it really matter?
Perhaps it is better to forget like the
Great man did-and let all things be
Made a new that must be only now

As my old Friend Charlie used to
Say:" It is only a thought of mind"
meaning you an I and the Universe
All and nothing. and as Mark Twain
said in The Mysterious Stranger:
"Let me dream a better dream..."
First there is the Darkness
Nothingness in the beginning
Is not so great but soon it seems
Peaceful but rather dull but in
Little while one learns to dream
Learns he can create almost
anything, scary,beautiful
Funny-But it is a power too
Wonderful not seek the very
Best. But what is that. He
Asks who can tell me and
Hears a Great Voice Who
Says I am God and I can give
You what you seek Let me
Show you My Kingdom.
It is called Love and You
Can live there with me in
Perfect happiness forever
The little dreamer saw it all
Knew that what God said
Was True and knew too that
That he owed it all to the
Darkness.  It was then that
Little dreamer knew that
It was the darkness was
The Mother of the dreams
Of Love   that could not
Have been but for Her

Alas love conquers all
Even the longest night
Just at that moment the
Babe was born. He cried
God's Kingdom was gone
It was terrible this helpless
Not  knowing anything
About this new place. But
The cry of the babe brought
Joy to the Mother for it means
The child is Alive and in her
Heart she praises God that
She had been given this Gift.
Two men were talking to God you might even say they were  praying both askeded for the same gift; vulgarly known as filth lucre-money.  Gods told them that they each could have their prayer answered but   they would have to decide whether they would put their faith in luck or merit.  The First said I am a democratic man I hardly can bear to to think I am better than any other so my choice is luck.  The second said well it hardly seems right that an undeserving man should be disproportionately rewarded,no that is not at all just.  I will put my faith in merit.  The gift was given to each and each retained his own conceits but when the wind from God blew and  nothing remained of either of their fortunes  All is Vanity- Nevertheless for Love' sake I shall fear the  Lord who gives me peace.
I close my eyes in prayer
I hear the wind whipping about
It is a winter day  in the South
I imagine snowy wastes about
I would meet if I went out but
They are real because there is
No one here or there I know
Is is cold aloneness that I am
The Season's Spirit seems to
Say: Ha thought you could get
Away.  See its not so easy even
In the deep South I will have my.
Say.  Was it Twain or Frost who
Said: My coldest Winter was one
Summer I spent in San Francisco
It is an appointment in Samara ;
Spring of hope-the winter of despair

It was Twain
Title of John O'Hara's Book and Preface fable
**Dickens opening paragraph Tale of Two Cities
Repentance is bitter fruit just
Without charity yourself you.
Remember but would forget
Nor are free of yet -lest lost be
The lessons meant to secure and
The better part be lost but it is
that itself is  the impediment for it
Is not grace if it be earned nor
Can it be . But lesson  is buried in
the soul incorporated in the dark soil
An unconscious conscience  now is  no
Burden but sets us free to fully be
To know the joy  eternal we must
Forget the unforgivable as the chaff
Is burned  Let it be love that endures
Though it seems much too long it is
A moment till this suffering be no
More School is out.  It is early Forever
Summer now and we are  let go by god
As nature takes its course on our behalf
Some day you may realize that if everything
you wished for were yours.  A beautiful home;
People to serve your every need; etc.etc but it All
Came with a perpetual trepidations of immanent
Death,   You would know that nothing would make
You content without the sense that this would be
yours for an indefinite time to come; that is the
Future, a promise that can be known now but not be
Realized now.  Keep the faith. Be hopeful and give
Thanks for what you have been given; and for all the
Days to come that may yet bring  you greater joy . ...

