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Remember how to forget;
grasp how to let go.
Poetry isn't written:
Words are written,
and Poetry is read.
Your pen and paper seem to be of an older version,
care to update to a newer, unstable, invasive version?

404 Error!
That is to say:
oh, we're sorry,
that page cannot be found
due to technical difficulties.

Now, if only I knew how to use a pen..
Just because
it's not the thing for you
doesn't mean
that those who like it
are wrong.

To be e'er so militant
about what others should and shouldn't do
is akin to enslaving minds;
sacrificing their divine right to free will:
what sadistic demon possesses you?

Some people like coffee,
and some people drink tea,
some people drop LSD
and some smoke peyote;

I think it's all well and good
if you know who you are;
what you enjoy and cherish
may not be the thing for me.

I've said it before,
but, one more time:
To each his own,
but I'm ******* keeping mine.
Denying all indulgence
is no different from
accepting all indulgence:

Moderation is key,
when it comes to indulgence
as well as abstinence.
In an absolute value sort of way, they are symmetrical.
Seek the middle path.
Be not a slave to the ways
in which things have been done,
but, rather,
take charge of the ways
in which things could be done.
The only thing
that is more important
than learning from History
is making History.
can endure childbirth,
yet some Men call them
'the weaker ***.'

How arrogant!

Even still,
Women who opt
to be sexist in return
be no better:

Yin and Yang
are interdependent.
Written on a napkin at work.
Faking it 'til you make it is one thing,
but there's truly no substitute for the real thing.
who cannot handle
their opinions being questioned,
most likely hasn't derived them independently.
Being bad at something
is the first step towards
being good at something.
Do what you love,
not what you think you are "supposed to do."
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