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Apr 2015 · 834
Daisy May Apr 2015
Crushed to death by these feeling of woe
my soul has no where else to go
I cannot take the heat in this can
nothing ever goes according to plan
slipped on someones banana skin
feel like my lifes been tossed in the bin
mouth is locked and cannot smile
so tired of going the extra mile.
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Silk and wine
Daisy May Mar 2015
A silkworm made my purse so fine,
yet a tiny fly has ruined my wine.
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
Daisy May Dec 2014
The cutter will cut in a cutters world,
the hurt won't stop in a life unfurled,
the blood will drip like drops of rain
eaten alive by sorrow and pain
you will feast on smiles and greed
but Ill just cut and watch it bleed
Oct 2014 · 894
My love
Daisy May Oct 2014
To taste the sugar on your lips,
to float on the mist that is in your breath,
to be the sparkle in your eye,
to cherish me always until I die.

— The End —