Father forgive us our erors as we forgive others
Call it God; Call it Love
Our heart has arrows
Our soul takes aim
We are ready.  We know
What is right but woe
Is me it is not to be.  
The world gets in the
Way and our libido
Cannot be denied. The
Arrows go forth but
Miss their intended
Mark go not where we
Would have willed them
Our best desires are
Compromised.  It is
Not fair.  Our perfect
Love, our perfect life
Was it not meant to
Be?  What we have
At best is some kind
Of compromise that
Is by comparison with
The ideal clearly an
Ungodly mistake.
This gap between the
Ideal and the actual is
The noblest desire
Debased -is sin, an
Unwilled event that
Took the place of
What one could not
Have.  We do what we
Would not as Paul
Has said.  All knowl
Their True self but
All fall short.  Our
Disappointment with
Each other is mutual
Our love is imperfect
Beauty and truth that
We desired we could
Not have  though we
Burned for them.God
With held His best gifts
So we made do with
The baser metal and
Indulged in all manner
Of corruption. Such is
Our disappointment that
We must all be forgiven
Ought also to forgive all
But this is the  wisdom of
Love and comes at the end
Only after much time do
Know that we can love
One another even as
Imperfect as we are As
God loves his children
Because they all would
Be good if they could.
Oh man has not God made you?
Made you half finished; half wild;
half beast and half angel?  Does not
Thy angel with love see the beauty
Of the creation ever finishing yet
Perfect as it is; and thy creature
Say:Give me yet time for this land
Savage as it is is my true home-
Good you called it just as you made
It.  Can the love that belongs to
Heaven be more yet I not see it?
Let the half be as the whole that
Peace be as  earthly  as  heavenly
Oh sweet vanity calling forth
Praise of all you would desire
To be true; of a self that could
Only be known to God that
Fervent lover of all that is child-
Like and as He meant it to be;
And so you believed that men
Were true and Godlike too.
Oh- that it were so is a conceit
Yet also great charity to all us
Here below for yet it might
Be  if we our own good; and
For our own sakes knew better
With what perfect love and so
Marvelously we were made.

for the women I  love and should
have loved more.
Certainty and Uncertainty.  How can I be so sure of myself even sure that I am unsure.  Is there not somewhere in me my certainty and that in contention with my uncertainty and why should one prevail over the other?  Yet to say both maybe true ; and so co mingle them seems a muddy solution that may not be so easily  clarified.  Let us say that Iwe separate them in a still and then condense the purer vapor from the residue what then do we have not one but two  back where we started from.  Yet from this perplexity in time may not a pearl of great price grow; and in the constancy of the conundrum may not an enduring peace ensue-In the night a starry beacon winking seems to fall into the summer darkness  declaring heaven near and it is so.  So so beautiful being here with you
From a pallet of black and white
Sketching with my mind making
A poem which you must color in
Out of the of a dimly lit consciousness
The yet unborn is given form an idea a
Meaning that needs expression to be made
Clear Important as it once was such as
Charity when first she sprang from the
Human heart as Divine love  The Child
That was forgotten returned to the womb
The seed was planted before time began is
A new creation that I but sketch in prayer
That you may know her in all her glory

