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Jul 2017 · 234
Thank You
Cristian Healy Jul 2017
You were there in the darkness for me
You were there for me in the light.

You were there when I was broke,
You were there when I was rich.

You have always been there for me when I needed someone
You have always been there for me when I hated everyone.

Now it's my turn to help you.

Thank you for everything you have done for me
Recently a few of my family members have died and I couldn't have done it without my significant other. Now she's going through a hard time and it's time for me to step up and help her.

I love you Megan, and I never will stop loving you
Jun 2017 · 172
Cristian Healy Jun 2017
We have plans
We have us
we have a future

you left without a word
taking everything I know

We had plans
We had us
without a future
Jan 2016 · 266
Cristian Healy Jan 2016
You are the reason I wake.

You are the reason I love.

You are the reason I cry.

You are the reason I smile.

You are the one who brought me back from the edge.
The reason I can be me,
the reason I am happy,
        The reason I am proud...

You are the one reason I can carry one,
In this monochromatic world,
of tarnished steel,
of rusting dreams,
in the ever paling sky..

You saved me from who I am,

and will become.

Lord save me, from the person I have become...
Lord forgive me from who I was...
Lord save me from the darkness that grows closer...

The chaotic catholic truths that turned me,
away from reason and light...
but into the night...

but you saved me from who I was
and from whom I was becoming.

Thank you, and...

I will love you for ever...
The times I thought that god could save me, But everyone has that fallen angel to save you...
Oct 2015 · 286
Cold Nights
Cristian Healy Oct 2015
The curtains curl,
the cloth furls.
The wind whispers sweet nothings
across your face.

Your face dappled by your hair.
The shadow of your smile,
ripples across your face.

The pale moonlight,
playing tricks with your body,
as I hold it.

Closer and Closer you move,
Warmer and Warmer you become.
The feel of skin against skin,
Turns the cold into heat.

Heated bodies become one,
Hot breath on your back,
as you sleep...

In the cold nights,
We've become one...
Oct 2015 · 553
The Fall Of Water
Cristian Healy Oct 2015
Drip drip drip...
The drops of the rain,
the lightly falling rain.

Drip drip drip...
the Slow fall of each bead,
of water that gives life.

Drip drip drip...
the burning feeling,
of the acid rain...

Drip drip dead.
The Lack Of The Rainforest...
Cristian Healy Oct 2015
Your back is in front of me,
Your smile is infectious.
your body says love.
but your love is fearing me.

Your supple body,
feels warm to my tender hands.
Your hair has the sweet sent,
of the happy slumber.

Your tiny little smile,
as I kiss your neck.
Your naked body,
falls right against mine.

You are the comfort,
of the future untold...

As of yet
I recently got out of a bad relationship. And I've finally gotten through the dark lights, where I can now honestly say my nights alone are filled with the future of being happy with someone again. Have a good night guys and stay loved
May 2015 · 315
Are You Still With Me?
Cristian Healy May 2015
that launch a million sails.
The miles of blood,
that were left by your nails.

The loss,
of our lost child.
The moss,
that covers the life we had.
the child that was never ours.

what is left,
the ruins of us,
the ruins of you,
the ruins of me,

The pain that sears into our skin,
from the shard of needles and pins.

The ever lasting pain,
that ruins the paint of the rain.

yours is the only smile,
the only smile.
The one smile.
the one worth a thousand smiles.

The only smile.
the lost smile,
the one I will never see again.

Goodbye my love.
You where my hovel,
in the grove of love and life.

My one and only smile..
The loss of both my child and a lost lover. The only person that could have ever loved me more than you is gone with the rest of our lives. I'm sorry that you are finally gone, this world wasn't ever good enough for you. Or you weren't good enough for me. You now walk with the ones we both loved and now you are walking without pain my lost little ones.
Jan 2014 · 280
Cristian Healy Jan 2014
With every breath
I hear the storm of life.
With every blink
I see the faith.

I see the sun and know he's there.
I see the dark, and know he's not.

Faith is not seen nor heard,
More taught to disregard loved ones.

For we are all the same,
no more no less.
There is nothing different bar acts of ways.

For this I say,
Happiness is the silver lining of love and caring....
Jan 2014 · 410
Cristian Healy Jan 2014
Within the Darkness,
There is light.
Within Light,
There is happiness.

Within you ,
There is light.
Within you,
Happiness you're sane.

You are amazing.
Nothing more nothing less.

Amazing is the words for you...

And me.
Jan 2014 · 432
what are we?
Cristian Healy Jan 2014
Happiness is your smile,
where I find safety.
Happiness is your laugh,
where I see joy.

Sadness is where i can't see you smile,
where the darkness is.
Sadness is where you don't laugh,
where hate lingers.

And yet happiness is by your side, no matter what.
Jan 2014 · 664
Cristian Healy Jan 2014
With the rain in the sky,
With me wondering why,
There is life with you,
But not without me.

There is a sun shining
the slums stirring,
in the beauty of your smile.

I love you,
Forever and ever...

Jan 2014 · 341
The City
Cristian Healy Jan 2014
no ones loves you,
no one hates you,
you're just there,
living in the fear.

Paint this city in their blood
Because they call you a hood.
Find the last lives,
From that above.

For the sky is crashing,
The winds are crying,
There is nothing more.

And empty silence.
Jan 2014 · 384
last moments
Cristian Healy Jan 2014
the smile on her face,
the smile on his...

the darkness in their eyes,
the darkness in their hearts,

the lats moments,
as the bullets ripped through their bodies,

the hour glass still standing,
the fall of the final grain...

her love for him,
his love for her...

that never ending smile...
Jan 2014 · 332
My fathers words
Cristian Healy Jan 2014
There are a million miles,
From here to the sun.

There are a million smiles
from you to your son.

There is nothing more caring than a mother and child,
There is nothing more caring than me and my son.
Dec 2013 · 766
Noiseless Crowds
Cristian Healy Dec 2013
the rain keeps falling...
she doesn't care,
the sweet taste of his lips on hers,
the bitter taste of tobacco lingers there.

The wave of light reflects off his glasses...
The smell of the cheap perfume,
The rain on hers...
The smell of false flowers...

The little sparkle in there eyes,
Captured for a life time,
The stillness and noiseless crowd...

Trapped forever behind a glass,
The protector of the good
The bad

The past.
Dec 2013 · 336
Hello There
Cristian Healy Dec 2013
You're there when I wake,
You're there when I sleep.
You're there when I bake.

You are always here with me,
You're always here when you're gone.

I love your smile
That twinkle in your eye.
You are my diamond in my sky...
Dec 2013 · 295
Looks like Rain again
Cristian Healy Dec 2013
The lost of love
the bite taste of life
why do we bother dear lord above.

with nothing more
than dying lights,
why do i miss our fights.

With life in ruins,
and rain on the glass
with this,
The bitter end.
Dec 2013 · 403
Where is mother dad?
Cristian Healy Dec 2013
The rain doesn't stop falling
for the ones we lost.
The pain doesn't start going
for you and me.

The light at the end is fading
just like your face.
I love you mother,
for ever and ever.

— The End —