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12.5k · Mar 2018
love, (10w)
Cristina Mar 2018
when was the last time
you glanced in my heart?
8.4k · Feb 2017
Cristina Feb 2017
if time had fingers
I would braid them with mine
and never undo
this dance we call it
7.8k · Mar 2014
I need...
Cristina Mar 2014
I need you to touch me
do it now.
I want your body, you want mine
remember you said
sweetheart, everything will be fine.

tips of your finger are silk
barely touch my cleavage
my entire body is so rich
rich of your small just sprinkle kisses.
I need you to touch me more
what are you waiting for?

your palm is burning, under my skin
looking in your eyes
I'm reading a long story of desire.
is all for me?

you smile to me, smile for me
when you do it
my thoughts become blurry.
please, stop whisper into my ear
I can't handle anymore
just, touch me!
3.2k · Mar 2015
straight to redemption road
Cristina Mar 2015
undress the burden that you wear
leave it rot on wetland
be thin and simple when you'll travel,
all the ways are now more narrow
choose the best entrance between all,
stick with it until you will find
a sense of peace in your remained heart.
3.1k · Jan 2015
Cristina Jan 2015
there are these days
that repeat themselves
about specific things
from our the past,
like those when we search
for redamancy.
2.6k · Mar 2014
If I stay.
Cristina Mar 2014
if I stay.
decisions to take, make up my mind. again.
end of this story from my point of view.

dying is easy, living is hard. guess I have to live like that?
scream, desire to ****, emotions to not feel.

If I stay, my mind is on replay.
remembering everything before my swollen eyes
with broken limb, collapsed lung, ruptured spleen
life I lived, people I hugged, music I played
lips I kiss, brother I start to miss
parents I was rise.

Enduring agony is too painful.
don't give up! why he doesn't stop to talk?
love never dies, it never goes away.
I don't want to hear what he has to say.
please Adam, go away.

sick body, with broken heart, wondering:
where it will be the place for love?
I don't want to wake up in a world where I don't belong.

If I stay** has a lot to say
certain ideas and themes about life itself,
beautiful family life, life near a best friend,
life with a boyfriend and not at least
life with joy and music.

later he will ask himself
where she went?
and all I will say:
I choose to live this way,
far away from my former life. which ended in that day.
this poem is a tribute to one of my favorite books. If I stay by Gayle Forman.

this is the prologue:
2.3k · Jan 2015
new day
Cristina Jan 2015
have a toast for your new host
which may be a new you,
a brand new day is ahead,
rise your glass of hope and love
to touch the sky, to drink it all
or at least try to do so,
a new year may be the next challenge,
so wake up in the morning and have the courage
to dare greatly and enjoy the achievements in life.
1.5k · Jan 2015
a miracle love
Cristina Jan 2015
you're asking if I've found
a miracle love,
but if you knew about this
you'd recognize it.
1.3k · Jul 2014
types of crying
Cristina Jul 2014
there are different types of crying
each of us has at least one or two
and from my point of view
the most used is the one without tears,
when the soul cries loud and everything in the body hurts.
and there is another one that goes hand in hand with rain
you're between droplets, crying and nobody can see the tears.
1.3k · Dec 2014
a brave? new world
Cristina Dec 2014
We live in a world where we show our affection
through likes, reblogs and shares.
we meet with friends just to stay at the same table
with smartphones in hands and smile casually at each other
gladly that we speak about moments and life
through pin pictures and tagging... stuff.
inspired by Bianca.
1.3k · Jan 2014
Cristina Jan 2014
I laugh, I cry, I even cuss
I throw the words out in the lust.
you have to stay, don't go away.
Embrace me like in the first day.
I am not lost,
Remember that...
I've found you out in the dust
You're hurting and seamed lost.
I care, I kiss, I even love.
But in the end
You choose to die.
You choose to go away
'cuz you don't have for what to stay.
Cristina May 2019
thoughts you have
day by day and night by night.
1.2k · May 2016
sing for the moment
Cristina May 2016
drums of the drummers
cheering of the crowd
notes of piano
and violin
and guitar
makes soul of persons
that stand or dance
to not remember the past
to not see in the future
just to live in now.
1.2k · May 2017
I could and won't
Cristina May 2017
I could let myself down in an acrylic tub full of tears
and no one will notice its springing from my eyes.

I could let myself down on the cold ground of winter earth
and no one will notice I will be part of him from now on.

I could not speak a word or write one
and no one will notice the silent that eats parts of me
as I become none.

