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 Mar 2018
John Stevens
© 1-07-04 John Stevens
He waits at the door of my heart this hour
Knocking so gently for me.
To answer the call, through His power
To be all I can be.          
The choice is mine to make this hour.
To accept or reject His love.      
The choice I make for eternity
Will decide my life for above.

(chorus 1)
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
Will I turn my back and walk away?
Will I open my heart to Him?  

Will I invite Him in only on Sunday
And set Him close to the door?
Then invite Him out when church is over
When no one's looking any more?
Will I when Monday morning comes
Forget the lessons He taught?
Of love, forgiveness, grace and more
By His blood on the Cross He bought.

(chorus 1)
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
Will I turn my back and walk away?
Will I open my heart to Him?  

Will I do the right and shun the wrong
In the work that I perform?
Not leave my faith on a hook by the door
Until the next Sunday morn.
Will I park Him outside some of the doors
Of my favorite places to be?
And pretend it is ok to do the things,
I'm ashamed for Jesus to see?

(chorus 1)
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
Will I turn my back and walk away?
Will I open my heart to Him?  

The lessons I have learned today
Must not be shelved tomorrow.
For I've been set free to do His will
In all happiness and sorrow.
He cleansed my heart- all the rooms.
And the closets so dark today.
His love shone 'round in all the corners
The gloom and darkness went away

(chorus 2 )
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
I will open my all my life to Him
I will open my heart today

I will open the door, invite Him in.
I will give Him the key to my heart's door
I will give Him control of all my life.
I will love Him forever and more.
I will listen to His every whisper.
I will do His thoughts for me.
I will praise His Holy name this hour.
I will shine His light for others to see.

(chorus 2 )
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
I will open my all my life to Him
I will open my heart today

When my heart is breaking from the pain
Of things in my life I start.
He is there the moment I breathe His name
He mends my broken heart.
I have been forgiven by His blood
My sin on the cross He bore.
I have been forgiven, cleansed by His blood
I bare the guilt no more.
Chorus ?  

I have been forgiven..    
Praise His Holy Name.                
I am forgiven.........
Thank you Jesus, today.

He waits at the door   Calling for you
To open your heart     To let Him in.

What will you do?       What will you say?

Version 03-29-2004
 Aug 2017
Cynthia Jean
Oh rest, My child.
Recline in My Arms
Under My Shadow.
I love you.
You are loved.
I know your grief.
You come to Me
Each Day.
Never ever give up.
Never quit.
You are Mine.
Bought with a price.
Paid for
and sealed

Cynthia J poems 7.24.2017
A poem that came to me when I needed comfort...which is most days.
 Feb 2017
Dorothy A
Hold onto that Faith
When others mock and see faith in God as foolish
When you're told your final destination is the cold, dark grave
When you are branded as illogical, uneducated and ignorant
When Doubt is knocking at your front door and demands a foothold

Hold onto that Hope
When you sense you are in a downward spiral
When you are tired of the long uphill
When tears threaten to drown you
When you just don't see the sense of life

Hold onto that Love*
When you encounter those who have none for you
When you have the desire to be unloving
When you know this world is nothing without it
When you know it what makes life bearable and true
 Nov 2016
WendyStarry Eyes
Insanity breeds free In this world, and yes,
Truthfully, inside of me
It touches my soul, when I least expect
It takes control
Trick is to learn to let go
Politicians have this, this season we all know
From them it penetrates
Within our souls
Reach this realization, hand it over to
Our Father and let go
I will be set free
Insanity will not carry
For I have logic that lives inside of me
Logic is insanity's enemy
Senseless time conquers my mind
I follow my mistakes of the past
As if they are my masters
Incessantly they last
A constant battle for me to keep
My eyes and heart open and realize
God is my refuge and strength
Always in my life
In times of peace, in times of struggle
Which ever situation on the rise
PSALM 46:1-4
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble,
therefore we will not fear,
though the earth give way and the mountians fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam and the mountians quake with their surging.
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God
The holy place where the Most High dwells.
 Aug 2016
Cynthia Jean
Your gravest danger
giving up
ceasing to believe
I can still do
wondrous things
in your world.

Keep moving forward
depending on Me
expecting  a path
to open before you.

Refreshingly new

I will do a new thing

I am making a way
a way in the desert
and streams
in the wasteland.

Cj 2016
Isaiah 43:19
We must never lose hope
As you get older and you realize that you will die
It makes you think ...what have I done with my life
Did u receive Christ when you had the chance
Or do you still reject his calling for you?
Didn't you know that you will suffer in Hell
If your name isn't found in the Book Of Life

I pray you find comfort and peace with the Lord
May the Holy Spirit descend upon you once your done reading this
Go ahead just talk to God he will understand
Because there is more Darkness in your heart
It is poisoning your soul... consuming your life my friend
It is the evil that resides in all of us
Go to God find your salvation don't do it for us do it for you

Do remember your body is a temple
The Lord is the Light
May you defeat your darkness
That hunts you inside...
©Franko the Christian Poet
Where are you headed? Keep in mind that was is given can be taken away.
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