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 Nov 2014
SG Holter
I believe in the things between
unseen, unheard, un-so-on
and so forth.  
both feet firmly planted in
thin air.
I stand for our love.

I imagine castles with our names
on them.
countries to our honour.
hearts and initials on
every living tree on Earth.
like some teenage girl I
picture a wedding on the coast.
priestless ceremony
where the god in all things
holds the only blessing
we need.
before Her I stand
for our love.

before friends and enemies.
before poets and politicians.
parents, siblings, teachers.
before my head and heart,
toe to toe with common
sense and pessimistic
("this world will **** what we
have; strangle us with the
piano string of everyday
stresses and sorrows."

I think of eternities.
lifetimes of souls.
I take you on for

I stand for our love.
I have never washed my
hands after handling something
holy. I would never write like
this, and be lying.
I have never tried
to hide a
 Nov 2014
SG Holter
Threat of rain.
grey skies like the lid of
a kettle from below.
clouds are ice from a
fish eye perspective.
I'm heading for the mountains
after work.

bringing little more than
good boots, a solid knife,
my best friend and his
love on four legs.
smiles behind every bark.
ears flapping with his running
free; scouting. herding us
through passes, across creeks.

my heart is a happy dog; stick
in mouth, world of new scents.
bonfire dreams, tapping of rain
on built shelter.
bidding the city adieu.
for days, all I can see will be
 Nov 2014
SG Holter
Setting clocks back that
one hour
I only see daylight through
the windows of the lunch

night all day.

Oslo Skyline lets me
recall one of my earliest
from a baby seat in the
back of my uncle's
Citroën, hypnotized by
the yellow lights of a
Shell station we were parked

something so comforting
about the brightness of
a whole, little day
within the darkness of way-

warmth within winter.
adults in conversation.
I hope the bus driver keeps
the overhead halogens off in

there's nothing unfriendly
about this lack of
 Nov 2014
Rachel Cloud
Bars can't silence the voice in a throat
As night can't **** off the dawn
Wishing can never be smothered or choked
Even when losing the song

And though ice slows the dream in mind
And memory blurs the path
Lyrics, music, all flow in kind
Each bird forgets the world's wrath
 Nov 2014
Oh my young one, my baby, My darling, darling boy
I am with you always through tears of pain and joy
Confusion and fear can force the sights unseen
As choked down emotion can make you feel unclean

I know not how to judge you, for all I feel is joy
And i will always love you
My darling, darling boy
I take you as you are, always
 Nov 2014

I'm looking
     because I wish to see

      because I wish to find

      because I wish to hear

I'm wanting
      because I wish to become

       because I wish to observe

     because I wish to be loved

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