I could tell you stories of what I feel inside
I could tell you stories of what desire felt like
I could and could and could
but I won't and won't and
1.1k · Feb 2015
not meant to be
Cristina Feb 2015
people don't break up from too much love,
but from too little,
or simply,
was not meant to be.
for Diana
stay strong girl!
1.1k · Mar 2015
beautiful smile
Cristina Mar 2015
I walk down the street and I see you,
my heart skips a few beats,
maybe I look like a fool
we friendly greet
each other and I reflect
the same wide smile
you proudly wear
that can't be
I cross by you.
988 · Mar 2014
courage to:
Cristina Mar 2014
to fight for a thing called love.
however, isn't meaningless, it makes you stronger
kind of a true fact
maybe we stop  because of disconnection
everybody is whispering
because they don't have the courage to say it loud
maybe is weird, but some people do believe in it
it's like magic
power of positive thinking.

I must do something
to believe and fight for it.
I can't stay in hide shadows.
in these last days
I must be honest to declare
I love you
is not hard to say it, but I forgot to tell it
think of it
pride is a heavy burden
anyway you will not remember.
I  must see your eyes
to tell you in the face
I love you

(read from the bottom to top)
my inspiration came from this amazing poem
974 · Dec 2015
Memories and emotion
Cristina Dec 2015
never seen by wicked eyes
her smile bright that lasted too much
as lily of the valley were
in the beginning of the spring
when little flowers start to bloom
and die slowly in the late fall,
now shadows of twilight on her fair skin
auburn hair braid a side
covers a shoulder remained untouched
by smooth kisses from last night.
967 · Mar 2014
first moments... alive
Cristina Mar 2014
The adventure of our lives begins after
the first moment of life outside the womb.
Fear that viscous coating can not protect yourself
makes you anticipate what will happen.
Moments pass and you don't feel sheltered anymore,
and an unknown amount of energy accumulates
in your little body and the environment is filled
with your first sound
measured in decibels.

now the world knows about you.
950 · Mar 2014
with closed eyes
Cristina Mar 2014
closing my eyes to forget I can see,
to smell with nose the special floral perfume of spring rose.
with closed eyes I can hear earth whispering to above
and the echoes from beyond.
with close eyes I can feel the drop of cold rain on my cheek
so I can make a subtle smile with my lips
with closed eyes I can feel the wind on my face
and the miracle of water spreading down my neck.
with closed eyes I can move freely
forgetting about life obstruction around me.
walking and feeling the sand between the toes
my eyes should stay forever closed.
918 · Oct 2017
do not leave me
Cristina Oct 2017
upon a time we could have said
whatever, whenever,
and words like
ne me quitte pas
were used only in the bedroom.
910 · Jul 2015
come back to me
Cristina Jul 2015
Come back to me
Find me if you can
I am not lost, I wrote on an envelope
Because there was no paper and no screen to touch.

Come back to me
Find me if you can
I am here, I wrote on the sand
Before the high tide come.

Come back to me
Find me if you can
I’m over the age of young and feel that soon I’ll be gone.

Come back to me
Find me if you can*
I whispered to a leaf
Hoping that the birds will hear.
Come back to me - stick in mind since I've heard them.
902 · Mar 2016
Cristina Mar 2016
half the time I listen to birds
twittering about life mystery from all around
they call for help, birds are quick on coming
from tree and trees to join the convent.
birds tweet and tweet,
is there a contest?
oh! let's be honest
birds are just chatting.
902 · Jun 2018
about a poet
Cristina Jun 2018
perhaps I am a fragment of them,
careful with what I see and not having a lot of skin,
because of the emotions burden to constantly wear
and all the negativity is slowing us down
to move the fingers that crave to write the words,
first on papers and later - hopefully- on every soul,
about the joy, the love, the pain, the hurt we see and feel.
876 · Jan 2015
happy reading
Cristina Jan 2015
reading a book isn't about
reading good words carefully chosen
to create a magic display
of perfect scenes,
it's about feeling every moment and movement
that happens between covers
like that would happen in your present reality
and you're there,
deciding whether or not the action should continue.
871 · Feb 2014
door, please, just open!
Cristina Feb 2014
I heard: "When one door closes another opens".
But if the hinge is rusted or stuck?
How long to wait for the door to open?

It's about those decisions that matter in life
(not that all would not matter).
you face them every time when
your principles, culture and values
are put in balance.

To evolve and to develop your own personality
while life puts you always in tough situations
is admirable!
So you wake up with a social entity, professional and spiritual enviable.

