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 Mar 2017
Druzzayne Rika
Few years ago,
The story started so ...

It was a starry night ,
With a beautiful moonlight
and we did meet
we had a formal greet
on a lonely street .

You were standing by the street light,
A very alluring sight .
My eyes were captured by your eyes .
We were accompanied by dark skies,
And the blow of wind.
I had left all my thoughts behind
Enamoured by you !

You were perfection
but, in the end , a figment of my imagination .
 Mar 2017
Denise huddleston
For years I've been building my nest
Stick after stick nice and pressed

I finally get my nest built with small repairs on the way
Watching my little naked birds growing and gaining adult feathers everyday

As time goes my little birds are ready for Eagle Academy
They have their ups and downs what can I say they are boys guaranteed

Soon my little feathery birdies are growing like weeds
They begin to find mates some good and some not to proceed

I soon teach my little ball of feathers how to fly
They start catching their own food flying high

Soon my beautiful nest has become smaller
I start to lose my falter

My little birdies have grown into perfect eagles
I just sit and shake my head how can all of this be legal

Now that little nest I built stick by stick
Is so empty that it feels extinct

I continue to keep the nest cozy and warm
Just incase they run into a bad storm

My beautiful birdies have grown up and started a nest of their own
Now I feel all alone
Written by: Denise Huddleston
 Mar 2017
Few years before
any question asked
people look above
to think
people look below
just to search in Google
So, now
the intelligent look
more humble than before...
 Feb 2017
Druzzayne Rika
Longer I look there,
Stronger , I will feel this magnetic pull
To explore the abandoned place
Wiser if I was ,I will leave the door shut
But I had adventure in mind
Wanted to solve the mystery of screams
To see the result of going in haunted house
As I went ahead ,I felt a force
throwing me back to ground
followed by a deep voice telling me
"Walk away if you want to be alive"
saying that "go run and you might just survive"
and then I ran till I reached nowhere
Inside the deeper woods ,hearing the voices of wild
I sat on a rock trying to regain my breathing
But the dread remained ,now scared to meet the beasts
The adventure seeking gave me the scare
That might last longer than lifetime .
This is my first attempt !!
And I am already feeling so loved
Thanks everyone for reading

— The End —