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 Apr 2017
Joel M Frye
Begin with the meat.
Venison, if you seek authenticity;
if you were raised white,
ground beef will do.
The mirapoix can be purchased
if you no longer till
the back yard.
Potatoes and peas and corn
as well.  No matter
what the commercials say,
frozen tastes nothing like
fresh from the earth.
If Grandfather did not
milk the cow and churn the butter,
saute the vegetables and meat
in half a stick.
Flour was bought and traded for
for many generations;
just open the bag and add a quarter cup.
Beef stock is such a
pain in the *** to make.
Safe, sterile boxes
with tamper-proof caps
so much more convenient.
Let the soup simmer for
what seems to be a lifetime,
then open two cans
of hominy, drain them,
and add to the ***,
letting the smell
summon the memories
of whole families.
Adjust the seasoning,
sweetening the broth
with a tear or two
before serving.
Day Two NaPoWriMo.  Poem based on a recipe.
 Apr 2017
Joel M Frye
A bear in Florida
finds no winter,
no months to sleep
in cozy cocoon.
He watches,
wakened and wary,
for sea changes
and weather shifts.
Many other predators
spend cooler seasons
in lassitude
despite the latitude,
neither hunting for truth
nor caring about
what surrounds them.
The bear raises his head,
wrinkles his nose
at the scent of danger,
the hint of threats
to and from
his environment.
Oops.  Catching up.  Day One (sort of) NaPoWriMo.
 Apr 2017
In a ceramic concave
Take one cluckfart and beat
Add a cup and a half of moojuice
mix with a whirlpool motion
Then find beaten crushedvwheat
add two cups
mix with a whirpool motion
discover sweet cyrstals add 1cup
mix with a whirlpool motion

find and turn on heatslabtop source
put metal pool on heatslabtop source
add a dab of solid yellow moojuice
allow to liqiufy

pour in a measure of whirlpool mix
to create a babylake,
add some bluejuice spheres
or some monkey smilebars
listen for sizzle, watch for bubbles
take a babylake flipper and flip
the babylake so both sides cook evenly

place babylakes on ceramic circle
and repeat the process
dab of yellow moojuice
pouring the babylake mix
so on and so forth,
until ceramic circle is full or
you run out of whirlpool mix

sit at eating tree, with ceramic circle.
if you wish, add the juice of the maple
or tears of the sour yellow leather fruit
to your share of the babylakes
and then consume......and feel
your tummy muscles  smile
Napowrimo2017.Day 2...write a recipe poem....I think I twisted this one a bit...I am blaming it on the toothache medicine I am taking....(going to detist tomorrow) Some one just ssked for translation: Think pancake recipe written with Dali-esque twist....
 Apr 2017
and then in
the Land of April
there was a
foolish fool
who did not
quite have either
the werewithal
or the the tools
to ably prank,
the citizens
of his town,
those citizens
did feel
let down by
the foolish fool
they often
they may be
better served
by a mule
so after
much thought
they caught
a wild mule
dressed him
in a tutu
of tulle
and a paper
and made
the ruler
of the
foolish fools
foolish town
the foolish fool
gave up his
foolhardly ways
and became
the keeper
of King Mules
royal maze
 Apr 2017
Laura Slaathaug
the Mississippi starts small,
at the headwaters.

A child can cross
stone to stone, almost slipping
into cold water.

Sometimes they do fall,
but stumbling and soaking wet,
they finish crossing.

Now, these blue-gray stones
and clear rippling currents still
sound like their laughter.
Day 1 of National Poetry Month.
 Apr 2017
when one
one often
gets wet
the feet up
then one may
get upset

yet if one
takes to water
like the duck
should not
the wet feet
from waddling
be akin to it's back
water free falling
and feet unstuck

if unducklike
you be
the puddles
of life
may well
be the key
to a life
of dry feet
and a smiling
Napowrimo 2017 has begun....the first prompt...A Kay Ryan (esque) poem...
for more info see
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