Once there, you (re)smart yourself
before a new beginning.
now... the door is open.
867 · Feb 2017
What time is it?
Cristina Feb 2017
What time is it?
She searched the room
Brown and white and almost red
She is a ghost
A body with life, or maybe not.

What time is it?
Whispers are low
Only by paying attention
The words can be heard.

What time is it?
Who will answer?
Walls, carpets and furniture?

What time is it?
I pray God will answer.

What time is it?*
Please give me an answer.
865 · Jan 2015
Cristina Jan 2015
don't say you don't miss to come
and offer millions of colours,
this way everyone can associate you
with pleasure and songs.
we want to dance in your light,
come on, be bright.
859 · Dec 2014
release time
Cristina Dec 2014
Turn your face to the wall or look in the other way*
I'm thinking that's what I should say
Because you do not want to see how I'm releasing
The sad emotions that I've kept inside for so long,
This is my moment to let them free,
So they can spread their wings to fly away
Where dreams can catch depressed feelings
and converse them in beauty of life.
If you don't have the strength to witness this amazing event,
my darling friend, close your eyes and
please hold my hands.
858 · Apr 2014
start again
Cristina Apr 2014
For a few moments, I want to swallow the past,
to stare in the face this old chapter of life.
time have come for a final reading
and see what I did and did not wrong.
delete characters, events,
to forgive them and forgive mine.
there is not much time and I would have to start again
to write my own end, to build my new time line
and conserve most pleasant moments,
to just take less from people,
so I can write about beauty and truth.

but this is just a chapter, of my former life
and undo is a fairy tale of memories
and the point of this is writing a new chapter in life.
Thank you Romina for this beautiful friendship.  You are my inspiration, when you least expect it.
857 · Jul 2015
Cristina Jul 2015
There is a pain that strikes the heart
   And all that bleeds from the inside
      Are sighs
          And sighs
              And sighs.
853 · May 2017
Cristina May 2017
you break my heart
you reap my soul
with no remorse
and no tears in eyes.
850 · Feb 2014
first kiss
Cristina Feb 2014
he speaks a language I don't know.
words I can not distinguish.
what is to guess?
if I might be... maybe he wanders
in love with you?
I say out loud
words are said, so I continue
every day, I try to speak.
I didn't have time,
he cut me off the line
with an unexpected kiss.
847 · Nov 2017
that sad place
Cristina Nov 2017
By the time you will read this, I'll be long gone.

I will not be in the land of dead, nor of alive either. I will be as I was since, well... long before my heart was crushed between lips or fingers or people's thoughts.

I will be here, in a place between your world and mine. In places where the secret code to enter is pain in the chest, days of crying and words never heard of ears that count.

In this vast land is a city with concrete blocks, all gray. The streets are one way roads that travel beyond and above. Roundabouts at every mile that gives chances to go back.

back where?! you might ask.

I do not know to answer to that, I do not know to tell you stories of those who took the route back, or to show you pictures of new places they landed.

But I can tell you about the place where I am at.

Blocks are all around but going straight down the street you'll reach a park.

People stay here day and night with pillows and blankets all spare for just in case.

In case of what?! another good question you might add.

In case that someone who was their friend some time ago will come along. Not for company. No. In this place knowing that you're not alone is enough. no need to interact. The spare pillows and blankets are for those who have the courage to take some steps towards our grieving and pain and... just to hold our hands.

Among others like me, we are not alone. If you want to came and take me back, please do it.

I will be here.
Cristina Dec 2015
unable to tell you my deepest thoughts
for months wondering "is this the worst?"
        do you see how far we fell
is the question that I often say
like a shy weak girl starting to create a song
while we become more apart.

running to you at my best speed
hearing your yell that you're doing the same
hoping that the little fire we managed to create
will not die in the void we started to feel
meanwhile replaying part two of the song
       *until we meet again, my love.
821 · Jul 2017
Gratify me
Cristina Jul 2017
Bring me peace so I can be freely wild
Throw me into the water so I can go deep
If there's cold I can create heat
Where is love I can bring tears
but to survive
I need your heart.
819 · Apr 2017
Hoping for Help
Cristina Apr 2017
She struggles for more
She settles for less,
Breathing slowly
Face down on the cold ground.
She wrote HELP
Even if no one read
There is a HOPE
That tomorrow is not too late.
My thoughts are for ‘13 Reasons Why’, the book and TV show
811 · Dec 2014
beauty of poetry
Cristina Dec 2014
it's amazing to feel a sense of shy belonging
for souls that I only know from what I've been reading,
some words about how they think  and feel,
their letters of meaning, black on HP blog.
sometimes I ask myself if there's a truth in what they write,
if there's a real pain or joy inside
or it's just a mind thing that comes and goes
from their huge empathy and loving soul.

because reader,
if beauty is not enough in life to be,
the writers will die trying to make you see,
do not worry for wasting time,
another poet will be alive
to show anyone what is worth living for,
you just be an open soul.
807 · Feb 2017
Cristina Feb 2017
They counted twenty eight
My soul says it’s too much
They speak or cry or shout
Words that I can not dissolve.

