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Dec 2020 · 591
Abby Dec 2020
sometimes its comforting, the dark
its like a veil
its like a fog
it surrounds you, and although its cold in a weird way its,
like its always there,
but sometimes you get too comfortable
fall in too deep
and feel safe where you shouldn't
its hard to get out when it feels right
like its where you belong
where you deserve to be,
in the dark
in the fog
in the cold
and after the light is always too bright,
the air too warm
its too perfect,
and you were right
because you know what comes next
it always comes next,
the darkness
so why not accept it?
why not stay?
since it always comes back,
the light always dims
the warmth always leaves,
it gets smothered by the wind and the rain
and now the matches are wet
you cannot relight it,
when all you need is a spark but
you cant get one,
but why not wait for them to dry
because the rain never seems to stop
it just keeping going
washing away everything
making you blank,
making you empty,
it blends the days together
when there is no light, no way to tell
how long its been
how much longer
and then one day
it stops
and the light is back,
the warmth fills you up until you overflow,
but your so scared to lose it again you don't even care,
it's almost scary how much you missed it,
but even in the most perfect moments
its always there
making you wonder
how long will it last
and its hard to enjoy it when you know
one day the
always comes back
so the rain starts, the cold comes and
what's the point of putting in the energy
when it will always fade, will always dim
because the cold days get more
and more
and more
until you cant remember the warmth
until you don't even want it
the cold becomes comfortable
and that's all we want,
to be comfortable
to feel safe
to feel something
to feel the cold is better than to feel nothing,
at least the cold reminds you you're alive,
that you still are here
until one day you aren't
because the darkness gets us all
and in a weird way its almost
to know one day we will all have the same fate,
no matter how hard we try
no matter what
the darkness always wins
why not find comfort in it?
the darkness.
sometimes its hard for me to express how i feel and i think this portrays it pretty well and i hope someone else understands what im saying.
Nov 2019 · 140
Abby Nov 2019
time. every day is different,
endless or abrupt.
every second a moment passes,
one,  two,   three.
a moment we waste, we miss, we lose
a moment we can never get back, no matter how hard we try.
precious seconds, wasted minutes
mindless days.
one after the other with no realization,
without time there is no meaning,
no will.
appreciate what we have,
yet be reckless.
we cannot change time
time changes us.
do not waste it.
savor it.
remember it.
keep it.
embrace it.
use it.
take it,
before it takes you.
May 2019 · 143
be seen
Abby May 2019
being yourself is harder than you think it is,
they say they won't judge.
they say they won't change.
they say they don't mind.
they say they won't leave you.
they say they are telling the truth.
you know they are not.

they say something different once you tell them.
how could you?
why are you like this?
that is a sin.
that is not natural.
that is wrong.

but they are wrong,
you are not wrong,
you are perfect,
and if they don't believe that,
then they do not see the real you.
they do not see your true beauty.
let your beauty be seen,
let you be seen.
Apr 2019 · 326
Abby Apr 2019
alive and living are two different things.
living is watching the sunrise,
alive is wishing it was your last.
living is dancing under the stars and wanting time to stop,
alive is sitting under the stars waiting until you will become one.
living is taking a risk to receive the reward,
alive is taking the risk because anything could be better.
living is letting joy overcome you,
alive is letting joy pass you by.
living is wanting to be alive,
alive is not wanting to live.
sometimes you feel as though the days are just passing by with nothing important happening to you. you need to see if you are living or just being alive and waiting for the good to come.
Apr 2019 · 299
a l o n e
Abby Apr 2019
a girl sat,
l onely and waiting
o n a chair in a cafe
n o one came
e ver.
Apr 2019 · 154
Abby Apr 2019
day in,
day out
will anyone escape?
no one knows...
do they?
unless a change
comes from within and lights a spark.
a spark that is lit with passion and
only some may, if they wish too.

— The End —