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 Dec 2014
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
The Shower is my Refuge
hidden home to unfound thoughts
each drop an incandescent ode to joy in the sunlight
floating up
and left
and right
in the sunlight
these are my lives
each one more necessary than the last
each one recounting the lost stories of imagination
each one timeless and insecure and fragile and tiny

The Shower is my Refuge
with curtains drawn on my private stage
a hot haze of steamed applause
where each member of the audience is required to dance
and the echoes of my voice can be heard
o'er the tumultuous rapture of this orchestrated flow
soft and yielding
hard and battering
until the waters have ebbed and my time here has passed
so cleansed I step into a new world

The Shower is my Refuge
 Dec 2014
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
there is no cure quite like for the dour
than clean pyjamas post-long-hot-shower.
with a sigh and a hug and flannel kisses to yer ***
hot shower/clean pyjamas: for when a day is done.
© 2014  J.J.W. Coyle

— The End —