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 Jul 2014
A Million Tiny Pieces
Taken while you wept on clustered fears of empty dreams,
broken remnants shuttered as in some storm cloud cellar
and yet the pain seeps through tiny cracks
invading every pore, seeking that which keeps fracturing

Puddles form at frozen feet, unable to move, chilled of anguish,
sub-zero burdens slither their way into the mind’s pathways,
hiding in corners, darkened at angular positions,
wedges of meeting points sheltering these evil thoughts

Falling on tender knees, hands clenched, pleading on tear drop pages
Emotions, these concrete wishes stained on thin lines
appear from chained memories, tethered to branchless trees,
striking swiftly as I watch your heart shatter…

into a million tiny pieces on the floor…and I with it
Words can not express the sadness I feel because of your unthinkable pain my friend. You were one of the first people to welcome me here on HP...your kindness was my gift...your sadness I wish I could will always be in my thoughts.
 Jul 2014

And the harvest moon smiles

The ground beneath my feet
solid as is stone of millennium’s might and fear
Flat on a surface of cultured desires,
formidable, paved in promises kept and windswept actions

This night, chocolate skies of peering pleading eyes,
locks smooth, dark, shining beneath a silent harvest moon
glowing down upon this photograph dream
developing on the breath of autumn’s coming

Softly I lay you down, earth and colored leaves
vibrant as this beauty I hold, tinted in hues of love
Comfort beyond compare, nature’s pristine mattress
engulfs your form as I find my way in the dark

Sultry sighs echo on midnight bluffs and aching cliffs
Silhouetted caverns, ignited by reflections of sensual calls
and names found on the evening canopy resonate
in melodic tones of lust and true endeavors

Sunflower lips, smooth as mirrored glass and fragrant as life
meet mine in passion, touching, feeling, every inch
as we dance to the rhythm of early hour heart beats,
drinking of the pleasure now shared by destined souls

Snow caps melt in violent flow of heated steam, fissures of depth on blood streaked skin,
as your nails scream beneath my flesh, begging this earth, this solid ground to move
when as asked, it moves, madly shaking, convulsing until …
shattering in a crescendo of spark filled ecstasy  

and the harvest moon smiles
 Jul 2014
we are home,
from our first day
back... at the salt-mines.

ben, heads for the shower
to loosen, the muscles
tightened, by a day of
hammer and saw.

tod, sits, one blink shy
of front of
a blaring t.v....
we need him awake,
for another hour and a bit.
or none of us,
will sleep, through the night.

me i stand in the kitchen
in front of the fridge
weighing up options..
will say G&T; looking
awfully good...

mother nestled out
in the nanexxe...
engrossed in afternoon
best not to disturb.
she bites!(or at least snaps)

only thing in the house
that's happy,
is the little blucat.
who purrs up a storm,
as he figure-eights
about my legs.
in the ecstasy of
the un-abandoned pet.

we did, come home,
to feed him...we did....we did...we did!
we are having a quick & easy mushroom and chicken risotto bake....
took me ten minutes of staring into the fridge to come to that decision...but first a G&T; heavy on the G....
 Jul 2014
Poetic T
Tarring roads with lungs,
Old smokers, living ashtrays,
Suicidal inhale.
#tar #lung #inhale #suicidal
 Jul 2014

Happy Birthday Wishes Sye

Sye, a few of your friends wanted to send you happy wishes on this
your 17th birthday. I hope you enjoy this.  


Happy Birthday Sweet Niece!
Sye, you are beyond amazing in your talents for writing, your beauty of soul and your caring and compassion. What a gift to our community on HP and the entire Universe that you are here! I am so very glad I met you!!! I hope this birthday and the year ahead are the best ever for you!
With much love,
Aunt Pamela


Seventeen, as cute as seven.
Funny as Hell, sweet as Heaven.
It's not hard to grasp just why
We love you so deeply, Sye.

Birthday hugs from Norway!


