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 Aug 2014
Ellie Geneve
Owen:* Hey. You're awake.
Cristina: You didn't come home.
Owen: Yeah, there was a--
Cristina: A bus crash or a train crash or a patient crashed? Yeah. Right. Why are you staring at me?
Owen: Well, I'm weighing how upset you are and if I want to get into this.
Cristina: You do. You want to get into this...
Owen: I'm tired and it's late.
Cristina: ... with me. You know what? That's the point. It's always late, and it shouldn't be. And you should want to get into it with me but you don't. I mean, where are you?
Owen: I am-- I am here. For God sake. I'm right freakin' here. I'm home.
Cristina: No, you're not. ... You have to be honest with me because I am going crazy here. Do you, um, do you love me anymore?
Owen: It's not about if I--
Cristina: Owen, please answer the question.
Owen: I love you so much that it hurts.
Cristina: Okay. Well, okay, then. Then we can-- We can work on this. We can talk. You know, we-- We have to talk, because I cannot be like this anymore. (voice breaking) And I Mean it when I say that I'm going crazy, 'cause... (sighs) 'Cause that nurse Emily-- I mean, I-I accused her of sleeping with you.
Owen: You what?
Cristina: I'm-- I'm sorry. I just-- I mean, I feel like... My whole body feels like... Like you were cheating on me. And then you come home and you tell me that you love me, and I'm... I'm-- I'm relieved. I mean, I'm so relieved because--
Owen: Stop. Stop. I said I love you so much that it hurts.
Cristina: Okay.
Owen: I said... it hurts... to love you.
Cristina: Just say it.
Owen: I'm not cheating on you with Emily.
Cristina: Okay.
Owen: But I did cheat on you.

­He said he loved her so much it hurts.
He said it hurts to love her.

— The End —