For  Debbie Ann
O  imperfect lover put your love to
Work.  The burden is lite.  It is a bit
Of a campaign where to win is to lose
And to lose is to win.  Give it your best-
Knowing it is a matter of life and death
So be passionate.  For to love and be loved
Is the victory and when with love you are
Allied what greater power has there ever
On Earth or Heaven been.  You will plead
Innocent and will be innocent by the grace
Of God who knows all hearts are seeking
Him.  Seeking forgiveness knowing only
He who is able will answer the cry.  Say to
The heart broken : Come unto me, my child
Here where I am is love- your eternal home
As a child I earnestly asked my father
Is it true that no matter how much one
Knows; how many ways we try we or
How hard we cannot get to heaven or
Realize the greatest good without he;p
Help that must come from God.  We, my
Mom and dad were sitting around a table
It was nearly dark as before a storm or 6pm
On a winter's eve.  Before he could speak
Suddenly some strange foreigners came to
Our table babbling questions seeking for
directions completely interrupting my hope
Of an answer to my question.  My father did
Not get to answer me.  I guess I really only
Wanted confirmation but it left me feeling in-
Complete.  Later much later he told me to
Write it all down and I would understand.
I complain.  Its about the past that now is not
All the losses.  Wishes flowers that never bloomed.
People, things that I should have now.  I was good-
Good as I could be: Good at heart.  Am I at fault?
Then God shares this fault.  Certainly if anyone
Could have made it better it was not me.  I am
Unconvinced that I was able and you knew it.
So help me God.  Yesterdays gone so they say-
But is it really so when the consequences are
All around you in the absence of things hoped
So you go forward into the hollow land: Speak
Oh God to my misery.  Can you give me back
All the  times mourning love-the absence of the
Present perfect that was not to be even now-
What can ever be done that takes no account
Of the loneliness and sorrow, of years in desert
Places.  I have made argument with my own
Reason   that tells me it could be worse; Change
One piece and the tower falls.  Is this not the
Best of all possible worlds.  I hear the exhortations
Peace, Peace.  I give them myself.  But still I say
Make of this world a better place.  There are I
Say consequences to waiting.   There is wisdom
To resignation but do not faith and hope point
To something better- a place where Love will be
Always and Forever.  As the old woman said:
You call this living!  Where is the life I seek? It
Began in my yesterdays and a war I would not
Could not win without your help and so I do
Complain that your delay seems fatal to love
As Job said:  I spoke as I did because I knew
Not when you asked me where was I when
...?   Speak to me Oh Lord-That I may know.
Oh God to my misery.  Can you give me back?
All that I have lost?  Ask me that I may know.
Because I kew not I spoke as I did. Still I wait.
Life is a poignant tale. Travels
Faster than the speed of light
leading fools to dusty death
I trust  S, meant that in a
Kindly way.  It is not our
Choice, poor players to be
Otherwise.  From the dark
Of earliest beginnings to
We get to Now faster than
A speeding bullet traveling
Through times tunnel but
Tomorrow is yet a ways
Off we think. It is more
Powerful than a thundering
Locomotive that goes thru
Everything to get you
To the end who knows
Where or when.  What
I mean to say is that
I was young once like
You and it all passed
In a moment in the great
Fire leaving only the ashes
Of knowing it was gone.
But when it's gone
It's gone.  Gone to
Memories all.  Even
Unto that original
Darkness from whence
We came  and if it should
Last a million million
Years till the light comes
To your eyes will
Seem like only yesterday
You passed away and were
Born again today.  It is
Not within the power of
An ordinary man to do
All this but any super-
Man like you or I Yes
We could do it.  Dusty
Death Hell no not us.
Not forever.  The Bard
Be ****** The comet
Will return and so will
Mark Twain and the
Baby Jesus too   Just you
Wait and see Even S.
No matter what he
Said.  There are more
Things under heaven
and Earth than are
In your philosophy
Alas poor Horatio
I knew him well
So maybe we can
Both be right but
Yesterdays comet
Is gone and life is a
Poignant song that
Is famous log ago.
Another type of vivid dream: As the experts define it
A vivid dream is one where the dreamer realizes he is
Dreaming recognizing it is not real.  This is some kind
Of logical contradiction; a paradox.  My experience was
Different.  In the dream I knew I had had a stroke and
That my walking had been impaired but in the vivid
Dream I was miraculously healed and after  tentatively
Walking I began running.realizing that my abilities
Had been fully restored then I woke slowly at first not
Realizing I had been dreaming or if it was true and I
Had been restored.  But it was not so at least in the
Post state .  This dream was was repeated a few nights  
Later and I passed into waking not knowing what
Was the truth.  I certainly did not realize in the dream
That I was dreaming-the power of the dream was in
Not knowing.but in believing the dream had been real.-
Then finding it was not at least not yet.  As an old
Friend used to say Wake up your Dreams. Some
Day we shall dream something so wonderful that God
Shall no longer ask us to say of it it was only a dream.  

As Samuel Clemens  had the mysterious Stranger say of
The evils of our history: The dream marks were always
Title is from South Pacific song
You know you know
You know you do not
Know; and that is all ...
It is enough for now

Love, Yours David
The folly of children is better than the wisdom
Of men.  Be humble.  Lean not unto your own
Understanding but rather travel to Another  place
Innocent beyond all your knowing-beyond your humility
Travel in dreams and revery to your childhood unremembered
Heedless go unasked to that other place of first times-traveling
Until you are born again and you know not what was before
Let go all the pride of knowing for it cannot take you to there

Now turn again to love and to be loved; and crying say I am  And should
A day  far hence come to you bearing too great a burden of pride of knowing Here is How It will end You must be born again for the first and only time.  

For My Mother who sweetly told me
I should not be such a little "know it all"
Dear Mother Happy Mother's Day
Wherever you heart is...
Icon of the times
Of all times.  Love
We hardly knew you
A rainbow flag raised
In time of war now a
Tie dyed remembrance
We knew it at the time-Knew
Full well that the time we
Called always would too soon
Be over.  That we were only  
Once upon a time and even
Now only famous long ago

For Fritz who was there
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