Sweet Seventeen, a year so Sweet to bring Your Dreams into the World, Live them Proud and True, just for You!!
I Wish You a Very Happy Birthday Sye!
~ Venusoul7~


Happy Birthday "Daughter"
You are a Blessing who touches each life you enter,(as you have mine)
My wish for you this day, is that the Love and Happiness return to you ten-fold.
Happy B-Day Sweetheart! Paula


Hippy buffday to you!
Wishing you blessings anew
May your days be
Full of sunshine and laughter
And joyful songs too ***
Petal Pie


Happy Birthday Sye

A day of Celebration
of contemplation
The last remains of a year
The dawn of the new

A dawn...
Filled with wonder
With beauty
An adventure

Bask in the sunshine
Embrace the rain
From pain
Do you grow

My wish for you...

Live life
Open hearted

Your flower is blooming
Revealing the beauty
Within your heart and soul

Kelly Rose


17 candles a top the fruit cake
Your friends and family
Nigh to celebrate this great milestone
Wine glasses raised~
In honor of you
God has added yet another year
May your life be filled with so much joy~
And good health be your portion always
Happy birthday Sye…



May Sye have a wonderful birthday as wonderful as her poetry.
Briar Thornit


Hello young Sye on the occasion of your birthday. You are a young lady who has so much still to offer the world of poetry and you can only get better

Keep on writing Sye

Old man Joe


Happy Birthday Sye

Young at heart, a mind for words
may you have a day of joy,
With many happy returns,
have fun let it all go its your day
so do what ever is your fancy
Have well remembered birthday fun :)

Poetic T :)


Only friends for a while
yet I know you're so kind
with that beautiful smile
you'll never be left behind

This wee bonnie lass
has a birthday today
such a kind and sweet soul
in our hearts she'll forever remain

Have a fantastic day Sye **



Tae Sye

Wi' a' the monie ways tae say,
I find I lack skill;
Tae ye, wi' a' me greetings lay,
Pray, o't, tak yowre fill!

Och, sic a bonnie lass as ye,
My hearty blessin';
Sae monie mowre ye Birthdays be,
Wi' a' the dressin'!

'Tis a sma' thing tae say,
Happy, Happy, Birthday!

'Tis a' for thee
Dear S. Y. E.



Princess Sye you are amazing:) I have came to learn so much by you, and you have been a wonderful friend to me:) I hope this birthday finds you well:) Miles of smiles and much love always:)

Jonathan E Furches


betterdays 2 days ago
hello sye
my understanding is it is your17th birthday honour of that and your amorevolous nature
i give you, these word gifts.
two quotes:
"blessed are the curious,
for they shall have
Lovelle Drachman.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"
attributed to,
Audrey Hepburn
but really Sam Lenvenson.
my best wishes for a, eellogofusciouhipopp-okunurious (good)
hugs and kisses
p.s.amorevolous- loving and giving beyond self, nature.


Dear Sye,

Uh - 17. Young enough to be stupidly foolish and wise enough not to realize it. Your writing has touched many, including me. Thanks for sharing your inner self. Happiest of Birthdays to you Miss Sye. Wishes for many happy returns of the Day.
Your friend in poetry, Kim


"I look at you and see so much promise
so full of life and always ready to help
although I have not known you much
I can see your beautiful soul through your words.
You turn 17 today and my wish for you is simple,
I hope you have enough courage to stand your ground,
to write what's true to you and do all that you love,
that you follow your dreams and
be the beautiful woman you were meant to be.

Happy Birthday, Sye :)
- H.U."


Sye as in sigh but also the world, from Korea to marine flag languages and morse code like this ...-.--.
I saw your name as a barcode while shopping for words,
these are what I bought: Happy Birthday to you Sye the World.

Regis Keuren


Sweet sixteen plus one
Oh what fun
The Sye flower will blossom
More and more so awesome.
She is loved by many here
Who find her so Dear.
Happy Birthday Dear Sye
Now you may cry.

Grandpa john


Happy birthday to my beautiful little sis! I wish you the most spectacular of days and the best of years. You deserve all the happiness and love, life has to offer!

You have been such a great friend and are always so kind and supportive. You amaze me with your wisdom and talent, sweet one. I am in awe of you, gorgeous! I feel so blessed to have met you!


The radiance
Beaming from
Your golden heart
Eclipses the sun
Sending light
And love
To all who bask
In the warmth
Of your sweet

Love you Sye!