I’ve made my peace last week
So proud of myself!
Soon I will be gone
Soon I will die.

My last year with tears
My last months with pain
My last weeks together
My last breaths with soul.

I told her with care
I wrote her forever letters
She read them so fast
While displaying a beautiful smile.

You are not dying
You are so brave…

It doesn’t matter Cris
I died. It happened a long time ago.
My childhood friend D. is going through a hard time, as you all see.
804 · Feb 2014
Cristina Feb 2014
make connections, make yourself a little pleased.
why everybody thinks they have to lose something
if they try to understand
a sister
a brother
like this?

bare feet
they walk on streets.
why don't we try
to smile and conquer, to realize
about **** fears.
be proud, my friend
if you get free.

Free of stupid,
arrogant and coldness.
fortunately change,
such courage makes so sense.
you were born with a good, lovely heart
try to remember that
don't forget about a street child.
794 · Oct 2014
a thing to remember
Cristina Oct 2014
I tend to forget that I have you
for a set period of time
not very often I remember to cherish our love
to protect our promises
to enjoy every kiss and hold
to extend our tenderness moments
because we both know
how it is to lose it all.
790 · Jun 2014
love is for free
Cristina Jun 2014
I will love you the most
sounded very childish, a long time ago,
and in seven years I always came first.
I never said thank you for your love
you don't have to
because dear
love is for free.
and I choose to love you.
783 · Feb 2017
I am standing still
Cristina Feb 2017
I am standing still while the world is moving
I have nothing to give while my heart is pounding
I am standing still while spying on others
I am standing still crying or laughing.

I am standing still while you dance
I am standing still while people are dying
I am standing still while words are flying
I am standing still to catch lyrics for my poem.

I am standing still when you kiss me good morning
I am standing still when eating nothing
I am standing still and no one is noticing
I am standing still while I am dying.
773 · Mar 2014
H. O. P. E. (10 w)
Cristina Mar 2014
definition of
H.   O.     P.    E.  
hold.  on, pain. ends.
769 · Jan 2019
my stranger
Cristina Jan 2019
there you are!
stealing glances, even the innocent ones.
your shy smile, your still hands
your confident walk.
how could I not recognize you
from a million man?
as my heart jolts of joy
when I lay my eyes on you.
734 · Oct 2014
second, please stay
Cristina Oct 2014
stand still second that you pass
for me to have a longer kiss, now at the midnight.
you want to go to the next second to sum up,
trust me, I understand that.
I want to do the same with him,
so please,
wait a moment to go further and meanwhile, feel free to dream.
make the time a little long
so I can speak tomorrow about love.
listen to my request and extend yourself
so I can repeat again that action that starts with a bonded kiss.
730 · May 2017
the great start
Cristina May 2017
It's time

for you to begin seeking

the great world

that is in front of you.
716 · Jun 2014
just remember to breathe
Cristina Jun 2014
remember to breathe when the world moves fast around you
remember to grab and hold tight when you start feel spinning around
remember to close your eyes taking a moment for you
remember to yell and cry and run and stay and live
remember to kiss and love and hug and protect
remember is a difference between alone and lonely
remember not to say all you know, keep something for yourself
remember to open your eyes and see the truth beyond watching
remember about time and loss and appreciation
remember to contribute with your knowledge
remember all of us grieve someone
and just remember to breathe.
716 · Jan 2014
Cristina Jan 2014
it's been seven years
the time pass so fast
a lifetime together
and I feel it's not enough
it's a dream to be married
and be called your wife.
this year you will be mine and I will be yours
memories are gifted
and they bring joy
together we'll be stronger, we'll conquer the world.
the sky's the limit
you say it yourself.
709 · Jan 2015
sleepy birds
Cristina Jan 2015
looking out my window
I see some wonderful things,
like beautiful, sleepy birds
who are sitting on slim twigs of white crystal
one after another just to keep the warmth
between their little bodies.
after all
there is a place without oblivion.
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