Your adoring sis,


Thank you Sye for your excellent poetry as it's a gift to us all. Best of wishes on your birthday; you deserve all of the attention you get and, thanks to Jacks rally of poets, this attention can get to you. With pleasure, I salute thee -

Peter Watkins


Happy Birthday Sye! You are going to go so far in this world sweetie! Have an amazing day my friend! Continue to write amazing poetry.
Peace and Love


Birthday wishes sent to you in hope that all your dreams come true x

Calpurnia Mockingbird


Oh, my Sye, my sweet, sweet, Sye
Wonderful sister and dear poet of mine
Words emerge from your stunning mind
And paint visions for all to read
But today is not about what you create
It's what God created 17 years ago
A wonderful person and talented friend
My non-blood sister to the end
Happy birthday my dear sister
Today is dedicated solely for you
Live it up and enjoy the wonders of life
And make sure to get some cake too!

Madalyn Beck


And now it is my turn. To my sweetest friend on your special day…
As you look above and see all of these people, your friends and family
from Hellopoetry sending you love and beautiful birthday wishes,
I want you to know that you are my best friend in the entire world
and I wish you all that makes you smile, every happiness and joy
this coming year and those to follow have to offer.

Happy Birthday sweet Sye.

Your smile lights the world,

Thank you to everyone who participated in this with me. I appreciate your kindness more than you know.
 Jul 2014
Poetic T
A fool
Thinks he knows much
But in fact knows less than he thinks..
 Jul 2014
What can I say, what can I do
But send a poem that is new
A birthday wish sent straight to you
In rhyming words from me

You’ve always been the greatest friend
the one I know I can depend
So on this day to you I send
This poem so you see

That all I need is in your smile
Shining bright in wondrous style
To linger here with me a while
In beautiful display

I hope that you know what I mean
As now you’re turning seventeen
To share with you this birthday dream
On this your special day

And here is a birthday song for you.
I hope you can hear me singing it to you

Today is the day that we all celebrate it's your Birthday
Today is the day that we all come to wish you good cheer
Today is the day to be thankful for all that has happened
For...tomorrows the day that your life gets to start a new year

Happy Birthday my Sweet Friend
A special wish for all that makes you happy on your seventeenth birthday my sweetest friend.
 Jul 2014
Joe Cole
You know apart from writing poetry I design gardens for other
people just as an unpaid sideline
But come and take a look in my garden.
Rough laid brick edging round the lawn and I do mean rough
you wont see a dead straight line there
Flowers, hot oranges intermingled with reds and gold
Plants carefully chosen for form and texture
Rather a jumble of wild and cultivated plants doing their
own thing
White campion, red campion intermingle with white and yellow daisies
Scarlet poppies vie for space with rosebay willow herb
Sage and thymes in profusion
Great clumps of lemon balm mixed in with chives and lavenders
Foxgloves and hollyhocks in places they shouldnt be
Wild mallows and geraniums growing where they choose
And running wild my favourites of the flower world
That then is my garden, my retreat, my oasis of calm
 Jul 2014
whis, whisp, whispering
in my

the deep darkness
speaks to the
kindred lost
inside the

break free
she is a

my heart
holds strong
against the desire
for madness to reign

it is a
fought long
and desperately hard
each and every moment

i prevail, the voices
only, whisper now -
once they were clarion
bells, ringing loud and long

i prevail
            and will be
                              sane soon.

                               sane, soon
                 i will be
prevail i will...i will...
this is an old piece over
12 years old, found it today.
was from when i had a nervous breakdown
and was in hospital undergoing treatment.
 Jul 2014
Paula Lee
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Call this assurance if you must;
But when it's time to say Farewell
To one you love, it's just plain hell.

There are no words, no healing balm,
To fill the void, to ease the calm;
And not a thing that one can say
Will drive the quick hot tears away.

We look upon the empty chair
And seek the one no longer there;
And so heartbreaking is the pain
We question if we'll meet again.

How grim indeed, if death should be
The Bitter End--- Eternity;
Just some vague dream conceived by Man
And not a part of any plan.

But God has taken such great care
To note the sparrow in the air;
His Love alone can cover all
And Mark a simple Sparrows' fall.

And if he cares for the birds that fly,
then he must hear My Anguished cry;
"Dear God, I yield my grief to Thee
For Thou alone can comfort me."
To Everyone who is struggling with Grief
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